We have heard a lot about White privilege lately. I am White and I was privileged at one time. Guilty as charged. I was born in 1950 when black children my age were not as privileged as I was. My mom would take me shopping and we could sit down for a burger and fries at Woolworth's on 5th Avenue or Harvey's Monkey Bar on Church Street. A black person with a kid my age was welcome to spend their hard earned money in Nashville stores but they had to buy their food at a Negro establishment somewhere. If we went to the Memphis Zoo we could go every day of of the week except Thursdays. That day was limited to black people because it was Negro Day. Of course I went to all white schools that didn't have hand me down text books like the black schools and we could walk to the ticket booth of a movie theater, buy our ticket, go to the lobby, buy our drinks, popcorn and sit down in any available seat in the theater. We didn't have to buy our tickets, skip concessions, then walk down a rat infested dark alley to climb the fire escape and sit in the balcony like black people did. That was then and this is now. My White privilege has evolved. After the civil rights advances of the 1960's privilege extended to others regardless of race, creed or religion. I have been privileged to live in a country that through trial and error evolved into the most egalitarian country on earth. Although life has dealt me a tough hand I was privileged to live where I could rise above that. Where I could serve my country in our armed forces and have the privilege of being an American that has allowed me to work and feed my family. I am also privileged to have the greatest children, grandchildren and wife in the world. Enough about my privilege. Lets talk about the privilege of others in America right now.

  Believe it or not if you are needy or homeless in America you are privileged. There are more government agencies, churches and charitable organizations in America than anywhere else in the world. There is no reason for people to go hungry here. Dinesh D'Souza, who came here from India, once asked his brother why he wanted to come to America. He told Dinesh that he wanted to live in a country where it's poor people were fat. Compare our poor with the poor in Honduras, Haiti, Venezuela, or Somalia. If you are an illegal alien you are privileged. You can find a job in our country start a business and receive free health care, free public education, welfare, food stamps, a social security check and an interpreter will be provided. If you are illegal and are a criminal you stand a better chance to get away with your criminal activity, or a softer sentence here than in your home country. Our jails and prisons are probably better than in your country of origin. If you drive under the influence, DWI, you might be able to get away with it over and over again until you kill someone. Then, who knows, you might even be able to get away with it after that. If you are a illegal alien like Jose Antonio Vargas you might be privileged enough to host an MTV program on of all things, (White privilege). 

 A few years ago a black lady called me privileged. This was coming from a woman who probably made more money in salary than I have ever made in my life. She held several college degrees and I haven't even finished college. Her husband, who is also black held a job that most people would die for and there is no telling how much they earn as a couple. My wife was a stay at home mom for most of our life and when she did work it was for minimum wage in a daycare. I would be willing to bet good money that her life, compared to mine, has been much more privileged. She was about the age of my youngest daughter so she never experienced the segregation and racism that her parents, who were my age, faced. I would say that her children are much more privileged than white children growing up in Appalachia and many other white children growing up in America. It is funny how most people, white and black, who throw that term around so loosely are from the privileged elite themselves. When she called me privileged it pushed my hot button. I commenced to tell her that I was orphaned at 12 and my life has always been a struggle. My skin color never helped me that much. In retrospect I should have told her that yes, like her, I was privileged to have been born in the greatest, least racist, most diverse, most egalitarian country in the world and dared her to convince me that I am wrong. The day that people stop wanting to come here from all over the world is the day that I might decide that they are right and I am wrong. Ask yourself this question. Why would anyone want to come to a country as racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic as the political left says we are?  

