I worked Thursday night and was unable to watch the debate live. I have seen some of the highlights and so far I am pleased with Trump's performance and have gotten some good feedback from others. I just wish that he had done as well in the first debate. It is still my opinion that Trump will win and quite possibly in a landslide. You have to factor in the Trump Derangement Syndrome of some of these pollsters. We also have to consider how many Trump voters that are hiding in the shadows because they are fearful of being ostracized or even fired from their jobs for supporting Trump. I found out that polls showed Hillary Clinton even further ahead of Trump than polls are showing Biden ahead at this point in 2016. In addition polls are showing 48% of likely Black voters approve of Donald Trump's job performance. This has skyrocketed just since September.
When I hear president Trump say that he has done more for Black's than any president since Abraham Lincoln I cringe a little. He repeated this in the debate the other night. I wish he wouldn't say that. He can't overlook the fact that Harry Truman was the first Democrat president to propose a civil rights plank in 1948 and signed an executive order to desegregate the armed forces. Although it wasn't really implemented until the 1950's under Republican president Dwight Eisenhower. Nor can he ignore the fact that Lyndon Johnson passed the 1957, 1960, 1964 and 1965 civil rights acts. Of course the passage of these bills would not have been possible without the solid support of the Republican party. It can be argued that Johnson passed these bills in order to propel himself into the office of the presidency. Since the Civil War a Southern segregationists were virtually barred from becoming president. Johnson had to establish a record on civil rights in order to have a valid shot at the presidency. Trump can make the valid claim that he is not a racist like Truman and Johnson.. They regularly used the N word in reference to Black people. Trump, however; can also be rightfully proud of his accomplishments regarding Black people and his appeal to the Black vote.
I have seen and heard a lot of anecdotal evidence that Trump will win next month. When I visited south Florida and Key West this July there was evidence of Trump support in areas of Florida that I would ordinarily not expect to see it. Then when I went to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg last month I saw support for Trump everywhere and virtually none for Biden. That was also the case when I drove out to Arizona earlier this month. I met some really nice people from Washington state and California who are solidly in the Trump camp. Everywhere I wore my Trump Covid mask I was greeted with nothing but approval and fist bumps from fellow Trump supporters.The excitement for Trump is in great contrast to Harris-Biden. I have several Trump bumper stickers and a flag on my car. People will go out of their way to tell me how much they like my stickers or flag. Just yesterday I had just came out of Racetrac when a young guy in a car next to mine saw my Trump flag and he shouted yeah Trump 2020. Laughing, he said I am Mexican and I like Trump. He said as far as I am concerned he can ship all the illegals back home because I am making money. He gave me a thumbs up and drove away. To this point, knock on wood, I have not had one negative experience.
There is a commercial which says vote for your life. As far as I can tell this movement is sponsored by MTV. Which is how we know that it is leftist. No truer words were ever spoken. We are voting for our life. Not only our physical life but our way of life. Leftists have nothing to fear from Trump or the right but we have much to fear from them. Every position that they espouse is a front for one thing and one thing only. The destruction of capitalism. In order to implement their Communist agenda they must win this election. They will establish a one party government by using our Constitution to destroy the Constitution. They will do away with the Electoral College, the filibuster, do away with voter ID laws, stack the Supreme Court and allow the flood of illegals into the United States. America will be a one party state dominated by the Democrat party. Our Bill of rights will be history. There will be no 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, or any other fundamental God given rights. I am not being melodramatic. Their own words and actions condemn them. Once they establish this one party system it only follows that we will become a totalitarian state. Yes I am voting for my life. The results of this election may determine whether I die with my boots on or off.
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