Pastor Henning Jacobson was a Swedish immigrant that was living in Massachusetts during a smallpox epidemic in 1902. Massachusetts was one of eleven states at the time that had a compulsory vaccination law. Mr. Henning and his son would have to get a smallpox vaccination or they would pay a five dollar fine. Five dollars in 1902 was about 150 dollars in modern currency. Pastor Henning and his son had lived through a smallpox epidemic in Sweden before coming to the United states. Sweden also had a compulsory vaccination law. They both took the shot in Sweden and suffered horrible complications. For this reason they refused to take the shot in 1902. The state of Massachusetts fined them five dollars. Pastor Henning sued and the case reached the US Supreme Court three years later in 1905. This case was called Jacobson VS. Massachusetts and Henning lost. The court ruled that Jacobson's 14th Amendment rights had not been violated. Judge John Marshall Harlan spoke for the majority in a 7-2 decision. "in every well ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand" and that "[r]eal liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own [liberty], whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others. 

 It is my understanding that the Federal government, in it's arguments before the Supreme Court on Friday, was leaning heavily on the Jacobson VS. Massachusett's case. They were trying to make the case for the police powers of the Federal government. There are some major differences in the Jacobson case and Biden's arguments for mandatory vaccinations. First of all the Founders did not intend for the Federal government to have police powers. The states were to have those powers. Secondly, the smallpox vaccine was effective in stopping the spread of smallpox. The Covid vaccine does not stop the spread of the disease. The only possible benefit that we can see is that the shot may mitigate the the overall effect of the disease and prevent death but beyond that it has no other benefit. Experts are now saying that vaccinated people are spreading the Omicron variant more than the unvaccinated. The Biden administration and the Communist Party USA, aka the Democrat Party, is spreading the lie that the pandemic would end if everyone would just get vaccinated. People have legitimate reasons for not wanting this experimental drug to be put into their body. The administration is not considering that the natural immunity of people who have had the disease is more effective than any shot or that there are viable treatments available besides the shot to fight the disease. A question that should have been brought before the court is why is the shot necessary for American citizens but not necessary for thousands of illegal aliens?

I am recovering from Covid that I probably contracted at some point before Christmas and it appears to be the Omicron variant. The government has no weapon in it;s arsenal other than the vaccine in combating Covid. They expect you to go get tested and then go home to quarantine or die. If you are lucky you will recover. If not you go to the hospital when you can't breathe, at which time it might be too late for you. There, you are put on a ventilator as your lungs are destroyed by the disease. In the hospital you will probably die alone while strangers attend to you during your final moments of life. Luckily I did not contract the earlier more deadly variants. Since the death of my son from Covid I have formulated a plan of action in the event that I contracted the disease. I would not sit around trusting that I would be fortunate enough to survive the disease by playing the waiting game that the government seems to be so fond of. My plan was to attack the disease aggressively from the get go. Additionally, if I got to the place where my breathing was impaired my plan was to stay out of the hospital. If I was going to die I would die at home. 

 On the Monday after Christmas I began to have drainage in my throat, developed a cough and I was hoarse. These were my only symptoms. There was no body aches and I had no temperature. My appetite was still strong and there was no loss of smell or taste. On Wednesday I took an over the counter Covid test which indicated that I was positive. I had a weird tightness in my chest and my oxygen was at 92. That night I began taking hydroxychloroquine and for the first few days I was taking two pills a day. There were signs of progress overnight. The following morning the tightness in my chest was gone. The next step in my plan of attack was to get monoclonal antibodies but because of Biden's cutting off the supply of this life saving treatment it was not available. I checked as far away as Chattanooga and Florida. Unless you were on chemotherapy or had had a heart transplant, or your immune system was compromised, you could not get the treatment. So I went to plan B. As far as I am concerned Biden has even more blood on his hands for denying this life saving treatment to the states. 

 I had been hearing about Ivermectin for a while and how effective it was in fighting Covid. A friend of mine told me about a friend of his who was dying in the hospital until he gave him the horse version of ivermectin called Ivermax. His friend survived and he swore up and down that he owed his life to the drug. I stored this information in the back of my mind and when I got Covid I asked my friend if he had any Ivermax left. He said that he did and brought me a tube of it. My friend was in communication with a doctor who advised taking a quarter teaspoon of the paste along with yogurt for 5 to 7 days. I took it for six days. There is a human form of Ivermectin and a form used on horses. Because some people were going to feed stores and taking toxic doses of the medicine which made them sick this has given the Communist media ammunition to disparage ivermectin. As for myself I am a big believer in Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. After three days my cough was virtually gone and after 4 days my nose was clear. My hoarseness was still coming and going but today I have not had a problem. I had the vaccine back in February and March of 2021. How much that played into my recovery I don't know. I was also taking large doses of vitamin C but I believe in the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as a therapy for Covid.

