
Showing posts from June, 2020


One of the myths perpetrated by the left is that slavery destroyed the Black family in America and is responsible for the poverty, crime, and dysfunction in Black families today. I contend that the cause of dysfunction in the Black family can be traced back to the 1960's and not to slavery. The welfare policies of Lyndon Johnson combined with the Marxist counterculture movement that was spawned by dissent over the Vietnam war have had a much greater impact on Black dysfunction. Which has led to an explosion of not only Black on Black crime but Black on White crime. If you are White in this country your chances of being killed or injured by a Black male are twice that of being killed by a White male. Blacks make up 13% of the population but are responsible for 50% of the violent crime in America. One of the few areas that Barack Obama and I can agree on is that fatherless Black homes are the main culprit.  Herbert G. Gutman in his book (The Black Family In Slavery And Free...


What we are seeing being applied in America today by the Democrat Communist Party is the Cloward-Piven strategy on a mass scale. The tactics being used to implement this strategy are straight out of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals. The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by Communist professors at Columbia University named Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. This strategy called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with "a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty. Does this sound familiar to you today? Remember the Green New Deal? They tried to use the Cloward-Piven strategy in regard to immigration when they were overwhelming our border with migrants there for a while. Trump has been pretty successful in stemming the tide of migration by building more wall, increasing our presence on the border, and coercing Mexico, along wit...


Once upon a time in America there were Democrats who actually had some backbone and loved America. Harry Truman and John Kennedy come to mind. Unlike modern Democrats they didn't like being bullied. One incident in particular illustrates this point. The Cuban Missile Crisis. On October 28, 1959 the Eisenhower administration reached an agreement with Turkey to deploy 15 Jupiter missiles armed with nuclear warheads in Turkey by June 1, 1961. Premier Nikita Khrushchev was very perturbed that America had nuclear tipped missiles on their doorstep. Kennedy had created a campaign issue of the so-called missile gap between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Upon Kennedy entering office he quickly learned that there was a missile gap but it was to our advantage. We had at least a 16 to 1 superiority over the Russians in I.C.B.M.'s or intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Soviets only had a handful of I.C.B.M.'s but they had a larger amount of medium range missiles. These missiles...


The Bolsheviks were a very tiny group of Communists who took over Russia in 1917. In the spirit of "never let a crisis go to waste" they took advantage of the crisis in Russia caused by the Czars involvement in WW1. After thousands of casualties, economic distress caused by the war and years of tyranny by the Czar the Russian people were ripe for the picking. They allowed a far greater tyranny to take control of them. Untold millions died in the 70 plus years of Communist domination of Russia and Eastern Europe. They made Hitler look like an amateur. Their George Soros was Germany who in their misguided attempt to take Russia out of the war helped finance the movement. They even provided Lenin shelter until the time was right to smuggle him into the country by rail car. Germany bought themselves a little time but in the end it wasn't worth their effort. Germany could never foresee the unintended consequences of their actions.  America is now in the throes of it...




 For years now I have warned that removing statues of Confederate heroes and soldiers would lead to something far worse. The removal of statues and the renaming of our cities, states, counties and buildings named after any slave owner. Men like Washington, Jefferson, and Jackson. These past few weeks have made me realize that the goal of the Communists goes even deeper. The rioters are even toppling statues of Lincoln. Their goal is not just to erase history and any hint of racism but to delegitimize the Founding Fathers as a means to delegitimizing the United States founding documents. Such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. That would open the way to creating their Communist utopia.  This process of delegitimizing our Founding Fathers has been in the making for years. Historian David Barton, author of the Jefferson Lies, stated that there are several ways that left wing historians do this. Deconstructionism, poststructu...


 I will try to make this short and sweet. This is how I see things as they are in America today. George Soros is the financier for most of America's turmoil today. Barack Obama is the brains behind it. We have seen this connection before. The magazine Business Insider wrote that Alan Dershowitz, a member of President Donald Trump's impeachment defense team claimed in an interview with Breitbart that "President Barack Obama once sought an FBI investigation on behalf of George Soros, the billionaire financier". For 8 years Obama put his Chicago community organizing experience to work in the White House. He infiltrated the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the I.R.S., our intelligence gathering services, the military, the Justice Department and pretty much every Federal Agency out there with his operatives. Like the mafia, one way or the other corporations and other institutions got the message that if you go against us we can hurt you. After all Saul Alinski was tutored by ...


America is constantly being accused of systemic racism. There is systemic racism but it is not coming from the average American. The racism comes from the Democrat party. The same systemic racist policies that were espoused by the Democrat Party under Jim Crow. The only difference is that they were race baiting then to keep their White constituents poor and ignorant. They did this by scaring the Whites into voting for them. You know how it went. If you don't vote for the party of the White man you will have uppity Black men lording over you and your little girls will be pregnant with their babies. Meanwhile the poor Whites stayed poor, ignorant, and violent while the politicians got richer and richer. Anything to take the focus off of themselves. Today their constituency has changed. Their race baiting keeps the Blacks poor and ignorant on their big city Democrat plantations. They stay poor, ignorant and more violent while their Democrat masters get richer and richer. T...


 Well I found out today that they are going to do away with Aunt Jemima, Mrs. Butterworth's and Uncle Ben rice because of these products racist past. It is even being suggested that Rice Krispies and Cocoa Puffs are racist because Rice Krispies are represented by 3 White Elves while Cocoa Puffs logo is a monkey. Since we are getting rid of anything that could remind us of racism I have some honorable mentions. Ford products, General Motors products, Volkswagen products, Mercedes products, Porsche products, the interstate highway system and Coca Cola.  Ford Motor Company- Henry Ford was a notorious anti-semite and published an anti-semitic newspaper. Hitler awarded him his highest civilian award, the Grand Cross of the Golden Eagle in 1938, which he proudly accepted. He also considered Ford to be a great influence on him and a picture of Ford hung over Hitlers desk. Fords subsidiaries in Germany contributed greatly to the German war effort by quickly retooling over to ve...


