Regardless of race, ethnicity, or sex, far too many of us do not know our history. The Democrat party has done a very effective job of controlling the historical narrative in the last fifty years. To hear them tell it the Republican party is responsible for the problems in this country, primarily racism. The Republican's can win elections but they have done a terrible job at waging the culture war. Democrats have won that war and it will probably destroy America sooner rather than later.
I am not a Republican but I vote Republican most of the time because it is the only party I can vote for and sleep at night with a fairly clean conscience. I was a Democrat and drank the Kool-Aid until I was in my early thirties. Ronald Reagan was responsible for my #Walk Away experience. Some of my questions in this test are overly simplistic. For example there were multiple reasons for the acquisition of Florida, the Mexican War, or the Civil War but all my questions are based on a factual aspect of each situation. In addition Democrats like Harry Truman, John Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson did actually do things that were beneficial for Black people and their contribution cannot be ignored, regardless of what their real motives might have been, I don't have the ability to get into their heads. For example Truman and Johnson used the n-word in their personal speech until the day that they died. You are more likely to hear about the Democrat accomplishments in school, and less about the damage they have done. This is why I put this test together.
Johnson's welfare policies did much to destroy the Black nuclear family and those policies are also in the process of destroying the White nuclear family. These policies have also led to the tremendous rise of crime in America due to fatherless homes. I do not believe Johnson intended to damage the American family. This was just the unintended consequences of his policies. We also have to blame the Communist counterculture movement and the hippie movement for the destruction of the American family and our American values. These movements pushed the sexual revolution, free love, and the drug culture in America. Again Lyndon Johnson gets the indirect blame for this by pursuing a disastrous war in Vietnam. This war unleashed a Pandora's box of social problems.
Republican's cannot be held totally blameless for racial problems in America. For example there was the great sellout of Black people, or Compromise of 1877 in which Republican president Rutherford B. Hayes ordered an end to reconstruction policies in the South in order to secure his election as president in a very closely contested election. This agreement in essence abandoned the former slaves to the mercy of Democrat White supremacist policies in the South such as Jim Crow and lynching. Then there was the Brownsville incident during the presidency of Republican president Theodore Roosevelt where a group of Black soldiers were falsely accused of a murder in Brownsville Texas. This episode was a Black eye for Roosevelt and the Republican party. When you look at history in total, however; the Republican party, in the vast majority of situations, has always stood on the right side of the issues. The Democrat party has been responsible for the majority of the problems that this country has faced since it's formation in the 1820's.
Give this test to anyone you know that might be uninformed but willing to learn. As for the willfully ignorant, as Colonel Jessup might say, some people can't handle the truth.
1. What political party was the party of slavery?
Answer: The Democrat party
2. What political party was the anti-slavery party?
Answer: The Republican party
3. What future Democrat president invaded Spanish Florida in 1819 in order to keep escaped American slaves from finding sanctuary among the Seminole Indians?
Answer: Andrew Jackson
4. What Democrat President was responsible for forcefully removing the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole Indian tribes from their homeland in the southeast to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears?
Answer: Andrew Jackson
5. What Democrat president betrayed his Cherokee Indian allies that helped him defeat the Creek Indians in Alabama in 1813 by sending them to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears?
Answer Andrew Jackson
6. What political party pushed for war with Mexico in order to gain new territory for the expansion of slavery into the newly acquired territories of the southwest?
Answer : The Democrat party
7. What was the main cause of the Civil War?
Answer: The Democrat party's insistence on spreading slavery into the newly acquired territories taken during the Mexican war.
8. Which political party pushed to strengthen the fugitive slave law of 1850?
Answer: The Democrat Party.
9. Which political party tried to enforce the fugitive slave law?
The Democrat party
10. Which political party incited a bloody civil war in 1854 over the issue of spreading slavery into Kansas from Missouri?
Answer: The Democrat party.
