I caught a small part of Glen Beck talking about someone, I assume who is a celebrity, saying that Trump and his followers were worse than anything that has ever existed. This person, he said, was born in 1968 and Beck was talking about all the atrocities that this person has lived through. Such as those caused by Pol Pot, Iran, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, the Rwandan genocide, the Soviet Union, North Korea, China and so on but he can still say something that is so ridiculous. I wish that I knew who Beck was talking about but it really doesn't matter, I have heard this tripe so many times, or talk very similar from celebrities to ordinary people. Beck was making the point that if Trump and his followers are really that bad then the logical solution is that we must be eliminated. People as evil as we are have no place in a civilized society. This is what Hitler thought about the Jews, blacks, Slavs, Communists, Gypsies, homosexuals, and anyone who just didn't agree with him. Communists regimes such as the old Soviet Union, China, North Korea and Cuba have targeted people for extermination or concentration camps for no other reason than that they believed in freedom, were religious, or believed in capitalism. Fundamentalist Muslim societies stone women to death for adultery, kill, torture, and imprison people who practice different religions and they throw homosexuals off of buildings.
People have asked me many times over the years how could someone like Hitler happen? How could a civilization as advanced as the Germans fall for a scam such as Hitler? The same question can be asked about America. How did we get to this point in time and where do we go from here? We see many of the same themes at work in 2022 America as we have seen in other totalitarian states. Like the Jews and the Kulaks those of us who do not agree with the Democrats are being silenced, demonized, dehumanized, ridiculed, and isolated. The left has redefined concepts like white supremacy. It no longer means someone who believes in the supremacy of the white race but someone who believes in the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and dares to support Donald Trump. Or a person who dares to disagree with a leftist black person like Barack Obama, or Kamala Harris. If you strive to be color blind, believe that all lives matter, believe that a person should be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin you are now a white supremacist. It has become so ridiculous that black conservatives are now called white supremacists. People like Candace Owens, Larry Elder and Allen West are routinely called white supremacists.
For years I have predicted that America is heading for totalitarianism but I never thought that I would live to see it. If you had told me in 2002 that American's would be in danger of arrest in 2022 just for holding a different political opinion than the Biden regime I would have probably laughed. The intimidation is everywhere. Parents are branded terrorists by the FBI for speaking out at school board meetings. They are accused of transphobia or homophobia when they speak out against the sexualization and genital mutilation of children in secondary schools. A new tax law has been passed that will unleash 87,000 IRS agents upon average American's in addition to the 78,000 agents that are presently employed with them. President Trump, who has been harassed since the day he announced his intent to run for president has had his home invaded by Biden's gestapo. Many of his associates have been jailed, investigated, and harassed because they had the temerity to support Donald Trump. People like General Flynn and Roger Stone are nearly penniless because of their legal fees. In the blue states crime is out of control, the police can't protect people, criminals are unleashed on innocent citizens and if they kill or harm someone defending themselves they will go to jail. The message to all of us, which is half the population, is either shut your mouth or you will be in our crosshairs.
If the left can accomplish their goal of gaining complete power over us we will be in deep trouble. The only things that stands between this happening is the 2nd Amendment, Federalism, the Supreme Court, the filibuster and the few people that understand what is happening in this country. America's fate hangs by a thin thread. Trump derangement syndrome can only be explained one way. It is demonic because there is no logic or rationality to it. It is pure hatred. I was watching a Youtube video where a young black man was holding a sign on a college campus that read Trump is not a racist, convince me that I am wrong. He would ask people if they agreed with him and most would say no. He then asked them to give examples of Trump's racism. Nobody could do it. The man refuted them with facts. One woman, who could not come up with a good answer, shot the camera a bird saying f_ck Trump as she walked away. A man named Sam Harris, who is an atheist and philosopher, admitted in a video interview that the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story was a left wing conspiracy to keep Trump out of office. In his opinion, however; it was warranted. He also said that if he had learned Hunter Biden had the corpses of dead children in his basement he wouldn't have cared. Defeating Donald Trump was all that mattered to him. This kind of thinking is sick and perverted. These people hate us so much that I really believe if they had the power they would exterminate us, put us in gulags, or both. I realize that by speaking the truth I may be making myself a future target of this regime but I stand with Patrick Henry.
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