I will try to make this short and sweet. This is how I see things as they are in America today. George Soros is the financier for most of America's turmoil today. Barack Obama is the brains behind it. We have seen this connection before. The magazine Business Insider wrote that Alan Dershowitz, a member of President Donald Trump's impeachment defense team claimed in an interview with Breitbart that "President Barack Obama once sought an FBI investigation on behalf of George Soros, the billionaire financier". For 8 years Obama put his Chicago community organizing experience to work in the White House. He infiltrated the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the I.R.S., our intelligence gathering services, the military, the Justice Department and pretty much every Federal Agency out there with his operatives. Like the mafia, one way or the other corporations and other institutions got the message that if you go against us we can hurt you. After all Saul Alinski was tutored by Frank Nitti, Al Capones right hand man. Obama is not scared of us, the silenced majority. That is because we are law abiding citizens. We can show up at a rally armed to the teeth and nobody gets hurt at the end of the day. If the Tea Party had been responsible for all the rioting and looting that we have seen there would have been a response from police and National Guard unlike anything you have ever witnessed. They would have nipped it in the bud. We all know, however; that the TEA Party would have never acted this way. 

 The mafia is a small minority too but it is capable of inflicting a lot of pain for those who don't comply to their wishes. Compliance by the corporations, educational systems, mayors, governors, city councils, and other known entities are the equivalent of paying protection money to the mafia. Of course many of these blue state governments do not have to be coerced. They are down with the struggle. We have seen these strong arm tactics used over the last few weeks with the burning down of cities and businesses. Obama is the mafia on a grand scale.The Clinton's are also probably heavily involved in all this. These kind of tactics are their M.O. 

Obama was our first Communist president. I do not believe he was Muslim because if he was he was a poor Muslim in practice. Like most leftists he cozies up to them in order to divide and conquer. Not giving thought to the fact that if the Muslims ever get the upper hand his head will be the first one removed from it's body. I believe Obama was Communist because his biological father was a Marxist and he was around Communists growing up. His mentor in Hawaii as a young boy was the Communist Frank Marshall Davis whom he mentioned in his book Dreams From My Father numerous times. His mother and grandparents were very left wing. He began his campaign for president in the living room of Communist Radical Bill Ayers and his convicted felon wife Bernadine Dohrn. Obama only fears the silenced minority in one way. We are intimidated into silence by their thugs but in the privacy of the voting booth we can express our true feelings. He is afraid of our potential power wielded at the ballot box. The left was caught with their pants down last time. They will be gunning for us this time. Be prepared for voter fraud unlike anything we have ever seen and possible physical intimidation to keep us from voting.


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