I realize that the demographics of the country have changed but I do not believe that we have passed the point of no return just yet. I cite as evidence the fact that in 2010 and 2014, the Republicans gained control of congress as push back against the unpopular policies of Obama in regard to such things as amnesty for illegals, Obamacare and same sex marriage. Pretty much everything Obama did as president was unpopular with the majority of the American people. According to the polls, the American people liked Obama personally but they just didn't like his policies. If that is true, I find that the American people are somewhat schizophrenic. Speaking for myself I despised Obama AND his policies. By rejecting Hillary in 2016, the American people were rejecting Obama. Plus the fact that few people liked Hillary. She was a terrible candidate.
With the current crop of Marxists running for president on the Democrat side I am compelled to ask the question, do they really believe in their heart that America is ready for a Communist president? There is no doubt in my mind that Obama was a communist but there was a time predating Obama when the Dems ran as moderates or centrist, and governed as leftists. This is how Bill Clinton was able to be elected in Arkansas and Al Gore was able to be elected to office in Tennessee. Southern Democrats are well versed in the art of lying to the people at election time but governing as leftists after they attain the office. They generally come from the more conservative areas and they learn the art of lying to their constituents at election time. That is because the people are paying attention. After they get into office, not so much, and they can get away with more. Republican's are guilty of doing the same thing. Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker are good examples. When they run for office they claim to be to the right of Atilla the Hun, but after being elected they govern as the good leftists that they are. Unlike the modern Democrats, at least they try to keep up the charade. The modern Democrats have thrown all caution to the wind, however; and are campaigning as full blown Marxists.
American's have changed but I think some things remain constant. Most American's are still decent hard working, patriotic, law abiding, gun and religion clinging American's. You know, the ones who are proudly known as the "Deplorables" Yes, even a great many traditional Democrats still love their country and are probably dismayed by that bunch of miscreants that they have running for president. This is why I believe Trump will win in 2020. I can't remember the exact quote but it goes something like this. In order for a Republic to survive it must be supported by a virtuous people. This lines up with what Alexis de Tocqueville said about America in the 1830's. America is great because America is good. Once it ceases to be good, it will cease to be great. Virtue is the bedrock of our Republic but the Marxists in government, academnia, and in Hollywood, are working day and night to undermine us and they are making great progress. So much so that they feel emboldened enough that they don't have to lie anymore about who they really are.
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