11. What Democrat Supreme Court Chief Justice said in the infamous Dred Scott decision of 1857 that a Black man had no rights that a White man was bound to honor?
Answer: Roger B. Taney
12. What Democrat gave the Cornerstone speech justifying the Souths rebellion by stating (the Confederate governments) cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition.
Answer: Alexander Stephens
13. What political party started the American Civil War ?
Answer: The Democrat Party
14. What political party in the North tried to undermine the Union war effort acquiring the derisive name of Copperheads for it's traitorous pro Southern activities.
Answer: The Democrat Party
15. What political party was responsible for the Draft Riots of 1863 in New York City where as many as 2,000 people were killed, including many Black men who were lynched?
Answer: The Democrat party.
16. What political party hoped to win the presidential election of 1864 on a peace platform that would defeat Lincoln and a peace treaty that would be negotiated with the South leaving the institution of slavery intact.
Answer: The Democrat party
17. What political party party founded the Ku Klux Klan in Nashville as a terrorist organization?
Answer: The Democrat party
18. What was the ultimate goal of the Democrat KKK?
Answer: To keep White Republicans out of the South, Blacks from voting, and to keep all the political power in the hands of the White man.
19. What political party overwhelmingly voted for the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, freeing the slaves, giving the former slaves full equality under the law, and the right to vote.
Answer: The Republican Party
20. What political party passed Black codes in the South after the Civil War which essentially re-enslaved Blacks?
Answer: The Democrat Party
21. What political party passed the Reconstruction Act of 1867 over the veto of a Democrat president in order to guarantee the civil and voting rights of the former slaves in the South?
Answer: The Republican Party
22. What political party passed the Ku Klux Act of 1871 authorizing president Grant to declare martial law, impose heavy penalties against terrorist organizations, and the use of military forces to suppress the KKK?
Answer: The Republican Party
23. What political party was the party of lynching in both the 19th and 20th century?
Answer: The Democrat Party.
24. What political party in the late 1800's imposed segregation in the South which lasted almost 100 years?
Answer: The Democrat party.
25. What Democrat president promised fairness to Blacks during his campaign but either segregated them, or removed them from Federal jobs after he was elected?
Answer: Woodrow Wilson.
26. What Democrat president praised the racist movie Birth Of A Nation which led to the rebirth of the KKK after viewing it in the White House?
Answer: Woodrow Wilson.
27. What Democrat president was a personal friend of Thomas Dixon Jr., the author of the book, The Clansman, which was the book that the movie Birth Of A Nation was based on?
Answer: Woodrow Wilson
28. What Democrat president opposed womens suffrage until just before the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920?
Answer: Woodrow Wilson
29. What political party supported women's suffrage?
Answer: The Republican party.
30. What Democrat president sent thousands of loyal American's of Japanese descent to internment camps during WW2 without just cause?
Answer: Franklin Roosevelt.
31. What Supreme court justice appointed by Franklin Roosevelt was a member of the KKK?
Answer: Hugo Black
32. What court case engineered by the Democrat and former Klansman Hugo Black in 1947, because of his anti-Catholic bias, forever damaged religious freedom in America by redefining the 1st Amendment?
Answer: Everson vs. the Board of Education
33. What Republican Federal Judge from Alabama ruled in favor of Black people being able ride anywhere they wanted to on public buses during the Montgomery bus boycott?
Answer: Frank Johnson.
34. Although Democrat president Truman signed an executive order in 1948 integrating the military, what Republican president actually accomplished that goal?
Answer: Dwight Eisenhower.
35. What Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice engineered a unanimous decision striking down segregation of public schools in 1954 called the Brown vs. the Board of Education case.
Answer: Earl Warren
36. What Republican president sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock Arkansas in 1957 to protect Black students from White mobs surrounding Little Rock Central high school.
Answer: Dwight Eisenhower
37. What political party overwhelmingly supported the 1957, 1960, 1964 and 1965 civil rights acts while many in the Democrat party did not support these acts and also filibustered them?
