One of the myths perpetrated by the left is that slavery destroyed the Black family in America and is responsible for the poverty, crime, and dysfunction in Black families today. I contend that the cause of dysfunction in the Black family can be traced back to the 1960's and not to slavery. The welfare policies of Lyndon Johnson combined with the Marxist counterculture movement that was spawned by dissent over the Vietnam war have had a much greater impact on Black dysfunction. Which has led to an explosion of not only Black on Black crime but Black on White crime. If you are White in this country your chances of being killed or injured by a Black male are twice that of being killed by a White male. Blacks make up 13% of the population but are responsible for 50% of the violent crime in America. One of the few areas that Barack Obama and I can agree on is that fatherless Black homes are the main culprit. Herbert G. Gutman in his book (The Black Family In Slavery And Free...