 If you are a radical Muslim you can come from an oppressive country that mistreats women, children, and homosexuals and be welcomed with open arms by the Fascist Democrats in this country. The radicals can take advantage of our freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution to establish their repressive Sharia law and plan their jihadist attacks right under our noses. If you are Muslim and are antisemitic you will be supported and celebrated by the antisemitic left as we have seen with the recent pro- Hamas rallies If you are homosexual you are privileged to live in a country where only two percent of our population can bully the rest of us into violating our 1st Amendment right of religious liberty. They try to force preachers to marry them or face fines and possible imprisonment. Bakeries and photography studios can be forced out of business by fines and threats because of the Democrat homosexuals privileged station in life. If you belong to Black Lives Matter or Antifa you can bully police departments, city governments, and public officials by crying racism. Or using violence and the threat of violence. 

 You can also tear down the statues of our heroes and probably get away with it. The Confederate statues that the Democrats find offensive were erected by the Democrat party in the first place.  Last but not least all of the groups that I have mentioned are privileged to walk on, burn, and desecrate the very flag that thousands upon thousands of white, black, Indian, Asian, Hispanic, female, homosexual, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and atheist American soldiers fought and died for. You can't be more privileged than that. On the other hand you do not have privilege if you are a white straight male, a black Republican or Conservative, a Conservative homosexual, or a woman Trump supporter. You might be fired from your job for saying or writing the wrong thing on social media. Biden just signed an executive order saying that you can be fired from your Federal job if you don't use the right pronouns. If this survives judicial scrutiny how long do you think it will take to affect the rest of us? Or if you use a gun when people are threatening to kill you or rape your wife while waiting on short staffed police departments to respond to your 911 call. In the slaves states like New York or California you will probably go to jail. Or if you run over or shoot a rioter who is blocking your car. Or who is trying to break into your car while you are in it. Finally, if you are a police officer of any race trying to uphold the rule of law. Privilege today is no longer based just on skin color in America. It is mostly based on ideology.

 Stephen Crowder was somehow able to acquire the first three pages of Covenant school shooter Audrey Hales manifesto that has been withheld from the public since March 27th of this year. Hale was the trans lunatic that shot up the Covenant school in Nashville on March 27, 2023 of this year. The Nashville police department, due to Fascist Democrat pressure, has refused to release the manifesto because it doesn't fit their narrative. The narrative is that the greatest threat facing this country right now is white supremacy or Trump MAGA supporters. Anyone who has half a brain knows that white supremacists are a tiny fringe group of a few thousands members, if that, and the least dangerous people in this country right now. Incredibly, black Conservatives and black Trump supporters are also considered white supremacists by the left. People like Larry Elder, Candace Owens, and other black Conservatives are also called white supremacists by the left. This is how crazy they are. 

 They are constantly redefining terms. You can be called a racist for simply opposing a Democrat black politician because of ideological differences. Of course if you oppose a black Conservative politician that is okay. I was called a racist once because I said that I was not going to vote for Obama. How many times did we hear Obama say that people were opposed to him because he looked different and had a funny name. No, we opposed him because he was a leftist anti- American racist and a Communist. If Vivek Ramaswamy were to somehow win the Republican nomination for president I would gladly vote for him even though he looks different and has a funny name. So would the majority of Conservatives. If you oppose radical Islam you are a Islamophobe. When I say that it is biologically impossible for someone to change their sex I am a transphobe. If I am against homosexual marriage I am a homophobe. Because I am pro-life I am a sexist and misogynist. Just because I don't want my country flooded with illegal immigrants I am a xenophobe. 

 Conservatives of all races probably own the majority of guns in this country. If we were so dangerous you would know it. We are told that white supremacy is the greatest threat but little evidence can be produced to prove their point. When a true white supremacist kills black people he has nothing in common with Constitutional Conservatives. We are the most oppressed group in this country today and we are the majority. Most Conservatives that I know are trying to stay low key. Unlike me they are afraid to wear a Trump hat, a Conservative themed tee shirt or afraid to put Trump bumper stickers on their car because they don't want to be verbally or physically assaulted. I refuse to let these Fascists intimidate me but most Conservatives are not like me unfortunately. The less attention the better for them. They are afraid of having their car damaged or being physically or verbally  attacked. Some of my Conservative friends are even getting off the grid altogether. They refuse to use social media, emails, texts and watch what they say on their cell phones. My advice to them is that they are playing right into the Fascist hands when they do that. Their goal is to shut us up and it is working. We must stand up and face these bullies head on. There are more patriots in this country than traitors and we need to always remember that there is strength in numbers. When people see my bumper stickers or clothing that has a conservative message I have usually had overwhelming support. People will stop me and tell me so. Yes, I have a few crazies cut me off on the road or give me the finger but they are very few and far between. 

