The conventional wisdom is that because Joe Biden is obviously suffering from dementia, or some other mental disorder, he will not be able to function as president if elected. Either the Vice president will actually be in charge or the 25th Amendment will be invoked soon after his election and the Vice President will become president. This bait and switch scenario is not new with the Democrats. When Franklin Roosevelt was nominated for his 4th term as president in 1944 it was obvious to any presidential insider that he was a dying man and would not survive a full term. This is why the party chiefs were determined that Vice President Henry Wallace would not run again in 1944 as the vice presidential candidate. They picked the more moderate Harry Truman instead. Truman was shocked by Roosevelt's appearance the first time he met him after he was elected Vice President. He had to know that he would soon be president. Truman never wanted the presidency and the only reason he accepted the nomination for VP was because Roosevelt would not take no for an answer. Even then the media protected Democrat presidents. There were actually people who didn't know that Roosevelt was crippled until just before he died. This was the last speech that he made to the American people just after returning from his conference with Stalin and Churchill at Yalta. Roosevelt for the first time made no attempt to hide his disability.
I don't know if Biden is as close to death as Roosevelt but his handlers have to know that he will not be able to fulfill the duties required of a president. His mind, if he ever had one, is gone. They are running him for president knowing this. Just like Roosevelt's handlers ran him knowing he would not be able to serve. This is evil of the highest order in my mind. The interests of the American people rank low on their list of priorities. Power, for the sake of power is their primary motive. You see this in the fact that the mainstream media is hiding Biden's mental disabilities and gaffes from the American people. The same way that the press hid the real condition of Franklin Roosevelt. The main difference between 1945 and 2020 is that the Democrat Party was not a Marxist party in 1945 and they were smart enough to deny a Marxist the chance to become president. This time the stakes are much higher. Whoever becomes president will be a Marxist. A Biden election will take us so far down the road to Communism and tyranny that America will no longer be recognizable.
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