In the early 1980's I walked away from the Democrat Party and I have never looked back, or regretted my decision in any way. Since that time I sometime shake my head in wonder at people that profess to be proud, religious, patriotic, and otherwise good wholesome people who continue to vote Democrat. I have many friends and relatives like that. My question is how can they reconcile their personal values with a party that booed God at it's convention in 2016? Has exhibited hostility toward Israel, and has coddled the enemies of Israels and ours. Supports the radical homosexual agenda, and the transgender madness, which is nothing but enabling of mental illness. Their party is constantly pushing for limiting religious freedom in America. They support a party that is actively lobbying for infanticide.

  I also ask how can they support a party that daily exhibits it's hatred for America at home and abroad and is teaching our children to hate America. They also preach hatred for our military and many of these good people that I know have honorably served their country. My friends support a party that advocates for socialism and the Green New Deal, which is nothing but a scheme to take over our entire economy. The Democrat Party advocates for Obamacare, or single payer health insurance, which polls have shown consistently that most American's hate. The confiscation of firearms. As far as my friends and relatives go I know that most of them are believers in the 2nd Amendment but they support a party that wants to leave them defenseless. They also support a Party that scoffs at the traditional values that they wholeheartedly believe in. 

  I don't understand the vehement Trump hatred from many of my friends. As far as policy, they agree with most of what he does but they hate him. I can kind of relate to this because my wife absolutely hates Rush Limbaugh. Whenever I try to listen to him, when we are together, she goes berserk. She totally agrees with him on most everything he says but she hates his feigned arrogance and the sound of his voice. I have read that Rush in person is nothing like how he comes across in public. On a personal level people that know him say that he is charming. From what I have read Trump is the same way. In person he is nothing like he is in public. I have been listening to Rush for years and I love him because I know when he is being serious and when he is not. Personally I think he is hilarious. Leftists and my wife simply do not have a sense of humor when it comes to Rush or Trump. At least my wife likes Trump. Rush and Trump just rub people the wrong way. Like Rush, I find Trump hilarious and I pretty much know when he is yanking the chains of his enemies. It is hilarious to watch the lefts  reaction to Trump. Like Rush, he is playing them like a Stradivarius violin.

  So why do basically good and decent people identify with an organization as evil as the Democrat Party? I can only explain it in a variety of ways. Some of it is tradition. Especially among older people who remember the Democrat Party of Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy. That Democrat Party doesn't exist anymore but somehow these people are in denial. They just can't accept this reality and maybe they are just holding out the hope that the party is just going through a phase and one day it will come to it's senses. Somehow they can't fathom that the Democrat party is now the Communist Party of America and there is no going back. They are living in the past. These people are my age or older and many are dying off. 

  Secondly, I think some people are one issue voters. They are loyal to the Democrats because they have come to believe the myth that the Democrats represent the interests of the working man and the Republican's represent the interests of the super wealthy and big business. This especially applies to staunch Union members. Many Blacks also fall into this category because they have come to believe the myth that only the Democrat Party represents their interests. Their loyalty is to the same party that enslaved them, segregated them, lynched them and now has condemned many of them to a miserable existence in the inner city living with poverty, crime, and violent death. I have found that on a cultural level, many, if not most Blacks, are even more conservative than Whites when it comes to moral values. Most Blacks, however; have bought into the myth that in the 1960's the Republican Party and Democrat Party switched places. The Republicans became what the Democrat Party had always been and the Democrat Party was now the progressive party on race. This is how many Blacks can justify in their mind their allegiance to a party that doesn't uphold their values. The Democrat Party, the media, Hollywood, and our left wing educational system, has done a very effective job fostering this myth. I even bought into this myth for many years.

  Third, the media has a huge impact on people. Many people are guilty of not paying attention to current events. When they do they are getting their information from very flawed sources. There are basically three ways that the mainstream media distorts the news. There is Biased News, False News , and Fake News.  As far as biased news goes, I would even throw Fox News into this category. The news that they report seems to be fair and balanced but like the other networks they sometimes leave out stories that we all need to hear. For example, one of the biggest stories of 2018 was the fact that a group called the Justice Democrats selected several of it's candidates for congress from a casting call. In essence their candidates were actors auditioning for a part. Which in itself is a scary concept to me. The actresses that won seats were Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressly. Because of media bias I expected the mainstream networks like CNN, PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, and MSNBC to ignore this story, but not Fox. They barely mentioned it, however; and if it was mentioned at all it was by conservative commentators such as Sean Hannity. Even he devoted very little time to the story. Even conservative talk radio didn't spend too much time on this. I found out about it on a conservative podcast. Media bias is many times reflected by what stories that the networks fail to cover. 

