
Showing posts from May, 2022


Every time some mentally crazed monster kills or harms innocent people in an active shooter situation such as the recent elementary school shooting in Uvalde Texas we go through a societal wringing of the hands. Many wonder what motivates people to do what they do and what can we do to prevent such tragedies. As the son of a mentally ill father I have had fifty nine long years to contemplate his motives for killing my mother and my unborn sibling. I have opinions on what drove him to do what he did but I will never really know for sure. All I know is that for three years I witnessed his mental deterioration firsthand. In retrospect the red flags were there for all to see. I encouraged my father to get help and he did try for a while but with mixed results. My father always liked his beer but during the years of his mental decline he was drunk a lot. So much so that he was unable to function for days and weeks at a time. He would check himself into a sanitarium where he would dry out bu


Uncle Joe Biden looking mighty small  Uncle Joe Biden has been running his mouth again. In one of his coherent moments he stated that MAGA supporters and Republicans are the greatest threat facing this country. We have progressed from "deplorables" to terrorists. Labels that I wear with pride while considering the source. There has never been an American president who has used language like this while referring to such a large group of their fellow Americans. American's who make up roughly half of the country. Even when the Democrats brought about the American Civil war they could have easily been labeled as the worst threat facing America but Lincoln chose the high road. As the country was falling apart he sought to unify the nation. You know, that thing the Democrats always promise to do but are incapable of.  In Lincoln's first inaugural address he said: In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The Gove


   When I named this article I decided to use a tactic that the fascist mainstream media uses whenever someone who doesn't fit the narrative commits a hate crime. Black nationalist Darrell Brooks Jr, ran down white people in a Wisconsin Christmas parade. The fascist press reported that a SUV committed the crime. Recently pro abortion terrorists firebombed a pro life counseling center. One of the fascist mainstream media sources, either CNN or MSNBC I believe,  reported that it was not as a firebombing but a fire had broken out in the building. No mention of the terrorists that threw the firebomb. What is the narrative? The narrative is that Conservatives, especially white MAGA supporters, or black MAGA supporters, don't forget, if you are a black Trump supporter you are a white supremacist and a threat to democracy. Either way, according to the Biden regime and the FBI we are the greatest threat known to man right now. Before Donald Trump it was either Republicans or Conservati


John 10:30-31 30 I and the Father are one.” 31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, John 15: 23- 25 23: Whoever hates Me hates My Father as well. 24: If I had not done among them the works that no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have seen and hated both Me and My Father. 25: But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated Me without reason.’   Our president called Trump supporters the most extreme political group in history. Well, I am guilty as charged. I am proud to claim that title. As proud as I was to claim the title of a "deplorable". Extremists like myself are in good company. I guess Jesus was the greatest extremist of all time. Israel had strayed so far away from God that many Jews did not recognize Jesus when he began his ministry. He was simply reminding them of their purpose for existence. Which was to lead the world to salvation. There was no New Testament in Jesus day. The only scripture that exis