For years now I have been reminded by my Christian relatives and friends that I shouldn't worry so much about this world and what happens because everything is in God's hands. I agree with this thinking to a point. Ultimately it is what sustains me in the end. Sometimes, however; I suspect that many Christians say this in order to justify their own apathy. If all Christian's voted, and made their impact felt in the halls of government, maybe the left would not be making such headway in the world and evil would not triumph as easily. We forget that many Ivy League universities and others across the country were originally founded to train ministers. Most of these universities are Communist reeducation centers today. Until the 1947 Everson vs. the Board of education ruling Christianity had a huge impact on our leaders, government, schools and every aspect of society. The Everson ruling has left the impression with most Americans that there is such a thing as a separation of church and state. There is no such animal. Praying in school, at football games, having Bible readings in school, putting up a nativity scene on a courthouse lawn, or having the Ten Commandments in a court house, or placing a cross on public land does not constitute the establishment of religion. 

 As a student of history I can see Gods imprint on our country. George Washington recklessly exposed himself to danger during the French & Indian War and later during the American Revolution but was never injured. During Braddock's ambush and defeat he was the only Officer that survived unhurt and had numerous bullet holes in his uniform but got through the battle without a scratch. Even the Indians acknowledged that he had some sort of supernatural protection. They targeted him for death and could not kill him. In my view America owes it's existence to Washington. I can cite.many examples of how God might have interjected himself into history. When  I see injustice and people not being held accountable here in this world I am comforted by the knowledge that they will receive justice in the next at the hands of the true judge, Jesus Christ. Being human I would like to see the innocent go free and the true criminals be held accountable here on earth. There is nothing wrong with this attitude. Going even further, just like Jesus, I take no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked. I prefer redemption when it is based on true repentance. If you are sorry for your sins and not just for the fact that you got caught..

 It is a valid question. To what extent should a Christian involve themselves in worldly affairs and the direction of their country? Because many Christians believe that we are in the last days they think that there is nothing that they can do to alter events or slow things down. If you believe the prophecy given by Daniel in the Book of Daniel, chapter 2, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are in the last days. According to that prophecy the Founding Fathers were also living in the last days. A group of Christians called the Millerites were convinced that the Lord was coming back on October 22, 1844, but it did not happen. Many had even sold off all of their earthly possessions in preparation. Although many of the Founding Fathers were deists, many were fundamental Christians. Even the deists had great respect for religion and acknowledged that God granted inalienable rights to every American. Rights that the state could not take away. I am glad that our Christian Founding Fathers did not give in to the same view of  many modern day Christian's. They stood up to the greatest military power on the face of the earth. God stood by their side and as a result they prevailed. The Founding Father's could just as easily have said, I will do nothing because God will take care of me. No sweat, he has my back. God expects us to do all we can for ourselves and he will then have our back. It was their duty to throw off a tyrannical government and as history testifies God was there to help them finish the job. 


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