I know that many of you have not awakened yet to the danger that we and our families are in right now. As far back as the 1960's I knew that our country was headed down a dark path but I didn't think I could live to see the destruction and fall of America. Even in the 1980's when I saw Reagan manhandle the Soviets and eventually cause their destruction I felt uneasy about the erosion of values in our own country. We were so focused on the Soviet Union we didn't understand the damage that Communism was doing here at home. The seeds of this cultural revolution we are witnessing today were planted by the German Communists in our universities and not by the Soviet Communists. The influence of China on our business structure has also been a big factor. By opening up trade with China we hoped that they would evolve into a more Democratic state. The opposite has occurred. We have become more like them. This is evident with the big tech censorship of conservative voices and a Pravda like mainstream media. The Communist Obama weaponized our Federal infrastructure and agencies with his operatives over 8 years. He was able to use agencies like the IRS, the F.B.I., the NSA, the C.I.A. and others to surveil and hurt his political enemies. A great many of these operatives are still working for his interests therefore undermining the Trump presidency.

I believe that one reason the left was so shocked and angry about the election of Donald Trump was because they were so close to a  total Marxist transformation of America that they have craved for so long. Because of the long march through our institutions since the 1930's and the cowardice being shown by so many in the corporate and entertainment world right now we are facing a full blown Communist cultural revolution. These were the four points of the Chinese Communist cultural revolution of the 1960's. They were called the four olds. The Communist goals in China were to wipe out the old customs, the old culture, the old habits, and the old ideas. Does this sound familiar to you? Successful cultural revolutions are always followed by genocide. MAO killed 1.5 million Chinese. Pol Pot killed 1.5 million Cambodians out of a population of 3 million. It is estimated that Communist regimes, including Stalin and all the others, have killed 100 million people during the 20th century and into the 21st century. This is a conservative estimate. 

People get angry at me when I talk like this but I want to be a fire bell in the night. We must awaken from our apathy and realize that we are standing on the precipice of something very tragic. Your silence now will not guarantee your safety once a Communist regime is established. Our Founding Fathers counted the risks they were taking when they stood up to England. The punishment for the crime of treason was to be drawn and quartered when the Founders declared their independence from great Britain.  According to Wikipedia the convicted traitor was fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where he was then hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disemboweled, beheaded, and quartered (chopped into four pieces). His remains would then often be displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge, to serve as a warning of the fate of traitors. For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were instead burned at the stake. The Communists are no less brutal in how they rid themselves of their enemies. 

I realize that we are living in scary times. Even as scary as that of our forefathers but I want to know that if this cultural revolution succeeds I will die standing on my feet and not kneeling on my knees. The Warsaw Ghetto Jews were doomed from the start but they fought to the death rather than being carted off to the ovens. The things I write and say now could cause me or my family to be marked for death, torture or incarceration in a concentration camp at some point in the future. Yet life without freedom is no life at all. The death of my parents taught me to hope for the best but to be prepared for the worst. Far too many of my fellow Americans are still asleep and that is worrisome. Right now I declare my independence on this Independence Day. Independence from the fear of Covid 19 and of fear itself. Four times over the course of a 21 year military career I swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States and that oath is still valid until the day that they bury me or blow me to bits. I will fight for my God, my family, my country and myself by every means necessary until the day that I die. 

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!



  1. My wife read your post last night and sent a link to me. I am glad that she did. I could not agree more with what you are saying. I respond to ask you two things: the first is to request your permission to post links to your blog on Twitter (here's how to find me on Twitter:Fudley Doright @FudlyD). The second is to ask you if you are on twitter is to connect with me so that you can see that I have begun to fight this very same fight.


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