A cabal is defined as a secret political clique or faction. "A cabal of dissidents". I saw where General Michael Hayden, a 40 year military veteran, head of the C.I.A. and N.S.A. has endorsed "Sleepy" Joe Biden for president. News flash!!! It is nothing unusual for a general to disagree with the president on policy. In Hayden's campaign commercial where he endorses Biden he made some statements that I find laughable. He says that Trump doesn't care about the facts and will not listen to his advisors. I am sure that many of his advisors advised him to stay in the Paris Climate accords, the Iran arms deal, and in Syria. They were mad when he called off the retaliatory attack on Iran because they shot down one of our unmanned surveillance drones. In Trump's mind an unmanned drone wasn't worth at least 250 Iranian lives that his generals said would probably die in such an attack. The New York Times said that Trump's aides were stunned by his decision. His advisors probably told him not to kill Iranian general Qasem Soleimani. Are these the decisions that you are talking about General Hayden when Trump didn't listen to his advisors? Because if they are I am glad that he didn't listen to his advisors. Trump made the right decisions. This is what a real leader does. 

 Hayden also says that Trump does not take the problem of White nationalists seriously. He says that the F.B.I. takes them seriously and Trump should too. Yeah, let me see, the same F.B.I. that was the spearhead of a coup attempt against president Trump by pushing a phony Russia collusion investigation. An investigation that they knew was phony from the start. Or the same organization that sent 16 agents to investigate a supposed noose that was spotted by NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace. Really??? I don't see White nationalists burning down our cities and trying to overthrow our government. That is all coming from the left. This statement by Hayden comes right out of the Democrat play book. The goal is to project the vices of the left onto a phantom army of White nationalists. You know, Hillary's vast right wing conspiracy. It was those pesky White nationalists that made him assault all of those women. It wasn't his fault. The devil made him do it. The left has misidentified many groups such as the Proud Boys and the group that Kyle Rittenhouse was with as White nationalists. They have consistently tried to link him with White nationalists at Charlottesville, which he has disavowed over 50 times and with David Duke. The Democrats ought to know about White Nationalists since the KKK was their creation. 

 Finally General Hayden says that we have turned our backs on our allies and friends. What friends? Israel? England? Europe? Asia? Who are you talking about? Trump, unlike Obama, has supported our friends and has opposed our enemies. Obama opposed our friends and supported our enemies. He treated our best friend in the Middle East, Israel, like a red headed step child. In Europe Trump simply asked our friends to to take on more of the expense associated with N.A.T.O. They have been able to grow their economies without the burden of defense spending. A luxury provided by us. Trump has even made relations better between the U.S. and North Korea and also negotiated amazing peace treaties between Israel and their traditional enemies that are working to marginalize Iran. Good try General Hayden but just admit who you really are. An Air Force pencil pusher for 40 years and a Deep State Trump hater. 

 I don't think any president has been hated more than Lincoln. It is possible that Trump is hated at least as much. I can agree that Lincoln was probably never called the litany of names that Trump has been called. Like Trump, Lincoln was hated by the Democrats and by people within his own party. Not to mention those former Democrats who seceded from the Union. Many of his generals hated him too. None hated or disagreed with Lincoln more than General George McClellan who called Lincoln the "original gorilla". He was insubordinate and disrespectful of Lincoln on several occasions. McClellan was a horrible general who used an incredibly misguided belief that he was always outnumbered by the Confederate army as an excuse not to fight battles. McClellan was a Democrat who did not want to destroy the South or slavery. He wanted a negotiated peace with the South that would restore the status quo of pre war days. The Democrats were as screwed up then as they are now. McClellan even ran against Lincoln in 1864 with this goal in mind. Lincoln came to believe McClellan had the "slows" and wouldn't fight to win. For political reasons Lincoln waited until after the November 1862 midterm congressional elections to relieve him with General Ambrose Burnside. 

As bad of a general as McClellan was he was a good organizer and administrator. The men of the Army of the Potomac loved him and McClellan had many loyal followers within the officer corps. There were always rumors and talk from McClellan of marching on Washington and removing the Lincoln administration from power. McClellan and many of his officers thought that Lincoln and his cabinet was constantly impeding the Army of the Potomac and endangering it by their incompetence. Lincoln visited McClellan after the battle of Antietam hoping to confirm what he already thought about McClellan. That he wasn't going to fight to win the war. Antietam was a battle which McClellan bungled from start to finish and could have easily destroyed Lee's army if he had been a more aggressive general and had taken advantage of the many opportunities he was given to win the battle. Such as Lee's lost 191 orders. Instead he settled with a tactical draw albeit a strategic victory which allowed Lee to wage war for another two and a half years. 

 Lincoln had his own Deep State to deal with in the Army of the Potomac. While on a visit to the army after the battle of Antietam he was looking at the army encampment with a friend named Ozias M. Hatch. Lincoln asked Hatch "Do you know what this is? Hatch answered "the Army of the Potomac". Lincoln said, "so it is called. But that is a mistake. It is only McClellan's bodyguard". Even after Lincoln fired McClellan, it would take months to rid the army of McClellan loyalists and the defeatist thinking in the Army of the Potomac. That thinking would be responsible for losing battles and lost opportunities until the end of the war. Trump's Deep State is vastly deeper than Lincoln's but like Lincoln Trump must have his own purge. The General Hayden's in our government are roadblocks to success. At some point, hopefully after the election, the purge can begin.


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