Some people are calling my recent post on Facebook regarding the censorship of foul language as being a violation of their 1st Amendment rights. In my opinion people do not have a proper understanding of what the 1st Amendment really means. My job as a mall security officer requires me to enforce mall rules regarding the language that is written on tee shirts and other clothing. For example people are not allowed to wear a tee shirt with the F word or any other profane words on them. You can buy these shirts and hats all day long in Spencers but you can't wear them out of the store. If you are a parent shopping with your children and you prefer not to shop at Spencers because, you don't want your children seeing those words, you should not have to encounter them in the common area of the mall. Our mall policy is that we want to keep a family friendly environment. This is why mall management enforces a dress code. They can do that because the mall is private property...