The following is from Audry Hale's manifesto. 

DEATH DAY - 3/27/23

Today is the day yes.
The day has finally come!
I can't believe it's here.
Don't know how I was able to get this far, but here I am.
I'm a little nervous, but excited too.
Been excited for the past two weeks.
There were several times I could have been caught.
Especially b_ _ _ack in the summer of 2021.
None of that matters now. I'm almost an hour + 7 minutes away.
Can't believe I'm doing this. But I'm ready...
I hope my victims aren't.
My only fear is if anything goes wrong, I'll do my best to prevent any of the sort.
God let my wrath take over my anxiety.
It might be 10 minutes tops. It might be 3 - 7 tops. It's gonna go quick.
I hope I have a high death count.
Ready to die haha- Aiden

The following is what she wrote close to two months earlier.
Kill those kids!!! 2-3-23
Those crackers
Going to private fancy schools
With those fancy khakis + sports backpacks
W/their m_ _ _daddies Mustangs + convertibles_ _ _
Fuck you little shits
I wish to shoot you weakass dicks
W/your mop yellow hair.
Wanna kill all you little crackers!!!
Bunch of little faggots
W/your white privlages. 
Fuck you faggots.

She misspells privileges. A product of modern government education I guess. She was a lesbian and her use of the term faggots indicates self hatred to me. Much like Karl Marx who was Jewish but consistently used antisemitic terms. The hypocrisy of the left is so evident. Nashville authorities have refused to release this manifesto. Turn this shooting around. If this was a straight person targeting homosexual children or trans children this manifesto would have been released before the bodies had reached room temperature. The same would apply if it had been a white person targeting black people. We knew the black church shooting in Charleston South Carolina by Dylan Roof was a hate crime immediately because the media wasn't hiding anything. The same can be said about the grocery store shooting in Buffalo New York and the Christ Church shooting in New Zealand. A trans person doing the shooting doesn't fit their narrative. 

 There are a few things that jump off the page from this manifesto. Her excitement and happiness at targeting suburban white children reminds me of the excitement displayed by Hamas when they massacred Jews on October 7th. Then there is that term white privilege. Our children are being saturated with terms like white privilege in our schools and colleges. Kids are being taught that if they are people of color, homosexual or trans they are the oppressed and white people are the oppressor. This is Critical Race Theory and Queer theory which are both Marxist concepts. Conservatives and Trump supporters, contrary to Joe Biden's Justice Department, are the least threatening of any group. If they spent as much time investigating Audrey Hale as they do investigating us they may have been able to prevent this tragedy. Diversity, equity and inclusion policies are just as evil as segregationist policies. These ideas are dangerous and poisoning the minds of people, especially young people. My mother taught me all my life that two wrongs don't make a right. How do we expect to correct the wrongs of the past by replacing those immoral policies with policies that are just as immoral. Equality is a goal that we should strive for. Equity equals vengeance and payback. In many large corporations straight white people cannot get a job or be promoted. These jobs go to people of color, transexuals and homosexuals. If my family was cursed by alcoholism how can I break the cycle of alcoholism if their drink of choice was wine and all I did was change to bourbon. If you want to break the cycle of alcoholism you stop drinking. What we are facing is demonic. We are in a spiritual battle that Jesus will win in the end but we must define evil and call it out when we see it. No general can ever hope to win a battle unless they know their enemy and we have to know ours to defeat. 


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