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The Murfreesboro Court House |
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The Murfreesboro Square during the Civil War |
My nephew is an over the road truck driver who lives in Florida. When he is passing through town we will get together on occasion if he has time. We had lunch together Saturday and the subject of the Civil War came up. I mentioned Fort Rosecrans and he said that he had never heard of it so after lunch I took him on a short tour. There are only two sections of the fort still in existence. When the fort was active it was the largest earthern fort in the United States. It was built just after the battle of Stones River by Union soldiers working alongside the recently freed slaves from the surrounding area of Murfreesboro and Rutherford County. Rutherford County was 51% Black and 49% White in 1863.
Masonry forts had been built along the east and gulf coasts before the war. The invention of rifled artillery made these forts obsolete by the time of the Civil War, however. The masonry walls could be easily breached by artillery as was discovered at Fort Pulaski in Savannah Georgia in April 1862. This is why the walls of the newer forts, such as Fort Rosecrans, were earthern berms. Artillery shells could not breach a wall of dirt. The shells would just imbed themselves in the dirt.. Fort Rosecrans also threatened the city of Murfreesboro itself. Guns were trained on the court house and the city. The Union Army had orders to destroy Murfreesboro if the rebels ever attacked the fort which would have been suicidal because it was virtually impregnable.
The Union Army occupied Murfreesboro on two different occasions during the Civil War. The first time in March 1862, just after the fall of Nashville. This occupation was pretty mild. Union forces took a hands off approach in regards to the local populace. Early in the war the primary war aim was preserving the Union. Slavery, as an issue took a back seat. Local Union commanders were discouraged from interfering with the institution of slavery. If a slave tried to enter Union lines they would probably be returned to their owner. On July 13, 1862 Nathan Bedford Forrest defeated Union forces in Murfreesboro and the city was under Confederate control until the battle of Stones River which started on December 31, 1862 and ended January 2, 1863 in a Union victory. Murfreesboro would remain in Union hands until troops were withdrawn in April 1866. A year after the end of the war. The 2nd occupation of Murfreesboro by Union troops was much harsher than the first. The Army of the Cumberland ringed the city for almost six months until it attacked the Confederate Duck River line in late June 1863.
The bulk of city residents were staunchly Confederate. Many had loved ones fighting in the Confederate army. The Union army would not allow these residents to buy, sell, or trade, within the environs of Murfreesboro until they swore loyalty to the Union. After passage of the Emancipation Proclamation slaves naturally left their masters farms for the protection of the nearby Union army. If the loyal Confederate citizens chose to move outside of the city into the countryside it was a chaotic and dangerous place to be. Bandits and guerillas roamed the countryside. There were no good options available to residents of Murfreesboro. Their choices were to swear allegiance or risk starvation or worse. Murfreesboro was not the only Southern city that was treated this way. Most Southern cities occupied by Union forces went through this and I am in no way trying to justify the Confederate cause. Their cause was immoral. The South was simply reaping what it had sowed and this was the consequence of rebellion.
I use this example from history as a peek into what life might be like for American patriots living under a Communist regime. What the citizens of Murfreesboro endured will be mild by comparison. If Biden wins this election I am convinced that we will be well on our way to a socialist society. We would have already been well on our way if Trump had not won in 2016 and I believe this is why the Democrats have been so angry with him. He upset their plans. We all know that Biden will not be president because he is mentally incapable. The powers that be will either make the Vice President the president, invoking the 25th Amendment or someone will rule from behind the scenes. Communist totalitarianism always follows successful socialist revolutions and then we will have a totalitarian government. We are presently in the final phases of a Marxist cultural revolution.
I believe at some point all Conservative and patriot voices will be silenced. They will not be allowed to voice their opinions on social media. We are just getting a taste of censorship now. There will be no Conservative news outlets, no Conservative talk radio, and no Rush Limbaugh. You will tow the party line or you wont be able to work, buy, or sale. If you resist you will be forced to survive through the barter system. That is if you are not imprisoned or shot first. Then your life will depend on who you barter with. It will have to be someone you can trust with your life. The cancel culture that we are seeing now will rule. You say no this will not happen because we have a 2nd Amendment. They wont have to come to you in order to get your guns. If you don't turn them in voluntarily you won't eat. At least those weapons that you have registered. Good luck hiding the rest.
There are naturally those who might think I have turned into a conspiracy buff or lost my mind but I really don't think most Americans realize how much danger that this country is in right now. I base much of what I am saying on former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America in 1984. The four ways that America is being subverted. He lists 4 phases that a country goes through on it's way to full Communist subversion. They are Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis and Normalization. I know that three of the steps have already occurred and we are beginning the fourth step.
1. DEMORALIZATION : This can happen in 10 to 15 years, or one generation. Ten to 15 years is how long it takes to indoctrinate one generation of children in our educational system. Our children are exposed to Marxism on the secondary and higher academic levels. This can happen in 10 to 15 years. This is how long it takes to indoctrinate one generation of children because they are exposed to Marxism. Bezmenov saw this happening as early as 1984. He died in 1991. There have actually been several generations of school children indoctrinated since then. Bezenov says that exposure to true information doesn't matter to those who have been indoctrinated. This is why college students and antifa shout you down. He says you could take these people who have been indoctrinated to a Communist country to see for themselves and they still wouldn't accept the truth. In his words they won't accept the truth until the reality of being kicked in the balls by their oppressors sinks in. In my opinion the undermining of the nuclear family and religion by the left can be considered part of the demoralization process. Republicans have focused too much on winning elections and placing so-called Conservatives on the supreme court. While at the same time neglecting the culture war. Losing our culture has had a greater negative impact on us than winning or losing elections.
2. DESTABILIZATION : It takes 2 to 5 years to destabilize a nation. Communism has infiltrated into the economy, foreign relations and our defense system. The influence of Marxism permeates these institutions. Barack Obama was a Communist and he infiltrated every branch of our government and the economy with his operatives. He had 8 years to do it. Obama weaponized the government to go after Trump and Conservatives. This is why Trumps hands have been so tied these last four years. This is the swamp that we hear about. Did you ever think that you would see large corporations donating millions of dollars to a Communist organization like Black Lives Matter? Or BLM advertisements on T.V. ? And just about every player and coach on a professional sports team kneeling during the National Anthem for BLM?
3. CRISIS : It can only take 6 weeks to bring a country to crisis. We are seeing it with Covid 1984 and rioting in the streets.
4. NORMALIZATION : This is when candidates promise all kinds of promises that can't be fulfilled. Promises that only a centralized big brother government can fulfill. Once you elect them based on these promises there will be a violent overthrow. After this there will be normalization. The professors and everyone who helped bring it about will know too much and they are not needed anymore. They will then be the first to be lined up against the wall and shot. Those that survive will become the bitterest enemies of Communism.
We have seen the first three steps happen already. We are now in to the normalization process. Look at all the promises that the Democrats have made or are making. Medicare for all. Free college tuition and paying off student loans. A guaranteed income and the Green New Deal. Anyone of these programs would bankrupt Amrerica. Oh I forgot, we are already bankrupt.
I have become the guy that everyone avoids. At family gatherings it goes like this. Don't get pa started on politics. Or friends will say to me, without going into a long diatribe answer this question for me. Otherwise people don't care to hear the truth. Everybody wants to think happy thoughts and believe me when I say I wish I could be the Greg of forty years ago but I can't. I have met the enemy and he is us The enemy is at the gates and traitors live among us. We have the lives of our family members and a country to save. My mission is to wake people up before it is too late. Even if it is just one person at a time.
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