The Democrats are freaking out over the fact that Trump is rising in the polls because of the violence that they have unleashed on the American public since May. They haven't cared about the lives that have been destroyed and the property that has gone up in flames at the hands of their Nazi Brownshirts. They only care now because it might affect their chances of winning in November. To me this is the height of evil and Machiavellian politics. It cracks me up how the Democrats keep operating out of the same playbook that took them to defeat in 2016. What do they expect? That if they keep doing the same crazy things over and over somehow they will win in November. I believe that is the definition of insanity. At the same time I am not letting Trump off the hook on this one. Before everyone starts freaking out I am in no way saying that you should not vote for Trump in November. He is our only salvation as a country right now. The fate of our republic literally hangs on this election...