George Soros |
"Very surprising that there would be a mass shooting at a Christian school, given that lack of prayer is often blamed for these horrible events. Is it possible they weren't praying enough, or correctly, despite being a Christian school? " David Pakman
David Pakman |
This tweet by David Pakman was the most hideous thing that I have. seen regarding the Nashville school shooting. He never made an apology but did remove the tweet. This is what he said after he took it down. "Alright, too many antisemitic attacks and threats to my family. I've delete the tweet." This guy is a coward. If I hadn't heard someone say he was a Jew I wouldn't even know he was Jewish and I doubt that most people know that he was unless they read his retraction. The nerve of this guy who created a very anti Christian tweet but now he wants to hide behind antisemitism. I don't believe him when he says that he was attacked for being Jewish. Or that he received death threats. I want to see the evidence. Until he produces it I will assume that he probably received valid criticism for his remarks that are well deserved but he turned this criticism into antisemitism. This is what the left does. I am seeing this trend more and more. Unfortunately I am forced to use Microsoft at work and their news page pops up when I log on to my computer. Their news is incredibly biased. The other day I saw a headline that stated that when Republican's use a term like a George Soro's backed DA in regard to someone like Alvin Bragg they are being antisemitic. How so? The fascist globalist George Soro's is trying to undermine western democracy. What does that have to do with his ethnicity? There are bad Jews and good Jews. Soros is an evil man that happens to be Jewish. Are we supposed to ignore his wickedness because he is Jewish? What about Louis “Lepke” Buchalter, Meyer Lansky, Arnold “The Brain” Rothstein, or Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel ? These were notorious gangsters during the 1930's and 40's. I guess that we have to like them and ignore their crimes because they were Jewish? Or Karl Marx, the self hating Jew that spread the poison of Communism that has been responsible for the deaths of millions. On the other hand there have been Jews who have impacted history in a very positive way. Albert Einstein, Irving Berlin, Elizabeth Taylor, Jerry Lewis, Elie Wiesel, David Ben Gurion, Niels Bohr, Benjamin Disraeli, Golda Meir, Menachem Begin, and Benjamin Netanyahu just name a few.
Albert Einstein |
The Communists have redefined what antisemitism or racism really means. In 2008 a black coworker at Bridgestone-Firestone asked me who I was voting for. I had studied Barack Obama and knew then that he was a Communist. Although I had been a Democrat at one time I haven't voted Democrat since 1980 and swore after I became a conservative that I would never vote Democrat again. When I told him that I wasn't voting for Obama he said " Oh I see, your a racist". I told him that no I am not a racist and you don't get to define me today. It is the Democrats who are racist and antisemitic. I knew Democrats who voted for every white Communist candidate that the Democrats ran for president but when Obama ran they couldn't vote for him because he was black. Conservatives have always been big supporters of Israel, and conservative Jewish leaders like Netanyahu. It has been Democrats who have disrespected Israel and supported their enemies. Obama was the worst. He supported Iran and was friendly to every radical Muslim regime that came down the pike. Donald Trump did what no other president Democrat or Republican had ever done. He placed the American embassy in Jerusalem. His son-in-law is Jewish and he has Jewish grandchildren. Protestant Christians realize that Jesus was Jewish and those who understand the Bible realize that Jews were chosen by God to lead the world to Jesus. It is time for Conservatives to stand up to these Communists and let them know that they can change the definition of words all that they want to but they have no power to define us.
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