To begin with I am a Nashville native and I have always been proud to be from one of the greatest cities in the United States. Unfortunately it is governed by Communists but I am extremely proud of it's police force. As one expert stated their response to the Covenant school shooting was the gold standard. They are working class like me and of common stock. My kind of people. My only complaint is that I don't think all the officers involved are getting the praise they deserve. It is being limited primarily to the two officers that actually killed this piece of filth. They are true heroes but the body cameras revealed the fact that it took teamwork to accomplish the mission and all officers involved exposed themselves equally to danger.  I am also impressed by Covenant's staff and their response to an active shooter. Although the facility didn't have armed security on site their quick action of locking down the school saved lives. It was unfortunate for the victims in the sense that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You see this dirtbag stalking around an almost empty facility looking for victims but not finding them due to the training of the staff.  The female and male staff members of the school that met Officer Englebert outside deserve praise for their bravery. It was obvious that they were following training. The lady gave the officer information on the status of school personnel, such as two students that she couldn't account for and the layout of the school. The male staff member then handed Officer Englebert a key giving him access to the building. I want to say something here about the concept of first responders. We have it all backwards. The staff of that school were the first responders. It would have been nice if there had been armed teachers, or the janitor had been armed, but their actions saved lives. This is not meant to denigrate the role of the police, fire and medical personnel but regular citizens are first responders. When we come upon a bad wreck, a heart attack victim, or are confronted with an active shooter our actions might mean the difference between life and death. The government doesn't like competition and since the 1970's they have pushed the concept of first responders while at the same time diminishing our very important and vital role as first responders.
 This dirtbag who went into the school shooting is no less of a dirtbag than Omar Mateen who shot up a homosexual nightclub in Orlando Florida, or Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold who shot up Columbine high school, Charles Whitman who shot people from a tower on the campus of the University of Texas  or Dylan Roof who killed people in a black church in Charleston South Carolina in 2015. Since the first of these mass shootings by Whitman in 1966 there have been far too many to count or to list here. The false narrative established by the Communists in recent years is that white supremacy is the greatest threat that America faces today. The greatest threat that America faces is cultural Marxism espoused by the Democrat party. White supremacists are very small fringe groups such as the KKK or Neo Nazi's which identify more with the left than they do with the right. Historically the Democrat party has been more associated with racism than anyone. Not only have they espoused racism but also sexism. Under their cultural Marxist agenda they have killed millions of children through abortion, they have destroyed the nuclear family through welfare policies, attacked our core religious values, taught our children to hate this country and they have crippled our children through indoctrination rather than education. Unfortunately they control the narrative. They control most of our media and Hollywood. Have you noticed that when one of these mass shootings occurs, and if it doesn't fit the narrative we have to wait sometimes for hours to learn the shooters name, their motive for the shooting and the race or gender of the shooter. If it is committed by someone such as Dylan Roof, a true white supremacist, we know their name, race, motive and the fact that it was a hate crime before the dead even assume room temperature. On top of that the story is front page news for days and weeks on end. If it doesn't fit the narrative it is only covered in the news for a day or two and conveniently pushed to the side and forgotten. 

The Nashville Covenant school shooting doesn't fit the narrative. It was one of their own that committed this crime. Recently the state of Tennessee passed two laws that any decent person with any sense of morality would have to support. That it is unlawful to conduct a drag show in the presence of children and children under the age of 18 cannot have their bodies mutilated with drugs or surgery designed to change their gender. First of all it is incredible that a state would even have to pass laws like this. It should be common sense that children should not be exposed to drag shows and that they should not be able to mutilate their bodies in order to achieve the impossible before the age of 18. I will say what many are afraid to say. It is impossible for a person to change their gender. I know this as well as I know that I will die someday, or that if I jump out of an airplane there is a law of gravity and I will not be able to fly by flapping my arms but fall straight to the ground. Or that if I walk outside and the sun is shining I should not believe the person who is trying to convince me that it is nighttime. The science is settled on this one people. Sorry, but I am going to skip the insane train. I also believe God on this one. Genesis 5:2. Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. He created them male and female, and blessed them, and called their name "Adam," in the day when they were created". If you are one of the people saying that Tennessee is wrong for passing these laws then there is something fundamentally wrong with you. Just maybe you have been given over to a reprobate mind. The Nashville police chief is lying when he says that Covenant school was targeted but he doesn't know the shooters motive. How do you know that the school was targeted? If you don't know the motive how can you know that it was targeted? Let us see her manifesto. The "Alphabet Mafia" is pressuring the authorities not to release this manifesto because it will be devastating to their cause. If the shooter had been a Trump supporter they would have released the manifesto as soon as it was discovered. Some of us are on to these people

