All my life I was taught that Hitler and the Nazis were right wing. Not until the last ten years or so have I come to realize that this is one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated by the left. Hitler led a political party named the National-Socialist German Workers' Party. Better known as the NAZI Party. In no way is a socialist movement right wing. The major difference between Hitlers socialism and Marxist socialism is that one was focused on nationalism while the other is an international movement. Marxism is international in its focus. Hitler hated the Communists and they hated him. Yet both advocated for a socialist economic system. The only difference was that during Hitler's lifetime one group took its marching orders from Moscow and the other from Berlin. Hitler modeled his Party after Mussolini's radical socialist movement in Italy called the Fascist movement. The animosity between the Communists and National Socialism is similar to the animosity that exists between the Sunni and the Shiite Muslims. After Muhammad died the Sunni believed that Muhammad's successor should be someone who was qualified to succeed him. They insisted that Muhammad’s father-in-law and friend Abu Bakr should take control.The Shiites believed that someone in Muhammads family should be the successor. They wanted his cousin and son-in-law Ali ibn Abi Talib. Because of this difference of opinion the Sunni And Shiites have been bitter enemies for hundreds of years. One thing that Muslims and Nazis have in common is their mutual hatred of the Jews and they share a desire to eradicate the Jewish race. This is why David Duke, who the left has always tried to pawn off as a right wing Conservative and Trump supporter recently came out in support of Ilhan Omar. Someone that Trump and real Conservatives have no use for. 

  For any American president to be compared to Hitler is ridiculous. Regardless of whether they are left or right. As much as I despised Obama I would never compare him to Hitler. In terms of what Hitler believed regarding socialism, Obama and the left would have more in common with Hitler than Trump. Conservatives despise socialism and most on the left today are socialists. Do I believe that the left would strive for totalitarianism if it could? Absolutely!! I have heard that the only difference between socialism and Communism is the firing squads. Look at Venezuela. It was supposed to be a socialist paradise and model for socialists in America. Now people are eating their pets, and looking through garbage to find something to eat. Protesters are being run over by armored vehicles in the streets while their leaders are living in splendor with plenty to eat. If you think this can't happen in America it can. The Green New Deal is a plot by the left to take over the entire U.S. economy under the false premise of a climate crisis. They have admitted that this is their goal. Once this happens it is only a short distance to the firing squads. Before that happens though they have to get our guns. This is why they want them. It is not about mass shootings and gun violence in America. It is about total power. Right now our Constitution and our guns are the only thing standing in their way. The acquisition of total power is transforming. Lincoln said: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”I don't know about you but I am not ready to give them the chance to be Hitler.


  1. BTW - THANK you for talking about the people having to eat their pets in venezuela. I read that SOME time ago, but after that I had a lot of difficulty locating any articles that reported this. Buying half a kilo of flour on the black market. THIS is part of the globalization problem in which everyone relies on other countries for their food supply - with individual countries producing mostly just a few cash crops without diversity & even just one - and European countries having their farms (mostly family owned) wiped out. 75% of family owned farms in Sweden, about the same for cattle farms in the UK.

    I also recall that Obama & the Saudis colluded to get OPEC to substantially lower the cost of oil in an attempt to destroy the Russian economy, so the people would get mad and blame Putin. Economists warned they could literally destroy the economy of the WORLD, they did it anyway, and Venezuela's economy was hit the hardest. A member of OPEC, but not allowed to produce as much oil, their entire economy depends on oil exports - Saudis are already rich as hell, Venezuela is not. Their economy still hasn't recovered.

    Also been next to impossible to find older articles that mention any of that in relation to the problems in Venezuela. That pet eating, etc., was a direct result in an intentional lowering of the price of crude oil. (also sounds like a commodities market manipulation, a violation of international finance law.) Don't tell me the Saudi's didn't work the commodity market stock option contracts to force others to buy oil at a higher price & make money selling contracts that would never be exercised if the price dropped.

    I was told that in Sweden, post WW2 until not that long ago, SELF-SUFFICIENCY was promoted, as a country.
    Farming & being able to feed the population in the event of a war or natural disaster is self-sufficiency. Men served 1 year conscripted military service and women also had a year 'service' doing other things (emergency preparedness training, know how to direct people to shelters or services, etc.).
    NOW IT'S THE OPPOSITE. They promote urbanization & 'mobility' within the EU (go to where a job is) they no longer care about their citizens. In the event of a war we would be totally dependent on the generosity of the EU. They could use that to force Sweden to accept all kinds of controls/demands.

    Gun control in the US is exactly what you say. There is gun violence in Sweden, also grenade attacks & other explosives detonations on a regular basis. But the only people involved are criminals who have illegal guns (of course grenades & bombs are illegal). How are we expected to protect ourselves? Especially against a government.

    1. The problem is evil, and not guns. If a person wants to do something to another person or themselves they will always find a different method of killing. No, gun control is all about gaining power over the people. Great comments on my article.


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