
Showing posts from March, 2025


The biggest fish I ever caught was this 5 pound large mouth bass on a cane pole. We were at Camp Boxwell Boy Scout camp. The fish fell off the hook as I pulled him in over the bank and slid back into the water. I was fishing with my friend Gus Fowler and his father. Mr. Fowler jumped into the water and caught the fish barehanded before it was able to swim away and he threw it up on the bank. I was 15 years old.


 Our flight line in Nashville on March 13, 1993. Our Security Police unit was deploying to Hickam Field Hawaii and we were boarding our C-130 when I took this picture. There was 12 inches of snow on the ground in Nashville and 26 inches on the ground in Atlanta. I almost had to miss this trip because I was told a week prior to leaving that I was 14 pounds over my maximum weight of 220 pounds. I was determined to go to Hawaii and through fasting, exercise and saunas I lost 14 pounds in 6 days. When I walked into the orderly room and weighed I weighed exactly 220 pounds. You should have seen the looks on their faces. They didn't think I could do it. I was told that I could go but if I gained any weight on the trip over I would be placed on a plane and flown back to the US. When I weighed again upon landing at Hickam I had gained 2 pounds somehow. I don't know how because I was starving. Luckily they did a body mass test and I passed. Needless to say I ate like a pig when I finall...


 Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. At that time America was also being invaded, especially on our southern border. Millions of people from all over the world were pouring into this country and being encouraged to do it by the Democrat party. The Nazi war criminal George Soros was financing much of this migration. Criminals and terrorists were mixed in with this migration and they were terrorizing American citizens. People were being brutally murdered, women were raped and murdered. Children were molested. American's were robbed and carjacked by migrants. Stores suffered the loss of millions of dollars through theft and  American's were killed and injured by migrant drunk drivers. Our medical system, schools, prisons, welfare system, justice system and cities were overwhelmed by illegal migrants. Not only was the government doing nothing to stop this invasion but they were actually flying illegals into this country and putting them up in fancy hotels supplying their ...


  Many bloody wars have been started over what I think were stupid reasons. For example WW1, which was one of the bloodiest wars in history was started because of the assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sofia. With the right diplomacy that war could have been easily avoided. As a result over 10 million soldiers died before it was over and it changed the political landscape of Europe. It would also be the catalyst for the creation of the first Marxist-Leninist state called the Soviet Union. Communism has been responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people in the Twentieth Century alone and that is a conservative estimate. In my view the war in Ukraine could have been easily avoided. Putin is a tyrant but America has to be held accountable for it's part in bringing on the war.  In August 1939 Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin signed a non-aggression pact. Hitler had blamed the defeat of Germany in WW1 on the fact that the country had involved itself in...