Our flight line in Nashville on March 13, 1993. Our Security Police unit was deploying to Hickam Field Hawaii and we were boarding our C-130 when I took this picture. There was 12 inches of snow on the ground in Nashville and 26 inches on the ground in Atlanta. I almost had to miss this trip because I was told a week prior to leaving that I was 14 pounds over my maximum weight of 220 pounds. I was determined to go to Hawaii and through fasting, exercise and saunas I lost 14 pounds in 6 days. When I walked into the orderly room and weighed I weighed exactly 220 pounds. You should have seen the looks on their faces. They didn't think I could do it. I was told that I could go but if I gained any weight on the trip over I would be placed on a plane and flown back to the US. When I weighed again upon landing at Hickam I had gained 2 pounds somehow. I don't know how because I was starving. Luckily they did a body mass test and I passed. Needless to say I ate like a pig when I finally got to eat my first meal in the chow hall.
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