I was reading an article written by Seth Cohen, a writer for Forbes magazine, which was recounting how Rush Limbaugh was predicting a "veritable" civil war if states do not reopen the economy soon. He was implying that Rush was encouraging a civil war. Since I didn't hear what Rush actually said I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say that I think he was probably taken out of context. I have been a loyal fan of Rush Limbaugh since 1989 and this doesn't sound like him. He has been taken out of context so many times over the years by the left. After all they have tried to blame him and other conservative talk show hosts for the Oklahoma City bombing and mass shootings. This is nothing new. The author of this article goes on to ask the question whether or not we are actually on the verge of a civil war with the recent protests and armed citizens showing up at these protests such as at the Michigan state capital. Of course leftists always have to bring racism into the picture anytime common citizens show up to protest anything. The author of this article cited the case of a man in San Diego who wore a Klan hood to the grocery store instead of a mask to protect himself from the virus. What does this have to do with anything? What does this have to do with people wanting to go back to work? Or showing their displeasure with rules and regulations that are unconstitutional in states that are governed by two bit petty tyrants? Isn't it funny how when the left shows up at a protest property is destroyed, people are beat half to death, and cops are shot down in the street as in Dallas Texas. When the right shows up at a protests armed to the teeth, everyone goes home at the end of the day unhurt. This guy even drew parallels with what is going on now and the causes of the Civil War. I would remind you that it was the Democrats who started that war.
You know something, people are very angry. I am getting angrier by the day as I watch politicians play their silly games with peoples lives. Games that in the end have the potential to kill way more people than this stupid pandemic could ever hope to kill. When you mess with peoples livelihood and ability to make a living for their family you are playing a dangerous game. At first we were asked to stay home so as to flatten the curve and keep our hospitals from being overrun. Okay, that sounded reasonable. Most red states are trying to open back up but blue states and cities run by Democrats are playing games while people are going bankrupt and on the verge of losing their businesses, homes, and even the ability to feed their families. All because Democrats hate Donald Trump so much they are willing to risk, death, destruction, and anarchy by crashing the economy. Their hope is that he will get the blame and be voted out of office. Then they can institute their Communist utopia that they have salivated over all these years. Desperate American's will allow for desperate measures to be taken and then they will all be slaves to the state. Call me a right wing nut if you want to but that is exactly what is happening. I fear for the younger members of my family. God blessed me to grow up and live in a more stable America and if I died today I can consider myself a lucky man. We have a fifth element in this country that is more evil than anything we have ever seen. Everything they do is aimed at achieving their evil goals. They do not care a wit about any of us. America, there are worse things than death or dying from a disease. People die. I heard today that on average 5 million people die everyday worldwide. America it is time to wise up before it is too late. This is the hour of maximum danger. Are we headed for war? No, we are already in one. The battle is for our very lives and liberty.
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