The Democrats are freaking out over the fact that Trump is rising in the polls because of the violence that they have unleashed on the American public since May. They haven't cared about the lives that have been destroyed and the property that has gone up in flames at the hands of their Nazi Brownshirts. They only care now because it might affect their chances of winning in November. To me this is the height of evil and Machiavellian politics. It cracks me up how the Democrats keep operating out of the same playbook that took them to defeat in 2016. What do they expect? That if they keep doing the same crazy things over and over somehow they will win in November. I believe that is the definition of insanity.

At the same time I am not letting Trump off the hook on this one. Before everyone starts freaking out I am in no way saying that you should not vote for Trump in November. He is our only salvation as a country right now. The fate of our republic literally hangs on this election. We are like a spider dangling from a thin web over an open fire. Even when Trump wins we may only be buying a few years before we fall as a nation but at least his election buys us some time. In most things Trump has done an excellent job as president and without the evil of the Democrat party fighting for every inch there is no telling what more President Trump could have accomplished if he had only had a little help. Even if Trump only serves one four year term he will go down as one of the most effective one term presidents in American history. 

On the other hand Trump is playing politics with this violence also. I believe his strategy has been to allow the blue states and cities to self destruct. By allowing this he is gambling that the rest of America will see Democrat evil and incompetence firsthand. He has been hoping for an American backlash in his favor that is now being reflected in the polls. This strategy might be successful but what about the forgotten American's that he vowed to serve in his inaugural address?

What about the forgotten American's of all races who have lost their businesses, their life's savings, their jobs, their feeling of security, their health and their very lives in all of this Democrat violence. Trump is president of all of the people and the chief law enforcement officer in the land. It is his duty to see that the rule of law is upheld. He could have done all of this by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807. What we are seeing in America is exactly why that law was written. If we do not have an insurrection going on right now I don't know what you would call it.

I hear all the excuses. But Greg he doesn't have the authority to go into a state unless he is asked. I say that he does. The Insurrection Act gives him that authority if local authorities are not quelling the violence on their own due to incompetence or corruption. But Greg, he will be called a tyrant by the press. Heck, they have been calling him a tyrant for the last 4 years and also Hitler for good measure. He will be condemned no matter what he does. This is projection because they are the tyrants, not Trump. True leaders take bold action and lead you where you should go and not where you want to go. They make valid arguments later to justify their actions. Trump will win but I think bold action to save those forgotten American's in the blue states would have guaranteed him a victory hands down in November. We can only hope that his political strategy is working.


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