I love this picture of August Landmesser who is standing in a crowd of Germans with his arms folded. In a gesture of defiance he is refusing to salute Adolph Hitler, who is addressing ship yard workers where August was employed on June 13, 1936. August's rebellious attitude was based on his love for his wife who was being mistreated by the NAZI state. He could have been imprisoned or killed for this simple act of defiance. August joined the Nazi Party in 1930 which was during the depths of the depression and he thought that joining the party would put him on the fast track to getting a job. August met Irma Eckler in 1934 and fell deeply in love with her. This was a problem since Irma was a Jew. It mattered not that she had been baptized into the protestant church as a child. In 1935 they would become engaged and this would get August expelled from the party. Under the Nuremburg laws their marriage application was denied. Their daughter Ingrid was born in October 1935. In 1937 the family tried to escape to Denmark but were captured at the border. August was charged with "dishonoring the race" and imprisoned. In May 1938 he was released for lack of evidence. Authorities threatened him with severe punishment if he violated the law again.

 August's love for Irma was strong and he was arrested one month later. He was sentenced to 30 months hard labor in a concentration camp. The couple would never see each other again. Irma was sent to various prisons and concentration camps by the Gestapo where she gave birth to their 2nd daughter. This child was named Irene. Both children were sent to orphanages. As half Jewish Ingrid was sent to live with her Aryan grandparents. Irene was taken from her orphanage and sent to a concentration camp. A relative managed to find her and take her to Austria. She would again be taken to Germany where her identification papers were lost. This saved her from being sent back to the concentration camps. Irma and August weren't so lucky. She would die in the gas chamber in 1942. August would be released from prison in 1941 but two years later would be drafted. It is believed that he died six months before the end of the war in Croatia. The couple were officially declared dead in 1949. In 1951 Germany officially recognized the marriage of August and Irma. As a tribute to their parents Ingrid took the last name of her father and Irene took the last name of her mother.
Irma Eckler

Irma and her children

August Landmesser

 I tell the story of August Landmesser because this is the type of man that I admire. This is the type of person I admire regardless of gender. August was a man that was willing to defy everyone if it meant standing up for what was right. Even at the risk of losing everything. We are quickly approaching a time similar to what August faced. America for the most part still has freedom of speech but far too many people are self censoring themselves because they don't want to lose their jobs, cause friction at work. or cause friction with friends or family. Yes, we still have a 1st Amendment but corporations are doing the government's dirty work by denying promotions to employees who hold political or cultural views out of step with management. These corporations are not only creating a hostile work environment but terminating employees that refuse to conform. This is Fascism. Corporations doing the bidding of the government. Democrat leaders like Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and others are openly talking about punishing or jailing anyone who in their words put out misinformation, disinformation or malinformation. This is exactly the type of speech protected by the 1st Amendment. Of course they know this but they won't let a little thing like the Constitution stand in the way of achieving their Fascist goals. Don't think it can't happen here because people are being jailed in Europe for their social media posts. If people in the government or state run media were jailed for misinformation and disinformation they would never see the light of day for all the lies the government and the state run media told about Covid, Trump, the Republican party, RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard just to name a few.

 The worst kind of speech is protected by the 1st Amendment. Even speech that the vast majority of Americans hate. That means preachers of hate like David Duke, Louis Farakan, Ilhan Omar and so many others can continue spewing their lies and hate without fear of going to jail. I remember when the Neo Nazis wanted to have a rally during the late 1970's in Skokie Illinois. There were many Holocaust survivors living there and they were furious at the thought of the Neo Nazis having a rally in their community and I didn't blame them. Yet as much as I sympathized with the Holocaust survivors I supported the Neo Nazis right of free speech. Even the ACLU went to bat for the Nazis. The NAZI's took it to the Supreme Court and won. In National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie ruling the NAZI's won the right to march and the Constitution was upheld. Freedom of speech is our most sacred right. That is why it was our first Amendment. The Second Amendment was meant to secure our right of free speech. If we lose our freedom of speech we lose everything. When you hear someone say something that is not true you counter their argument with truth. Then you allow the people to arrive at their own opinion. That is how free speech works. I trust the American people to do the right thing when they are fully informed. Censorship does not allow people access to information. People like my son died by the millions during Covid because the government was lying to us about the clot shots effectiveness and withholding life saving information on drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Their blood is on their hands.

