I watched a video of an old WW2 combat veteran the other day. The old soldier was on the verge of tears as he asked why he and his buddies had to storm the beaches and sacrifice so much for a country that is now going to hell. That is a question that I have been asking myself for years. On this 80th anniversary of D Day we honor the men who stormed those beaches and sacrificed so much for their generation and ours. They were fighting against Fascism. Their goal was to destroy Hitler's Fascist regime that had conquered much of Europe and wreaked havoc on innocent people. Those soldiers didn't understand that their own government was trending toward Fascism even then. Mussolini and Hitler admired Roosevelt early on calling him a great Fascist. The philosophy of eugenics was popular with Democrats such as Margaret Sanger and even some so-called progressive Republican's like Theodore Roosevelt in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Hitler borrowed from Sanger who pushed for the sterilization and extermination of the mentally deficient and what she thought were sub-human races such as black people. Hitler had a list of races that were most superior down to the most inferior  The Aryan white race was at the top and the Slavs, blacks and Jews were at the bottom. Hitler's Nuremburg Laws were heavily influenced by the Democrat Jim Crow Laws in the South. Forced sterilization was pushed by the Democrats in this country for many years. It was directed toward people suffering from mental handicaps such as retardation and Downs Syndrome. Before you can kill and oppress people you must dehumanize them first. The Democrats are still antisemitic calling for the extermination of Jews in Palestine and everywhere else. Unborn babies are called fetuses or clumps of cells. New to their list are straight white people. Like Jews we are evil and the oppressors. There is no hope for us if we are white. Evil is in our DNA. Woodrow Wilson was the first Fascist president. He did not believe in the sanctity of the Constitution. In his view the Constitution was an impediment to progress. He viewed it, to use a modern term, as a living Constitution. Laws could be conjured up out of thin air if need be to advance the progressive agenda. Roe vs. Wade, legalizing abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, Obergefell vs. Hodges legalizing homosexual marriage, and Everson vs. the Board of Education limiting religious freedom in America are prime examples of the Wilson's legacy. These rulings like so many in the modern era are totally unconstitutional. In addition Wilson used the onset of WW1 as an excuse to limit the civil rights of many Americans. 

 Over the years, especially because of the horrors of the Holocaust modern Socialist historians have successfully distanced themselves from Fascism. So much so that many Conservatives have fallen for this lie. They have promoted the lie that Hitler and Mussolini's Fascism were right wing movements. Nothing can be farther from the truth. These were left wing socialist movements. The term NAZI stood for National Socialist German Workers Party. National Socialists realized that Marx's version of socialism wasn't working. People were loyal to their country of origin. If socialism was going to be successful the focus had to change from an international movement to a national movement. In addition they realized that Marx's brand of socialism sounded great on paper but it didn't work in reality. Marx preached that the workers or the state should control the means of production. The problem with this idea is that government cannot produce wealth. Only private industry can. So the Fascists realized that there must be a greater cooperation between capitalism and socialism. Hitler and Mussolini formed a partnership with business. As long as business agreed to being controlled by the government they were allowed to operate. This is why China has survived for so long but the old Soviet Union went out of business. The Chinese adopted the Fascist model of socialism while the Soviet Union clung to the Marxist-Leninist model. The reason Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and other Marxist states are so poor is because they are not Fascist. America has been trending toward full fledged Fascism since Woodrow Wilson until we are now closer than we have ever been. Obama sped up the process with his Hope and Change. Biden is a third term for Obama and he is trying to seal the deal. This is why the 2024 election is so important. One man will not be able to stop our drift toward Fascism. It will require a hard fight on all levels. We must win school board races, mayoral races, gubernatorial races and so on. Putting Trump back in office will be a big step in the right direction, however. The Democrats are in bed with corporations that advance their Fascist socialist agenda. If you don't comply your job will be in jeapardy and corporations help quell dissent by threatening your livelihood. They are also working to censure political opposition that doesn't agree with the Democrats. Fascism is no longer national in scope, however. It has become global but it is only able to function because of the partnership with capitalism. They provide the funding.

