For years now I have warned that removing statues of Confederate heroes and soldiers would lead to something far worse. The removal of statues and the renaming of our cities, states, counties and buildings named after any slave owner. Men like Washington, Jefferson, and Jackson. These past few weeks have made me realize that the goal of the Communists goes even deeper. The rioters are even toppling statues of Lincoln. Their goal is not just to erase history and any hint of racism but to delegitimize the Founding Fathers as a means to delegitimizing the United States founding documents. Such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. That would open the way to creating their Communist utopia.
This process of delegitimizing our Founding Fathers has been in the making for years. Historian David Barton, author of the Jefferson Lies, stated that there are several ways that left wing historians do this. Deconstructionism, poststructuralism, modernism, minimalism, and academic collectivism. The ultimate casualty in the students mind is the rejection of American exceptionalism as a cherished idea. America becomes the bad guy and the root of all evil in the world. Deconstructionalism tends to deemphasize or malign the subject. Poststructionalism undermines the reality of truth or the will of God. Modernism examines events as if they occurred today or historical figures as if they lived today. Minimalism is the taking of very complicated problems and reducing them to a bumper sticker slogans or one line platitudes. Last but not least academic collectivism means that scholars quote each other rather than relying on original resources in their research. The end result of all this is that the young adults involved in destroying the images of the past have no true understanding of what they mean.
This is how we destroy human beings. By delegitimizing, or dehumanizing them. This is what happened to Black people under slavery. Words have power. Once people delegitimize races it is easier to enslave or kill them. Indians were reduced to savages. Asian people were gooks. Mexicans were wetbacks. Hitler compared Jews to vermin and rodents. Margaret Sanger compared Blacks to weeds. Now some of the terms that the left are coming up with for White people is reminiscent of Hitlers words and racial theories. Sarah Jeong, a New York Times reporter said these things in 2014 about White people. "Oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men." "Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins," "#CancelWhitePeople" "white people marking up the internet with their opinions is like dogs pissing on fire hydrants". Many on the left, including Obama have said that racism is in our DNA. The implication is that we are born with it and there is nothing we can do about it. Could this mark us for eventual genocide if the right totalitarian leader comes along?
If we were dealing with sane people other than the Communist Party of America, I could almost agree to removing some of these statues. Edward Ward Carmack is a perfect example of what I am talking about. Carmack was a Democrat. He was also a virulent racist and hypocrite. I could agree to taking a state wide referendum to vote whether or not his statue should have been removed from the Tennessee State capital grounds. This statue was erected in the early 1900's and I have remembered the sight of it standing on the south side of the capital all of my life. For most of my life I didn't even know who he was. Most Tennesseans, White, Black, or whatever could not tell you who he was. Not until I did an article on him a few years ago did I even take the time to learn about him. He was not a person to be admired. Having said that I was angered to see his statue lying on the ground after a mob of rioters knocked it down as a result of the death of George Floyd. I wasn't angry about it because I liked Carmack. I was angry because I believe in the rule of law and not the rule of the mob. The first line of defense in saving America is to rally around saving these monuments. Most of these monuments that are so offensive were erected by Democrats in the first place. I also do not want them to get away with erasing their dark past from American history.
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