Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick went on Tucker Carlson to make an impassioned plea for capitalism and the U.S. economy. This plea consisted of Patrick saying he thought grandparents like himself should be willing to sacrifice their lives so that the United States economy can continue moving forward during the coronavirus pandemic. I understand what Patrick was saying but I am not sure we have to sacrifice older people to get the economy going. Lets use common sense measures to protect the elderly like myself and others but Patrick is right. We have to get the economy going again or we could be facing an even bleaker future where many more people could die from causes unrelated to this disease. Which could involve Americans of all ages. 

Although Andrew Cuomo is not one of my favorite people he is one of the few Democrats that has halfway acted like an adult in this crisis. On the other hand the following was his response to Patrick's comment. “My mother is not expendable and your mother is not expendable and our brothers and sisters are not expendable and we're not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable.” This coming from a man who gleefully signed legislation in 2019 that protected a woman's right to infanticide through all nine months of her pregnancy and beyond. He cares about his mother and supposedly our mothers, sisters and brothers. Yet he doesn't give a flying flip about the future mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers of America. I can guarantee you that vastly more human beings will die in New York because of the abortion law that Cuomo signed than will die in the entire world because of this virus. Cuomo, you are the last person to preach to the rest of us while you have the blood of millions on your hands.

The bottom line is that abortion, just like Hitler's holocaust, and slavery can only happen when certain people are dehumanized. I am not talking about the scared and frightened young girl who finds herself pregnant. She is exploited by politicians like Cuomo and those that are raking in the dough in the abortion industry. Cuomo and the others should know better. They are free moral agents who have willingly joined the dark side. The pictures I posted are of Cuomo signing New York's abortion law and Hitler's SS guards at Auschwitz. My question is, why are these people smiling?


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