Vivek Ramaswamy gave a rousing speech at a Trump rally in which he compared the challenge we face in the upcoming election to that of our Founding Fathers in 1776. I agree with him but if we lose this election we will face a tyranny far greater than anything King George III or Parliament could dish out in the late 1700's. Communism has killed and enslaved more people than any form of government in history. Our Founding Fathers weren't facing the threat of a Fascist/Communist government. I agree with Elon Musk that this is our last chance to avoid that outcome. Vivek compared J.D. Vance to John Adams because of his brilliance and integrity. He also compared Elon Musk to Benjamin Franklin because he is an inventor. Last but not least he compared Donald Trump to George Washington. This is something that I have been saying for a while now. Trust me when I say that there were differences between Washington and Trump. Primarily their temperaments were definitely not the same. Trump is very boisterous and full of himself. Washington was stoic and and reserved. Yet Washington, like Trump, was one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in America. Although Trump wasn't a military man he has displayed physical courage under fire. Washington had incredible courage under fire but lived a charmed life and was able to survive a multitude of bullets and arrows that were fired at him in two different wars. Trump has survived two assassination attempts and they haven't slowed him down any. I could easily see him displaying the same physical courage on the battlefield as Washington did if he had chosen to be a military leader. Courageous leadership is infectious. Like Washington Trump has displayed moral courage also. Most people would ball up in a fetal position and cry for their mama if they suffered even a fraction of the persecution that Trump has suffered. Like a Timex watch he takes a licking and keeps on ticking.

When Trump ran in 2016 he wasn't my first choice. During the primaries I first supported Carly Fiorina and after she fell out of the race I supported Ted Cruz. I only voted for Trump in the general election because he was the lesser of two evils. Trump was a pleasant surprise, however. He actually governed as a Conservative and he kept his promises. Trump was an effective and great president. Something that I haven't seen since Ronald Reagan. At first I believed the hype coming from both sides of the political aisle that he was a narcissist and primarily concerned with his own interests. Yet when I saw how he governed and the incessant flow of hate directed at this man from both Democrats and Republicans I began to reevaluate my position on him. I realized that regardless of his flaws Trump was a patriot. He actually loves America and the American people. Like Washington he has displayed a willingness to risk everything for his country. Trump chose to risk his wealth, his sacred honor, his health, even his life and the lives of his family. After seeing him survive two politically motivated impeachments, overwhelmingly negative press by the state run media, Trump Derangement Syndrome, attempts to bankrupt him through lawfare, numerous investigations by the DOJ and FBI. An FBI raid on his home. Ninety three felony counts by state and Federal prosecutors to imprison for the rest of his life. After all of this failed to knock out Donald Trump I knew that they would try to kill him. I told many of my friends and family that they would try to kill him and they almost did on two occasions. Trump is not out of the woods yet by a long shot. Another attempt can come at any time. If we lose this election Trump will go to jail and he will probably die in prison at the hands of another prisoner or be suicided like Epstein. The people opposing Trump are monsters and not worthy of being called human beings. I am not referring to the average Democrat voters I am referring to the globalist elites and Fascists in the Democrat leadership who are trying to destroy Trump. After seeing how bad they want to stop Trump I came to realize that Trump is a true patriot and worthy to be compared to George Washington. He has formed a coalition of patriots around him. Not only Republican patriots but ex Democrats like Robert Kennedy Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard. Although they don't agree on everything that Trump believes they love their country and want to save it from the Fascists.

There is also a spiritual element to all this. Many Christians will not vote for Trump because of his character flaws. My own brother refused to vote for him in 2016 for that reason. By the 2020 election he saw things differently and voted for Trump. Christians who feel this way about Trump need to delve deeper into God's Word. God used very flawed people to accomplish his will. Such as the prostitute Rahab who helped the Israeli spies at Jericho or King David who had an affair with Bathsheba and arranged to have her husband killed in battle. Both Rahab, which is shown in Matthew 1-5, and King David are in the blood lineage of Jesus. The Apostle Paul murdered Christians before he was converted and Peter denied Christ three times as he was being led to die on Calvary. Like George Washington I believe that God is using Donald Trump to save this glorious country. Trump is meant for just such a time as this. America has been blessed to have great leaders during it's moments of maximum danger. Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt as a wartime leader, Ronald Reagan and now Donald Trump. Whittaker Chambers wrote the following in his book Witness when he left the Communist party in 1938. . " I wanted my wife to realize clearly one long-term penalty, for herself and for the children, of the step I was taking. I said: You know, we are leaving the winning world for the losing world. I meant that, in the revolutionary conflict of the 20th century, I knowingly chose the side of probable defeat. Almost nothing that I have observed, or has happened to me since, has made me think that I was wrong about that forecast. But nothing has changed my determination to act as if I were wrong---if only because, in the last instance, men must act on what they believe right, not on what they believe probable. Then in 1938, with the clearest understanding of the consequences, we freely made the choice which history is slowly bringing all men to see is the one possible choice---the decision to die, if necessary, rather than to live under Communism. Nothing has made us regret that decision". I don't know if a Trump victory will ultimately defeat a Communist takeover of America but it will be a major setback. This is why they have fought so hard to keep him out of office. They were so close and here comes Trump to spoil their party. If nothing else we can slow down their eventual triumph in the same way that we can slow down the inevitable return of Christ if America repents and turns from sin. 2 Chronicles 7:14 - If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


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