 An example of how Covid has been so politicized was President Trump's approach to trying new therapies when the disease first began in America. Trump said that the FDA would be "slashing all the red tape" to review other ways of treating the disease such as the use of hydroxychloroquine, which had been used since the 1940's to fight malaria, and the antiviral drug remdesivir, used to treat Ebola. Citing a French study Trump said that hydroxychloroquine had "very, very encouraging early results". Regarding remdesivir he said" I think it could be, based on what I see, it could be a game changer". Unfortunately the trials for vaccines and therapies were controlled by the bureaucratic Anthony Fauci head of the National Institutes of Health. We have since learned that Fauci and several others, besides the Chinese Communists, was using American tax dollars to fund "gain of function" research in that Chinese biolab in Wuhan. Whether the disease was released by accident, or as a biological warfare attack on the world, Covid came out of that lab. 

 The day after Trump suggested these therapies to combat Covid USA Today revealed their Trump derangement syndrome. Their editorial board stated " It will take more than a year to produce a vaccine to finally quell COVID-19," On March 21, 2020 they wrote "Trumps promises about quick cures...place everyone more at risk". "Trump peddles unsubstantiated hope in dark times". CNN wrote " but Fauci's not spending money on it" The Washington Post wrote "Trump is spreading false hope for a virus cure---and that's not the only damage." The Boston Globe argued that cable news should quit airing his covid press conferences live. They said " Trump is spreading misinformation about the coronavirus ---time to take away his microphone". Even so-called conservative Neil Cavuto on Fox News was saying " If you are in a risky population here, and you are taking this as a preventative treatment to ward off the virus or in a worse case scenario you are dealing with the virus, and you are in this vulnerable population it will kill you, I cannot stress enough: This will kill you." Incidentally, my wife and sister have been taking hydroxychloroquine for years and both are elderly. They have never had Covid. I have Covid and my wife doesn't. My sisters husband has Covid and she doesn't. She was just tested again today. Many doctors claim that hydroxychloroquine is a prophylactic measure against the disease. Regardless of what you think about him, events, and time, have shown that Donald Trump is usually right in his assessments. 

Trump derangement syndrome has filtered throughout our medical community on so many levels. After his comments on hydroxychloroquine I asked my family doctor, who I had tremendous respect for at the time, what he thought of the drug. He said that he had tried it on patients and he had seen no significant positive effect. Plus, he said that he had great respect for Dr. Fauci. In retrospect, knowing what an evil incompetent clown that Dr. Fauci has proven himself to be I am considering getting another doctor. When my wife was diagnosed with congestive heart failure her doctors took her off of  hydroxychloroquine. I asked one of the heart doctors treating her why they were taking her off of hydroxychloroquine. Her usual friendly demeanor evolved into open hostility when I stated that I didn't want my wife to be taken off of it because it had prevented her from getting Covid. She snapped that that was false information and the vaccine would keep her from getting the disease. Thankfully, my wife is still taking hydroxychloroquine. A friend of mine, who was seriously ill with Covid, experienced the same hostility when he asked a doctor about hydroxychloroquine. I have two questions for these naysayers in the medical community regarding hydroxychloroquine. This drug is suppose to cause serious heart problems. My first question is this. Has their ever been a study done on heart problems in those tropical climates where hydroxychloroquine is regularly used to combat malaria? Secondly, has there ever been a study on people like my wife and sister who regularly take  hydroxychloroquine for auto immune diseases? Do they get Covid in lower numbers than the general population? We know that Covid attacks the heart, this is how my son died. In younger people, who are vaccinated, there is a higher level of Myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle. 

I am not necessarily anti vaccine, although I am starting to have reservations. The politicisation of this disease by the Communist party and their compliant media, plus Trump derangement syndrome is killing people. People are being denied life saving alternatives. The treatment of this disease should be a multifaceted approach. The Communists keep saying follow the science. Okay, I agree with that but if science contradicts their narrative science is ignored. This disease was exploited first, to get rid of Donald Trump, and secondly as a means to implement the Communist agenda on America. It is all about power and the ultimate destruction of America. First of all, the question of mandatory vaccines should not be decided by a Supreme Court. That question should be in the hands of Congress. Secondly, no one should be forced to put anything into their body that they don't want to be there. As far as I am concerned Pastor Henning Jacobson shouldn't have been forced to take a vaccination he didn't want, and we shouldn't either. Have you ever asked yourself the question? Why are so many people in the health care profession refusing to take the shot? What do they know that we don't know? America is at a fork in the road. If we allow the Federal government to force us to take a shot that we don't want they will own us. The Communists will use this as a platform to force us to live according to their wishes.  Hopefully, the court will do the right thing but I don't trust the court anymore than I can throw them. I will conclude this article with the immortal words of Patrick Henry. "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"


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