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As I write this, the Democrats are doing what they do best. Trying to steal an election. It looks like the election is now in the hands of the hordes of lawyers on both sides and eventually this thing will end up in court. Regardless of whether Trump wins, or the Democrats steal this election, I just want to say that I believe that Donald Trump is the third greatest president in American history. I have to put him behind Washington and Lincoln because Washington created our republic and Lincoln saved it. Without a doubt, however; Trump has accomplished more both domestic and foreign in one term than any president in history. And he has done this in the face of opposition unlike anything any president has faced with the exception of Lincoln. Amazingly he has weathered it all just fine both on a physical and mental level. I would be either dead from stress or in a straight jacket if I had to deal with half the crap that this man deals with on a daily basis. There was a time in...
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After the Civil War the Republican party tried to make inroads into the South in order to give the newly freed slave his share of political power. Civil rights was great but these rights meant nothing without the right to vote. That was always the battle for Blacks clear up to the modern civil rights movement of the early 1960's. The Democrats were determined that there would only be one party in the South and it would be the party of the White man. The KKK, like Antifa and BLM today, was the terror arm of the Democrat party. Blacks and Whites were terrorized into silence and scared away from the polls. Other things were done to deter voting such as poll taxes and tests that a Harvard professor would have trouble passing in order to vote. The South lost the Civil War on the battlefield but it won the peace. After the Compromise of 1877 Blacks and anyone who opposed them were at the mercy of White Democrat state and local governments throughout the South. This is why the Sou...
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Many people try to say that God created evil because he created satan or the angel Lucifer as he was called prior to his fall from heaven. God did not create evil because everything God creates is good. Lucifer was created in a state of perfection. Angels, like humans were created as free moral agents. In other words they had the power of choice because without that ability there can be no love. Lucifer chose eternal damnation over eternal paradise.The Bible says of Lucifer "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee." Ezekiel 28:15. It is incredible to me that Lucifer would give up a perfect world and the position that he held in heaven in exchange for his own kingdom and for eternal damnation. Lucifer was literally in the presence of God because he was one of the two covering angels that covered the Mercy seat of the Arc of the Covenant where God the father sat on his throne. Ezekiel 28:14 says Thou art the anointed c...
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The Tester family lived in a small farming community named New Victory which is near Telford in East Tennessee. There were seven boys in this family and a lot of tragedy. Dent Tester was the first of the sons to enlist in the army after Pearl Harbor. He enlisted in February 1942 and was killed on November 26, 1943 when the transport he was on, HMT Rohna, was sunk by a German aircraft. Dent Tester died that day along with 1,100 other men who went down with the ship. Earle Tester was the second son to enlist in the army and the second to die. He landed on Utah Beach June 6, 1944 safely but was killed several months later fighting to break through the Siegfried Line in Germany. Earle was awarded the Bronze Star for valor twice. The third brother to die was Glenn Tester who enlisted in 1943. Glenn was married and enlisted three months before the birth of his son Frank. Glenn would briefly meet his infant son before being deployed to Italy in February 1944. He would be killed fighting ...
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I worked Thursday night and was unable to watch the debate live. I have seen some of the highlights and so far I am pleased with Trump's performance and have gotten some good feedback from others. I just wish that he had done as well in the first debate. It is still my opinion that Trump will win and quite possibly in a landslide. You have to factor in the Trump Derangement Syndrome of some of these pollsters. We also have to consider how many Trump voters that are hiding in the shadows because they are fearful of being ostracized or even fired from their jobs for supporting Trump. I found out that polls showed Hillary Clinton even further ahead of Trump than polls are showing Biden ahead at this point in 2016. In addition polls are showing 48% of likely Black voters approve of Donald Trump's job performance. This has skyrocketed just since September. When I hear president Trump say that he has done more for Black's than any president since Abraham Lincoln I cri...
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In the last few months I have heard a lot about enacting the 25th Amendment by the Democrats, especially in regard to Donald Trump. If the president dies or is unable to perform his duties Article II Section 1 says the following. In case of the removal of the president from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inability, both of the president and vice president, declaring, what officer shall then act as president and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed or a president shall be elected. The first president to die in office was William Henry Harrison. He gave a two hour inaugural speech in the cold without wearing a hat or an overcoat. Harrison died of pneumonia one month later. John Tyler was the Vice President and at that that time it...
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First Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. America has suffered through deadly pandemics and epidemics for well over 200 years and our Federal, state and local governments have never violated our fundamental rights guaranteed in the 1st Amendment as they have in 2020 regarding the Covid pandemic. They have violated our freedom of speech on social media if we differ with the oficial CDC view regarding this disease. Our right to peacefully assemble by limiting the size of groups or our ability to assemble at all has been limited. Especially in church. That is unless you are a BLM or Antifa rioter. Then you get a pass. According to these petty government tyrants the disease doesn't attack anyone in Wal-Mart, Cosco, Loews or Home Depot. ...