  Other ways that the mainstream shows it's bias is by pointing out the gaffes and misstatements  of Republican's while ignoring those of the Democrats. By naming something that Trump or any Republican president said as racist when their is absolutely no evidence to back it up. Republican presidents are reviled in the media, especially Trump, in ways that would never have been tolerated during the Obama and Clinton administrations. Lets take the issue of illegal immigration for example. They point out Trump's rhetoric and actions as far as confining immigrant children on the border, as if it was something unique or new. The media conveniently leaves out the fact that his rhetoric and actions were no different than that of Bill Clinton and Obama when they were in office. The Democrats have come to realize that illegal immigrants are their future as far as staying in power. They know that they are too far to the left for most regular American's and they can't win elections unless they can get the immigrant vote. It has been found that at least 80% of the illegal immigrants favor the Democrat party. If 80% supported the Republican party, America would have a border wall that no would be impenetrable. THATS A FACT JACK !!!.

  False news reporting is when the mainstream media gets a story wrong but refuses to correct the story. If they do, the correction is relegated to the back pages in a very small column or done with little fanfare. A good example of false news is the Covington Catholic School fiasco. A group of mainly White teenage boys from Covington Catholic school in Kentucky were on a field trip to Washington D.C. to participate in a Pro-Life rally. The mainstream media, especially CNN, and the Washington Post, portrayed these boys in a horrible way. Because some of them were wearing MAGA hats the press depicted them as a bunch of privileged White racist kids. These boys were waiting in a designated area to be picked up by a bus on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. They were basically minding their own business. While waiting they were verbally assaulted by a radical Black group calling themselves the "Hebrew Israelites". Film footage verify's that the attack was vile and vicious. A so-called Indian activist named Nathan Phillips, who has since been proven to be a charlatan, walked into the group beating a drum and getting into the face of a young man named Nick Sandmann. Nick, handled himself in a very mature way. Under the pressure of an awkward situation he just kept smiling and not saying anything to escalate things. Sandmann did not back down, however. The media twisted things to make it appear that the boys were the aggressors instead of the victims. Fox News, bloggers, podcasts and conservative talk radio gave us a more accurate description of what actually happened in the days following the incident. The mainstream media for the most part, however; continued to perpetuate the lie. From the beginning, due to my distrust of the media, I had a gut feeling that the story was being distorted and I was right. I have learned, because of so much false news reporting in the past, to wait a few days until the distortions of the mainstream media are clarified.

Another incident of false news was after the terrorist attack at Benghazi on September 11, 2012. The mainstream media helped the Obama administration in perpetuating the lie that the terrorist attack in Benghazi Libya was the result of an anti-Islamic video and not the result of a planned terrorist attack. The Obama administration nurtured this lie for days and weeks afterward and were not challenged by the mainstream media. Hillary Clinton's emails prove that she knew the truth the same day but she had the nerve to look the grieving relatives of the four brave men who died, in the eyes, and continue lying about the reasons for the attack. 

Finally fake news is when the story is totally made up. For example the lie that Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri was shot by Officer Darren Wilson while holding his hands up in the air and saying "don't shoot". Even the Obama DOJ proved that the officer was being bull rushed by Brown and the shooting was justifiable. Earlier Brown had fought Wilson for his gun while he sat in his patrol car. During the struggle Wilson's gun had discharged. Wilson's whole career as a police officer was ruined as a result of this injustice by the media. Another example of fake news is the Dan Rather story during the George W. Bush administration. Rather reported a made up story about Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard. To this day Rather continues to insist that the story was true. Then there was the Brian Ross story in 2017 that Michael Flynn would testify that Trump "ordered him" during the 2016 campaign to make contact with the Russians. It was later determined that this occurred while Trump was president and not as a candidate. There is a thin line between false news and fake news. Obama started using the term fake news during the 2016 campaign but Trump has artfully taken the term from the left, and used it to his advantage. This is because the mainstream media is guilty of fake news reporting so often.

If you are a communist, socialist, atheist, radical muslim, radical homosexual, transgender, a radical feminist, a member of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or an anarchist, I can understand why you would be loyal to the Democrat Party. Many atheists and homosexuals identify with the conservative or libertarian point of view and I do not mean to malign these people. Personally, I believe that most people in America, regardless of race, background, or political affiliation are what has become known as the "Silent Majority". I trust the American who is well informed to make the right decisions at election time. The problem is that too many of us are not that well informed. If you are part of the silent majority that still identifies as a Democrat then the only thing I can figure is that you lack knowledge, are misinformed, or apathetic. Do not think that I am encouraging people to join the Republican party because I am definitely not. I identify as a Conservative, but I generally vote Republican as the lesser of two evils. If you don't like Trump, or everything the Republican's or Conservatives believe in, I get that but belonging to an organization that consistently doesn't reflect your values doesn't makes sense to me. It would be like a Jewish person belonging to a Christian church or a Christian belonging to a Jewish synagogue. If we are ever going to rid ourselves of the cancer which is the Democrat Party, good people must stop supporting it. Like a body without oxygen it would wither up and die without that support.




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