John Adams said that facts are a stubborn thing. That is why I try as much as I can to use facts combined with logic in my arguments. My goal is to reach free thinkers wherever I might find them. We are learning that facts and logic have no impact on the left. They are in the minority albeit a powerful minority. Especially now that they have much of corporate America on their side. To borrow a term from Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who feared that he had awakened a sleeping giant I view the silenced majority as that sleeping giant that must be awakened. That is before the Lilliputians are successful in tying you to the ground. So while the little people swarm around you I will continue to prod you, kick you, and tickle your feet until you wake up. This is no slight on those of you who are awake and in the fight. My message is to the deceived, the naive and the apathetic. Because once they bind you up, you might never break loose. ‘If You Are Not a Liberal When You Are Yo...


The other day I was talking to my son Rob about all this craziness going on in America right now and the conversation shifted to the times that I have been called racist while doing my job as a mall security officer. He laughed and asked, "which is it"? ""All that I remembered growing up was you being called a n-lover. People need to make up their mind" We had a good laugh together before hanging up. All my life I have had a sense of justice. I don't know where I got it from but I am glad that I have it. This sense of justice has gotten me into trouble on occasion because sometimes I am out of sync with those around me. I do not assume the room or pander. My cause is not about left and right or up and down. It is about right and wrong. I hate pandering and I am seeing far too much of it going on right now. Especially from our government, Hollywood, the media, the police, and sports figures. When you tell the truth and stand your ground you might not be ...


First- Naming army posts after Confederate soldiers was probably not a good idea but it was done in the spirit of reconciliation in the late 1800's and early 1900's. I kind of look at changing their names now in the same way I look at getting rid of Christmas. If I had been around when the decision was made to turn Christmas into a holiday, and I had any kind of say in the matter, I would have said something like this. Hey guys this might not be a good idea renaming December 25th, the nativity of the pagan sun god Christmas. Besides Santa Claus and office parties will be worshiped more so than Jesus. We might not want to go there. Christmas has it's strong points. It is traditional, some people love it in spite of all of it's drawbacks, and it is a good excuse for families to spend time in fellowship. We don't need to lead an effort to abolish Christmas now. I have just learned to live with it.  Second- Much glory and honor is associated with the names of t...


 On January 12, 1865 General William Tecumseh Sherman, along with Secretary of War Edwin Stanton met with 20 Black pastors in the Green House in Savannah Georgia. Many of these pastors had been slaves and their spokesman was Pastor Garrison Frazier. Sherman and Stanton, on orders from Abraham Lincoln, had called this meeting in order to find out what the Freedman expected from the Union after the war. Pastor Frazier said this. Put us on land. Let us work the land, and in time we will be able to purchase the land from the labor of our own hands. One of the worst things about slavery was that the slave was not able to enjoy the fruits of his own labor. Lincoln had noted this early on. Now let that sink in. You cannot send a more conservative message than this. This is the very thing that a true Conservative believes in with his whole heart.  I love what reverend Frazier says next. Give us our rights, protect our rights, and then leave us alone. These words are the cor...


 John Kennedy and his brother Attorney General Robert Kennedy had their hearts in the right place regarding the achievement of civil rights for Black people. They wanted, however; to control the pace of change so as to avoid social upheaval. They were gradualists and this drove civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King to distraction. King and others were for direct action. The Kennedy's and King were frequently butting heads because King was naturally more impatient than they were. In the end events ended up controlling the Kennedy's rather than the Kennedy's controlling events. During the Kennedy's watch they had to deal with such things as the Freedom Rides, the enrollment of the first Black student James Meredith at Ole Miss and the subsequent riots in Oxford Mississippi. Then there was the Albany movement and in May of 1963 the Birmingham Children's March. This is the march in which Birmingham police chief Bull Connor unleashed the fire hoses and the Germ...


 I will probably catch hell from my Conservative friends for what I am going to say but I am all about the truth and some people can't handle the truth. Theodore Roosevelt said that the people would never abandon him as long as he did not abandon the people. Over the last few days Donald Trump has abandoned the people in my view. The people put him into office in spite of the left wing press, the left wing politicians, and the deep state. During all the attempts to destroy Donald Trump based on total lies and trumped up charges we have had his back the entire time. I am very angry with Trump right now. As I am with many so-called Republicans and Conservatives for their idiotic comments they have made and their silence over the past week. Trump missed a golden opportunity this week to show real leadership and he blew it. I was hopeful after his speech on Monday and the photo op but right now they are just words. It may be too late to redeem himself now. His inaction this week mi...


 On the night of April 4, 1968 I was working at Baird-Ward printing company, Plant # 2 on Powell Avenue in Nashville. I was 18 years old and a senior at East Nashville High School. Our press crew was just returning from lunch when we received the news that Martin Luther King had been shot in Memphis. At that time we didn't know how seriously he had been injured but I remember some of the racist workers there shouting loud enough for everyone to hear "I hope that son of a bitch dies".For myself, I was not only saddened by the news I was thinking that the crap was about to hit the fan. I was embarrassed when I saw the look on my friends face who was standing next to me. He was one of the few Blacks that worked on the presses. We were called joggers and we stacked magazine inserts as they came off of the press. It was one of the hardest and most back breaking work at Baird-Ward. He was a nice guy that had trained me for that job. Most Blacks at Baird-Ward were either san...