I will preface my remarks by saying that I abhor the shooting in New Zealand and that the man responsible is nothing but pure evil. Having said this anyone who knows me is aware of the fact that I am not very fond of the Islamic religion. It is dangerous and I believe that we should discourage the growth of Islam in the U.S. In a manifesto released by the shooter he praised President Trump's stand on illegal immigration in the U.S. along with the Norwegian White supremacist Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 people in 2011. Breivik was also an anti-Muslim extremist. I know that the Communist backed mainstream media will have a field day with this one. To me, however; this is the modern day equivalent of John Brown writing a manifesto praising William Lloyd Garrison for his anti-slavery stance. Brown, was a radical abolitionist and was definitely on the moral side of the issue. Slavery was a moral evil that had to be abolished. Killing people and hoping to begin a slave insurrection was not the way to bring about the end of slavery, however. It would take a war and the death of over 750,000 Americans to rid America of it's original sin of slavery.

 Garrison was opposed to slavery but his purpose was to end slavery through moral persuasion and not through violence. Trump is trying his very best to stop the flow of illegal immigration constitutionally but he is getting zero help. He would never, however; encourage the slaughter of illegal aliens, or Muslims for that matter. The man responsible for this massacre in New Zealand, Brenton Tarrant, and Anders Breivik, are on the right side of the issue as John Brown was. Islam must be stopped from spreading their poisonous doctrine throughout the western world because we are in a fight for our very survival. Like Brown, however; they are going about it all wrong. It must be done legislatively and by the rule of law. Most Muslims are good people and do not deserve to be shot down like dogs while they are at worship. They are following a religion, however: that teaches them to do that very thing to us and even worse. I do not believe in eye for an eye and if we sink to that level how are we any different than they are? I am very pro-life in my views on abortion but I would never kill an abortion doctor or blow up a clinic to advance my cause. That would only damage the cause which I believe in with all my heart.

Incidents like this gives the so called Democrat Party an excuse to foster the myth that Conservatives are nothing but bigots, racists and xenophobic and our rhetoric spawns these type of events. They tried to blame the bombing of Oklahoma City on Conservative talk show hosts like G. Gordon Liddy and Rush Limbaugh as they do similar events. Nothing was said by them when a well worn and underlined copy of Al Gore's book Earth In The Balance was found in the Una Bombers shack. Or when James Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders supporter, shot up Republican softball players in 2017. Like John Brown these type of people are not only extremists but nut jobs, regardless of what side of the political fence they fall down on. White supremacists identify more with the left than they do with the right. The modern political system that the shooter, Brenton Tarrant, most admired, according to his manifesto was that of Communist China. Tarrant explains that he carried out the attack to show “invaders that our lands will never be their lands” and that they will “never replace our people,” while also accelerating a potential conflict between Western civilization and the Islamic world. “[I carried out] the attack to agitate the political enemies of my own people into action, to cause them to overextend their own hand and experience the eventual and inevitable backlash as a result. "He also hoped to “incite violence, retaliation, and further divide between the European people and the invaders currently occupying European soil.”

 This is similar to John Brown who wanted to start a slave insurrection and Charles Manson, who wanted to start a race war. Hitler was a socialist and was influenced greatly by Karl Marx. The main reason that Nazi's and Communists fought each other was because Hitler was a National Socialist and loyal to Germany. Marxists, whether they lived in Germany or America, owed their allegiance to Moscow. The left has always tried to identify Hitler as a product of the right but he wasn't. He was more aligned with the left. Muslims are similar in the sense that the Sunni and Shiite sects of Islam believe virtually in the same religious doctrine. The main issue between them is how they determine the line of succession to Mohammad. These two groups have been fighting each other for hundreds of years. Yet every sect of Islam is united in their hatred of the Jews and like Hitler would love to see them destroyed. They helped organize Muslim SS units that fought alongside Hitler in WW2. I would like to know why Democrats are so protective of a religion that hates Jews, kills homosexuals, persecutes and kills women. This is why David Duke recently endorsed Ilhan Omar because of her anti-semitism. Richard Spencer, who organized the White supremacist march in Charlottesville Virginia is more in line with the left in his political views than he is with the right. Considering the history of the Democrat Party regarding Indian removal, slavery, lynching, and Jim Crow they have no moral right to link Trump to this massacre in New Zealand any more than the South would have a right to link William Lloyd Garrison with John Brown.


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