Answer: The Republican party.
38. What Tennessee Democrat senator refused to sign the 1964 civil rights act?
Answer: Al Gore Sr.
39. Although Democrat president John Kennedy instituted the affirmative action program in 1961, which Republican president employed the affirmative action quota system?
Answer: Richard Nixon
40. Which Republican president was a card carrying member of the N.A.A.C.P. ?
Answer: Richard Nixon
41. Which Democrat Senator was an organizer and member of the KKK?
Answer: Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia.
42. What Democrat West Virginia senator filibustered the 1964 civil rights act?
Answer: Senator Robert Byrd
43. Who called Robert Byrd their mentor?
Answer: Hillary Clinton
44. Who gave a eulogy at the funeral of Robert Byrd?
Answer: Barack Obama
45. What Democrat Arkansas senator was a staunch segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto opposing the 1954 Supreme Court Brown vs. the Board of Education decision ordering the desegregation of public schools?
Answer: J. William Fulbright
46. How many congressmen signed the Southern Manifesto in opposition to the Brown vs. the Board of Education ruling?
Answer: 99 Democrats and 2 Republicans.
47. Which Democrat Arkansas senator filibustered the 1964 civil rights act for 83 days in opposition to it.
Answer: J. William Fulbright
48. Which Democrat senator helped Bill Clinton get a draft deferment during the Vietnam war, and helped him to seek a Rhodes scholarship?
Answer J. William Fulbright.
49. What Democrat president said this about J. William Fulbright at his funeral? "We come to celebrate and give thanks for the remarkable life of J. William Fulbright, a life that changed our country and our world forever and for the better....In the work he did, the words he spoke and the life he lived, Bill Fulbright stood against the 20th century's most destructive forces and fought to advance it's brightest hopes".
Answer: Bill Clinton.
50. What Democrat Governor was sued by the N.A.A.C.P. for suppressing the Black vote in Arkansas?
Answer: Bill Clinton
51. What Democrat Arkansas governor issued birthday proclamations honoring Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee?
Answer Bill Clinton
52. What Democrat Governor signed Act 116 in 1987? This act reconfirmed that the star above the word Arkansas in the state flag stood for the Confederacy.
Answer: Bill Clinton
53. What Democrat governor of Arkansas observed Confederate Flag Day for all of the 12 years that he served?
Answer: Bill Clinton
54. What Democrat governor of Arkansas never approved a civil rights law in the entire 12 year period that he served as governor?
Answer: Bill Clinton.
55. What did Bill Clinton say about Barack Obama to Ted Kennedy in seeking his support for Hillary Clinton's nomination for president in 2008?
Answer: " This guy would have been carrying our bags".
56. What did Joe Biden say about Barack Obama?
Answer: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright, and clean, and a nice looking guy".
57. What did Hillary Clinton once call Bill Clinton's Jewish campaign manager?
Answer: " A fucking Jew bastard".
58. What Democrat president has cozied up to Louis Farakhan, a notorious racist and anti-semite who has referred to Jews as termites?
Answer: Barack Obama
59. What political party race baits by perpetrating the myth that White police officers are targeting Black people in order to kill them?
Answer: The Democrat party
60. What political party says that Black lives matter when they are killed by a White police officer but ignores the thousands of innocent Blacks being killed by Black thugs in our inner cities?
Answer: The Democrat party
61. What political party has supported Planned Parenthood through thick and thin? An organization that was founded by the racist and eugenicist Margaret Sanger. She wanted to exterminate the Black race and other undesirables. Eugenics is the theory that Adolph Hitler based his racial policies on. It is also an organization that has killed nearly over 60 million unborn children of all races since 1973. At least one third of them have been Black?
Answer: The Democrat party
62. What political party openly supports an organization called Black Lives Matter that has publicly stated that it's members are trained Marxists?
Answer: The Democrat party
63. What political party should be banned because of their racist past and the threat that they pose to life and liberty?
Answer: The Democrat party.
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