 I am so tired of hearing about the anger of all these supposed marginalized groups. The trans community, the homosexual community, women, and people of color. The government, big business, big education, the entertainment industry, and social media rolls out the red carpet for them on a daily basis. They are treated as something special while at the same time they are being taught that they are victims. Trans people, women, homosexuals, and people of color are radicalized into thinking that violence and shouting people down that don't agree with them is not only acceptable but a trait to be admired. It is the straight Christian white person that is now the outcast of society and that it is fashionable to make fun of and to loathe them. If you don't believe me just read their writings and listen to what they say. If you are a trans person, homosexual, woman, or person of color who doesn't agree with their viewpoint then you lose your exalted status and you become one of us. It's kind of like those times during segregation when I spoke out against racial injustice and I was called an N lover. Racist whites hated guys like me probably more than they hated blacks. My identity as a white person meant that I was supposed to know better. They were Democrats doing this and the author of the present injustice is still the Democrat party. The skin color has changed, and they have added gender and sexual orientation to the mix. It is about how you identify and has nothing to do with the content of your character. This piece of filth shooter was probably expressing her anger against Christianity. The Communists create mythical crisis that gets people worked up over nonexistent threats. White supremacy, transphobia, homophobia, Islamophobia, Xenophobia and whatever trouble they can stir up. 

Let's have a discussion about anger for a moment. Let me tell you about anger. I am the angry American. There is no one angrier than I am today. My son was murdered by the Chinese Communist Party that purposely released Covid on the world that not only killed him but my friend Pete Jentsch, Phil Valentine, and hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. These innocent victims were murdered in a biological attack designed to remove an American president from power. A president who dared to oppose Communist China and the elitist globalists of the world and here in the United States. I watched as a corrupt senile pedophile gained control  of the White House after the most corrupt election in American history. I watched how he dismantled all the good things president Trump had accomplished over four years such as the greatest economy ever, a great trade policy, a great foreign policy, the build-up of the US military, the destruction of ISIS, the containment of Iran and the building of respect for the United States from both our enemies and friends. We became energy independent for the first time since just after WW2 and he virtually put an end to illegal immigration by building the wall and backing it up with diplomacy. This sick perverted man who was illegally placed into power lied to us about everything and continues to lie. He lied about the Covid vaccine and it's effectiveness. Forced people to take a dangerous and ineffective shot against our will which did not keep people from getting Covid or stop the spread of it. It actually has killed more people than it has helped. Biden and the psychopath Fauci not only lied about the effectiveness of the shot, masks and lockdowns. They lied about the life saving effectiveness of drugs like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin which by themselves could have saved thousands of people and virtually put an end to Covid. Their lockdowns not only helped to destroy Trumps economy but it targeted small business, targeted freedom of religion and was the cause of many suicides. 

 I am angry about the fact that the Biden's have become filthy rich through gross corruption. Biden and the Democrats by spending money like there is no tomorrow and the destruction of our energy sector have caused inflation to soar which is a burdensome tax on the middle class and poor. They are choosing to raise interest rates in order to slow inflation rather than doing the right thing by cutting spending. Raising interest rates is hurting banks and real estate. Banks are failing and the stock market is on shaky ground. I am mad at the fact that every part of our government from the military, state department, the Federal Reserve, intelligence services, the FBI and every part of the government bureaucracies are led by incompetent clowns. I am angry that the our economy is being destroyed in the name of a fraudulent crisis called Climate change. Our cities are being destroyed by criminals and homelessness caused by lawless city governments that refuse to enforce laws. The fact that the Democrat party is in league with globalist corrupt Republicans who are purposely destroying this country and I am angry at the fact that I feel helpless to do anything to stop the destruction of the greatest country in the world and the country that I love.

 Nobody cares about my anger, however; and the anger of my like minded countrymen. We vote for the few people who seem to be fighting for us like Trump, Desantis and a handful of others. Our kind stand to pay a heavy price because they hate us even more than they hate Trump. Although I am very angry my anger doesn't drive me to kill. People like us own the majority of the 400 million guns in this country but we are not like the Communists who don't believe in the true and living God but they think they are gods. Like the serpent said to Eve in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3:5 - For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. This shooter listened to satans lies for so long she was convinced that her life and the lives of innocents was her only way out. Satan's main goal is to kill, steal and destroy. The Communist's, who are satans workers here on earth are here to kill steal and destroy. They are responsible for more death and destruction in the last one hundred years than any political or religious movement on earth. China's Mao, Russia's Stalin, Cambodia's Pol Pot, Cuba's Castro, Romania's Ceaușescu, Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh, Germany's Hitler and so many others. Yes, Hitler was a socialist and not a right winger. As much as I would love to see the Communist leaders in our country who are responsible for so much death and misery see justice in my lifetime my weapons will remain safely ensconced in their place because my actions are ruled by the Living God. That is because I know I am not "a god" with the power to decide who lives or dies. Only God has the right to decide such things. I just hope that the day my inalienable freedoms are ultimately threatened my anger will give me the courage to protect those rights to the death. 



  1. Good Morales and Christianity must and will prevail in the end .


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