We have been an exceptional country because of the ideas expressed in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The idea that all men were created equal and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights and that among these were life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Founders were liberals in the classic sense and not the modern Fascistic sense espoused by the Democrats and many in the Republican party. These words were meant for an imperfect country just like God's Word was meant for imperfect people. God knew when he wrote the Ten Commandments that we could never totally live up to them. Yet they were a goal that we could hope to attain. A goal that was made easier by the birth of his son Jesus Christ. The Ten Commandments are condensed in the two greatest commandments given by Christ. Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. If you can obey these two commandments you obey all ten of the commandments. God's grace covers the times that we fall short. Thomas Jefferson, with the approval of the Founders, wrote the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, He knew that as a country we fell way short of his words. Jefferson was looking toward the future. He envisioned a country that should strive to be a more perfect society and not settle for the country that we were then. No other country on the planet had the boldness to do anything like this. This is what makes America exceptional. Democrats love gotcha questions. On YouTube I sometimes watch them try to stump conservatives. They say that Trump wants to make America great again. When was America ever great they ask. They will then will rattle off all of our sins like slavery, Indian removal, segregation, lynching and so on. Of course it was the Democrats that were responsible for most of our sins. I wish they would ask me this question because I would proudly tell them that America has always been great because of the ideals set forth in our founding documents and because of the greatness of a people with the capacity to change.

 If we are going to save this country from the Fascism that our soldiers were fighting on D DAY we cannot approach this fight with moderation. There is no room for moderate today. We must acquire the radicalism of William Lloyd Garrison. "I am aware that many object to the severity of my language; but is there not cause for severity? I will be as harsh as truth, and as uncompromising as justice. On this subject, I do not wish to think, or to speak, or write, with moderation. No! no! Tell a man whose house is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the hands of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into which it has fallen; -- but urge me not to use moderation in a cause like the present. I am in earnest -- I will not equivocate -- I will not excuse -- I will not retreat a single inch -- AND I WILL BE HEARD. The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal, and to hasten the resurrection of the dead." Joe Biden is constantly warning us that Trump is a threat to Democracy when it is he that is the threat to Democracy. Trump left office peacefully when he was supposed to and never tried to punish his political enemies while he was president although he had every justification to do it. Biden is the one acting like a dictator. Using the Department of Justice and the FBI to arrest and silence his opposition. Trying to put his main political opponent in prison. Using the FBI to silence opposition on social media. If Trump loses this election we will be well on our way to Fascism and the complete destruction of America as we know it. It is up to us to save the legacy of that old soldier who stormed the beaches on D-Day and his buddies who gave the ultimate sacrifice trying to destroy Hitler's Fascism. We must be as brave as they were and willing to die for freedom even if the odds are stacked against us. We must storm the American beaches and destroy the Fascist monster in Washington DC and everywhere it raises it's ugly head across this country. This is not a call for violence but it is a call for American's to fight. We must all vote for President Trump on November 5th regardless of where he might be. That is walking around as a free man or in prison. We not only save the legacy of the patriots of WW2 but every patriot that has ever sacrificed for this country. Joseph (Stalin) Biden is speaking today at the 80th anniversary ceremony of the D-DAY invasion. To me that is a slap in the face to all the surviving veterans of D-DAY. Having a Fascist there masquerading as a patriot speaking on behalf of the men who he is not worthy to even be in their presence. D-DAY was the beginning of a long and bloody battle to take back Fascist Europe. Hillary Clinton tweeted this message on social media. "Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy, This November, all we have to do is vote." Hillary continues to expose herself as the real scumbag that she is by comparing Donald Trump to Hitler. Thinking that she was praising those veterans she was actually insulting them and their intelligence. We know who she was talking about because she used her dog whistle. You know, the same dog whistle that the Fascists always accuse Trump of using. For one of the few times in her life though she is actually right. We can begin the long battle to protect real Democracy on November 5th by electing President Donald J. Trump. 


  1. I may be wrong on this, but isn't it impossible to be a candidate from inside a prison? I thought that was the whole reason the facists were trying to put him there.

    1. It is my understanding that unless Congress passes a bill stating that a person cannot serve if they are in prison or amends the Constitution Trump can still be elected president.

  2. Sorry. I misspelled fascists.


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