This country is in a fight for it's life. It has been for many years now. Each election cycle has pushed us closer and closer to the point of no return. I am not only talking about presidential elections but congressional, state elections, city elections, judicial elections and all the way down to school board elections. Constitutional conservative candidates have lost far too many of these elections or havn't even tried to run for office. Far too many states and cities have been lost to the Fascist Democrat party. On the national level we have somewhat slowed the process with the elections of Reagan and Trump over the years but we have lost much ground in the culture war that has undermined our nuclear family, religious values and common sense values. If we ever have another situation where there is a Democrat president, and a Democrat dominated congress we will lose our Bill of Rights. America will become a one party state and a totalitarian fascist state. They can do this by packing the Supreme Court, and making Washington D.C. the 51st state. The Fascists will own the FBI, CIA, all of our intelligence services, the military, the IRS and all of our bureaucracies. Personally, I believe it might already be too late. In my view the Republican's may never win another presidential election because of the powerful big blue electoral machine. They control the electoral process in crucial swing states. The mainstream media, Hollywood, and academia are all controlled by the Fascist Democrats. Republican's do not have the apparatus in place to defeat them. The Democrat megaphone is vastly bigger than ours. We have something on our side, however; that they don't have. The truth. It is powerful enough to destroy these evil forces but we have to find a way to expose the independent voter and even those Democrat voters who are capable of thinking for themselves to the truth. Especially in the black community. People in general do not understand their history but far too many blacks do not realize that the Republican party, not the Democrat party, has always been their champion. The Democrats have enslaved and oppressed them while the Republicans fought to free them. No Republican ever owned a slave and no Republican legislature or Republican governor ever passed a segregation law. Only Democrats legislatures and Democrat governors did this.

Here is what I would like to see. The Republican party needs to recruit people like Dinesh DSouza, Candace Owens, Dennis Prager, Carol Swain and Larry Elder to warm the crowds up before Trump rallies by telling the true history of the Democrat party from their inception until today. These people can do this in an entertaining way and hold the crowds attention. The Republican's should launch an advertising campaign encouraging Trump supporters to invite their black friends, Democrat friends and independent friends to attend a Trump rally with them. Copies of Dinesh DSouza's movies, Obama's America, Hillary's America and Death of a Nation should be distributed to as many potential voters as possible. Launch advertising and billboard campaigns using these themes. They need to tell the story of how the Democrats were the party of slavery, Indian removal, Dred Scott, how they refused to accept the election of Abraham Lincoln and started the Civil War. How the Republican party passed the 13th Amendment ending slavery, the 14th Amendment giving blacks their civil rights and the 15th Amendment giving them the right to vote. How they tried to protect blacks from the Democrat Ku Klux Klan by passing Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 and forced it to disband until Woodrow Wilson,, a progressive Democrat president, inspired the emergence of a new Klan in 1915 that grew to it's largest membership ever. It grew to over forty million with klaverns established in every one of the lower 48 states. They need to talk about how the Republicans opposed segregation and lynching. How the Republicans were for women's suffrage and how the Democrats opposed it. How the Democrats and Margaret Sanger supported the forced sterilization of blacks and people that they deemed to be mentally incompetent. How Margaret Sanger established Planned Parenthood, made speeches to the Klan  and it is no accident that most abortion clinics are in black inner city neighborhoods. They can also talk about how Democrat segregation laws were the model for Hitlers anti Jewish Nuremberg laws. How FDR was praised by Mussolini and Hitler as being a great National Socialist and how he was a fan of theirs during the 1930's. How Roosevelt interred American's of Japanese descent during WW2 but he did not persecute American's of German and Italian descent. 

American's also need to know that it was the Republicans that supported the 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1968 civil rights acts and they could not have passed without their support. The American people need to know that Johnson's War on Poverty was even more damaging to the black family than slavery. Because of Democrat welfare policies every seven out of ten black children are born without a father living at home and three out of every white children are born without a father living at home. These policies have generated perpetual poverty that is passed from generation to generation. American's need to know that the Democrats created the antebellum plantation and now they have created the urban plantation and the big house is the White House. On the old plantation blacks worked while the plantation owners became rich, powerful and lazy. They lived off of the labor of their slaves while the slave lived a bare existence. Today, many of the descendants of those slaves are still depending on their livelihood from their modern Democrat masters. Their labor is no longer required of them, just their vote. Now they live on the urban plantation. With the Great Reset and things like ESG ratings, which means Economic, Social and Government, DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, CRT, Critical Race Theory their plan is to enslave the rest of us on a worldwide plantation. There will only be two classes. Master and slave. They will be fat and happy while the rest of us live in pods eating artificial meat and bugs. If you think this is farfetched read their writings and the words from their own mouths. We could have avoided Hitler if more people had read Mein Kampf. Hitler created the biggest megaphone in Germany. We have to create a megaphone that can get the truth out. With the truth conservatives have no need to be placed on the defensive. If we are going to save this nation we must think and act outside the box. This strategy should be employed regardless of who eventually receives the Republican nomination. Since Trump seems to be the favorite right now lets start with him. The Democrats will fight back with lies like they always do. They will say, oh yeah, we were that party but the Republicans became the Democrats in the 1960's and they became the Republican's. Like Dinesh DSouza's says this is ludicrous. It is like saying that the cops became the robbers and the robbers became the cops. The evidence shows that as the South became less racist it became more Republican. They will also claim that Hitler was a right wing movement and not a left wing movement but this is the lie that they have been spreading since the Nazi atrocities of WW2. There is no way that you can turn National Socialism into a right wing movement. Of course they will call us conspiracy theorists or QAnon followers but don't be deterred. This is what they do. The devil is the father of lies.

Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.


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