A friend asked me a while back if the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence was a liberal movement or a Conservative movement. I explained that it was a liberal movement. Not the pseudo liberal movement of today which is the antithesis of the classical liberalism of our Founding Fathers. I googled the definition of classical liberalism. Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government. The modern liberal movement is leftism or Communism. They value the collective rather than the individual. It is anti- religion, except for the religions of Islam. atheism and secularism. Modern leftists are against free speech. Just try to speak on a modern college campus if you are not a leftist. Leftists are only for freedom of the press when it comes to those news outlets that advance the leftist agenda. The modern leftist movemen...