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On our way out of Little Rock Arkansas last week I took the opportunity to find Little Rock Central High School. In 1957 Democrat governor Orval Faubus and other White Democrats attempted to block 9 Black students from attending high school here. Faubus sent in the Arkansas National Guard to block the students supported by angry White Democrat mobs. Sound familiar. President Eisenhower ordered Faubus to stand down but he refused. Republican president Dwight Eisenhower sent in the 101st Airborne to protect the Black students. Eisenhower was enforcing the 1954 Brown VS. The Board of Education ruling of the Supreme Court headed by the Republican Chief Justice Earl Warren. Little Rock Central is a beautiful old school but it was involved in an ugly chapter of Democrat history.
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A cabal is defined as a secret political clique or faction. "A cabal of dissidents". I saw where General Michael Hayden, a 40 year military veteran, head of the C.I.A. and N.S.A. has endorsed "Sleepy" Joe Biden for president. News flash!!! It is nothing unusual for a general to disagree with the president on policy. In Hayden's campaign commercial where he endorses Biden he made some statements that I find laughable. He says that Trump doesn't care about the facts and will not listen to his advisors. I am sure that many of his advisors advised him to stay in the Paris Climate accords, the Iran arms deal, and in Syria. They were mad when he called off the retaliatory attack on Iran because they shot down one of our unmanned surveillance drones. In Trump's mind an unmanned drone wasn't worth at least 250 Iranian lives that his generals said would probably die in such an attack. The New York Times said that Trump's aides were stunned by his decisio...
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To begin with I was disappointed with President Trump's first debate performance the other night. I believe that he missed some golden opportunities to destroy Biden on some key issues as well as refute Chris Wallace on some of his biased questions. Anyone with half a brain knows that Biden is mentally and physically unfit to be president. This charade is about electing Kamala Harris and the fundamental transformation of this country. All of this aside I believe Trump's strategy was to go on a relentless attack that would cause Biden to stumble mentally and make some really stupid or incoherent statements. That would be the explanation for Trump's continual interruptions and talking over Biden. Trump's strategy didn't work because Biden was able to hold things together. Just that fact alone is a victory for Biden. Trump came across as a bully which could alienate many women and independent voters. There were several times when Biden squenched his eyes and I thought...
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The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg has created a firestorm of controversy. The question is whether or not Trump should move to have a Conservative judge confirmed before the election. To me there is no debate. I say yes because our side should never pass up an opportunity like this and we all know that if the shoe was on the other foot, the Democrats would do the same thing. Judge Ginsburg was not a terrible person but she was terribly wrong far too many times in my view. On the issue of women's rights when women suffered true discrimination, during the same era that Blacks were suffering injustice, she was a true champion in the cause of justice. Ginsburg helped right the wrongs that were happening to women and she even helped some men who were suffering from monetary gender equality issues. On these things I can't find fault with her. In my view she was dead wrong on the constitutional issues of gun control, homosexual rights, religious freedom, imminent...
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When I watch the Democrat party protect evildoers and tell the police to stand down while their BLM, and Antifa thugs wreak havoc I am reminded of another era of Democrat history. When 9 Black children tried to attend Little Rock Central High school in 1957 Democrat governor Orville Faubus called out the Arkansas National Guard to keep the kids out. Republican president Dwight Eisenhower was forced to send in the 101st Airborne to protect the children from the mob. Sadly there is no Republican president today willing to send in Federal troops to protect innocent people being attacked by Democrat mobs today. It is the same story today, however. Democrat governors do the bidding of the mob. In the big Democrat cities like New York, Kenosha, Portland, Seattle, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Baltimore and San Francisco mayors tell police to stand down and allow the mob to kill, maim, beat innocent citizens and burn property. Again, this tactic is not new. During the days when Democra...
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By the time I was 23 years old there had been 4 major wars in the Middle East. The 1948 Arab-Israeli war, the 1956 Suez war, the 1967 Six Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War. The results of the 1948 war secured Israels right to exist as a nation. The 1956 war was an attempt to overthrow Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser by England, France and Israel. The 1967 Six Day War enabled Israel to capture Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Finally the 1973 Yom Kippur War where Israel initially took a beating along with high casualties. Yet by the end of the war they were marching on Cairo. Only a near nuclear confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union stopped the Israeli Army from advancing any further. If you believe the Bible peace will never truly be attainable in the Middle East but we can never give up trying. Jimmy Carter was a horrible president but I have to give him credit for the 1978 Camp David Peace Accords. This agreement ended the seemingly endless stri...