A friend of mine sent me a clip of Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo pontificating about the Founding Fathers and racism in America. They were saying that we should not deify the founders because they were not perfect. I can't speak for everyone else but I don't deify anyone but God. He is the only one worthy of deification. Lemon did say that Jesus was not perfect. I don't know which Bible that he is reading. I didn't pick up on that in mine. Maybe that comment alone should disqualify anything that Lemon has to say because it is so stupid in itself. Regarding his comment about the founders they were, as a group, smarter and wiser than most. They pooled their talents at exactly the right time in American history creating the greatest form of government that the world has ever seen. If America had to depend on the intellects of Lemon and Cuomo in 1776 we would not be the United States of America today. There is no telling what we would be. Their interpretation of history could be described as modernism. They judge the people of 1776 and 1787 by their moral values today. Which at best is moral relativism. 

Another thing that they said that is totally ridiculous is that America needs a unifier today like Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan. I wanted to laugh out loud when I heard this. Barack Obama. A unifier. He is one of the biggest reasons that America is so divided today. Polls showed that 75% of the American people felt we were moving in the right direction on race just before he took office in 2008. By 2016 only 48% of American's felt that way. I crack up when I hear the left put Reagan on a pedestal today. They hated Reagan almost as much as they hated Trump. At the time he was portrayed by the left as a cowboy who was going to get us all killed. He was incompetent and fell asleep in cabinet meetings. Reagan allowed the deficit to baloon, let the AID's victims die needlessly, was a racist, a sexist, and had dementia. You know, the same way all Republican presidents are treated by the media except when it came to Reagan and Trump with added gusto.

The last thing that the founders wanted the president to be was a unifier. They believed in checks and balances in government. Yes, they wanted someone to continually remind us that regardless of our differences we should all love our country but they wanted leaders who would always do what was in the best interest of the United States and it's people. When you are a leader there will naturally be those who disagree with your decisions. So how can a real leader be a unifier? I think Trump, at least in his speeches has tried to paint a positive vision for America and our future. The real dividers are always the Democrats. They are the party of grievance. Of course Lemon and Cuomo finished their diatribe by calling Trump a racist and anyone who supports them as being racist. Yes, they do love to unify.


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