 Elections have consequences. Hitler didn't come to power by overthrowing the German government. He came to power because the Nazi party was voted into office through the democratic process. Hitler was appointed Chancellor by the democratically elected president Hindenburg and Hitter consolidated his power after the death of Hindenburg. He then abolished the German democracy that enabled him to rise to power in the first place. Now these modern day Fascists in the Democrat party are trying to use our democratic process to end our republic. If Trump loses this election we may never have another election again. We will become a one party nation just like California is a one party state now. Hillary complained that she lost in 2016 because she was a woman. I contend that she lost because she was an evil witch who no one liked. Plus she ran a terrible campaign. You can't expect to win if you call half the electorate "a basket of deplorables". If Kamala Harris loses it will be because she is an incompetent evil witch and her incompetence is on display every time she opens her mouth. It will have nothing to do with her ethnicity, whatever that is. Because Harris is not doing well in the polls with men she has a commercial out showing a bunch of men preaching to us about what they think a real man is. They say that a real man is not afraid to vote for a woman. This is funny coming from a party that can't define what a woman is but somehow they know what a man is.

 This is the same party that has destroyed the nuclear family by Johnson's Great Society programs of the 1960's and the expansion of those programs today. They drove men out of homes leaving single women to raise children in dysfunctional and poverty stricken conditions causing an increase in criminal activity especially in the black community. Feminist propaganda has emasculated men to the point that it is hard to find men who look and sound like men anymore. I am sick of hearing effeminate men when I go to the mall, order fast food and are in just about every aspect of our lives anymore. Many of these men are not homosexual but you wouldn't know it by the way they sound and act. One of the biggest complaints that I hear from women these days is that they can't find a real man to date. The available males are either sissy boys or have the maturity of a fifteen year old. This has been done by the Fascist Democrats on purpose in the same way that the Democrats tried to emasculate the black man under slavery. This is the same party that not only destroyed the nuclear family by government social programs but destroyed our tradition of religion in public venues. The 1947 Everson vs the Board of Education ruling engineered by the former Democrat Klansman and supreme court justice Hugo Black. Because of his anti-Catholic bigotry he distorted the real purpose of the 1st Amendment regarding religion to implement a separation of church and state that is not constitutional. Engle vs. Vitale removed prayer from public schools in 1962 and Abington Township v. Schempp in 1963 removed Bible reading from public schools. The introduction of sexual education classes in the early 1960's until present day has caused a rise in out of wedlock pregnancies and a rise in sexually transmitted diseases. These things were on the decline in America prior to sexual education being taught in schools. Add to this the Democrats pushing the sexual grooming of children today beginning in kindergarten as well as transgender propaganda and the sexual mutilation of children.

 No Kamala real men do not vote for a person just because they are a woman or because of the color of their skin or who they sleep with. No a real man has the courage to vote for the right woman or the right man based on their qualifications and the policies that they support. The Democrats push the same tired rhetoric that Conservatives are racist, sexists and that we hate homosexuals. Yet we routinely vote for women like Marsha Blackburn, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Nancy Mace, Winsome Sears, Byron Donalds, Tim Scott, Hung Cao who is running in the Virginia Senate race and who is of Vietnamese descent, Larry Elder who ran for governor of California losing to Gavin Newsome. I would vote Larry Elder for president in a hot minute if he were on the ballot. He is one of the smartest men that I know. According to the Democrats, however; you are not really black, a woman or homosexual if you are a Republican or a Conservative. The major difference is that our people actually believe in things worth believing and are not committed to the destruction of the United States.

 Real men hold themselves accountable and assume responsibility. If they cause a woman to become pregnant their first impulse is not to drag them to the nearest abortion clinic. I believe that there are actually more men who are pro choice in this country than women because they are too immature to take on the responsibility of fatherhood. A real man cherishes life and will stand by the woman through thick and thin. Even if a woman becomes pregnant by a one night stand and there is no love involved. You don't have to marry a woman to be a father although that would be the ideal scenario. I have raised five children and would gladly do it again. Fatherhood is a blessing from God and men who accept responsibility for what they have created will be blessed by God. A real man takes care of their family by working hard and doing whatever it takes to support their family or children. A real man is willing to die for them if need be. Our choice is clear in this election. We can avoid the same type of tyranny that led to the destruction of August Landmesser and his family by voting for Donald Trump. If he loses we then have to ask ourselves this question. Are we prepared to be as defiant as August Landmesser when the government comes after our fundamental freedoms? Although Germany succumbed to tyranny for a season the United States came to the worlds rescue. World War II was fought by the Greatest Generation raised for the most part by real men and loving mothers toughened by the hardships of the great depression. If America goes down who will be there to rescue us?


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