Benedict Arnold Joe Biden For years the name Benedict Arnold was synonymous with someone who was a traitor to his country or anyone who was a backstabber. We would call someone fitting this description a Benedict Arnold. Yet, when you study the life of Benedict Arnold he was actually a valuable asset for America until he decided to try and sell us out. In my opinion he was our greatest general in the American Revolution. Even better than George Washington. It was his leadership at the battle of Saratoga that won that battle. Saratoga is called the turning point of the American Revolution because France decided to become our ally because the victory was so decisive. During the battle Arnold was severely wounded in the leg and would limp for the remainder of his life. When Arnold decided to turn traitor and hand our stronghold at West Point over to the British it would be the equivalent of Generals the likes of Ulysses S. Grant, John J. Pershing, George Patton, Douglas MacArthur, o...