I was 13 when John Kennedy was killed in Dallas Texas on November 22, 1963. We are nearing the 61st anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. Not long after Kennedy's death I saw a pamphlet listing many of the coincidences between the death of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy's death. These coincidences can now be found on the internet. For example Lincoln was succeeded by Andrew Johnson who was born in 1808. Kennedy was succeeded by Lyndon Johnson who born in 1908. Both presidents were shot on a Friday and both were shot in the head. Lincoln was shot at point blank range by a pistol, however; and Kennedy at long range by a rifle. Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846 and Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Lincoln only served one two year term in Congress but Kennedy served two terms in Congress and ten years in the Senate. Lincoln was elected president in 1860 and Kennedy was elected in 1960. Both presidents were shot by Southerners. Oswald was from Texas and Booth was from Maryland. Snopes says that this is not true because Maryland is a Northern state. Snopes is wrong. Maryland has always been a Southern slave state. It was a slave state during the Civil War but did not secede from the Union. It did , however; send thousands of troops to fight in the Confederate Army. There were four Southern slave states that did not join the Confederacy. Maryland, Kentucky, Delaware and Missouri. Maryland is also below the Mason-Dixon line. This is only one of the many instances that the so called Democrat fact checkers get it wrong. Now the author of this list of circumstances does make some glaring errors. They say that Booth was born in 1839 and Oswald was born in 1939. This is wrong, Booth was born in 1838. They say that Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy and Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln. Wrong again. Lincoln never had a secretary named Kennedy. They also say that Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and ran to a warehouse. Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and ran to a theater. Again this is wrong. Booth was captured in a tobacco barn 12 days after Lincoln died and he was not captured in a warehouse. Booth was also mortally wounded in that barn by a deranged Union soldier named Boston Corbett and died shortly after. Oswald was shot and mortally wounded by Jack Ruby two days after Kennedy was assassinated in the Dallas police station.
The circumstances that bother me the most about the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations are that president Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson were responsible for two of our most disastrous periods in American history. Surprise surprise they not only shared the same last name but they were both Democrats. Andrew Johnson set racial progress back 100 years and Lyndon Johnson destroyed the black family and created chaos that the American Communists were able to exploit. When the Civil War ended in 1865 white Southern Democrats who had both started the war and had fought the war were thoroughly defeated. As a result they were resigned to their fate. They were prepared to be treated like a conquered enemy and were totally at the mercy of the victorious Republicans and Unionist Democrats who had won the war. The deaths of Lincoln and Kennedy were not only tragedies but they became the catalysts for the succession to power of two of the worst presidents in American history. I believe that Lincoln was a political genius and the best equipped to bring about a successful Reconstruction of the South. If Kennedy had lived I believe that America would be a much better country today, or even if Barry Goldwater had won the 1964 presidential election we would have avoided many of the racial, social and cultural problems that we have had since the 1960's. In retrospect I think the best way that the South could have been reconstructed immediately after the Civil War would have been through land confiscation. Democrats who had been disloyal during the war, and were property owners serving in the Confederate government, or the Confederate Army should have had their land confiscated. These same Democrat property owners should have had a lifetime ban on voting or ever serving in a government office or position. Their property should have been divided up into plots of land which would then be distributed to the former slaves and landless loyal whites. The equipment and livestock of the former disloyal landowner's would then be distributed equally to the Freedman and loyal white landowner's. Former landless Confederate soldiers would also lose the right to vote for at least 20 years or a generation.
This sounds radical but I believe that if this had been done immediately after the war the disloyal Democrats would have been more accepting of their fate. This lack of resistance would have given the Republican party a chance to grow as a viable opposition party to the Democrat party in the South. I am saying this with the benefit of hindsight and knowing how evil the Democrat party was then and how evil that they still are today. I don't believe that Lincoln would have been this harsh on the defeated South. He was, however; encouraged by the progress of Reconstruction that had been made in Tennessee and Louisiana during the war. Middle and West Tennessee had been under Union control since early 1862 and East Tennessee after the battle of Chattanooga in late 1863. Much of Louisiana had been under Union control since 1862. The Southern occupants of Tennessee and Louisiana had had for the most part already taken loyalty oaths. There were the barrier islands off of the coast of South Carolina and Georgia where the slaveowners had fled early in the war and areas in Louisiana that had been abandoned by the slaveowners. Sherman's Special Field Order 15 were issued on January 16, 1865 after the fall of Savannah. Special Field Order 15 had divided up 400,000 acres of land off the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida that once belonged to disloyal Democrats. This land, along with land in Louisiana had been divided and given to many of the freed slaves that had worked these plantations. They were prospering and many had established their own local governments. The sentiment among the ex slave was that once they were given the land they just wanted to be left alone in order to pursue their own American dream.
The Democrat South underwent two forms of reconstruction after the Civil War. Presidential and Congressional reconstruction. Immediately after the war Congress was not in session and Johnson enacted his own reconstruction policy. Many Republicans wanted to give the former slaves both civil rights and the right to vote from the start. They considered this the natural result of freedom. Johnson hated the slaveowner as an elitist class but he preferred the South being ruled by this class of white men rather than the black man having political power. To Johnson the former Confederates were the lesser of two evils. In his 1867 message to Congress Johnson said that blacks possessed less "capacity for government than any other race of people. No independent government of any form has ever been successful in their hands. On the contrary, wherever they have been left to their own devices they have shown a constant tendency to relapse into barbarism." He went on to warn that black suffrage would result in "a "tyranny such as this continent has never yet witnessed." Johnson wanted political power in the South to remain in the hands of the white man The Republican party changed it's name for the 1864 election to the Union party in order to appeal to a broader electorate of not only Republicans but Unionist Democrats. This is why Lincoln picked the Unionist Democrat Andrew Johnson as his running mate. As it turned out Johnson would show more loyalty to the post war goals of the Democrat party than the goals of the Republican party or Abraham Lincoln. He allowed the former Confederate Democrats to regain political power in the South. Johnson forced blacks off of the lands that they had been given under Sherman's Field Order 15 on the east coast and the land that they had acquired in Louisiana. Returning the land to the disloyal Democrat slaveowners. The Freedmen were compelled to return to their former plantations to pick cotton and harvest crops. They were just as determined not to go back to the plantation life but many times they were forced into compliance by Black Codes that had them arrested for vagrancy and they could also be flogged for non compliance. Johnson's policies gave the former disloyal Democrats hope. Their initial feelings of hopelessness changed to defiance. This motivated them to use the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organizations as terrorist groups that could keep the Republican party from gaining power in the South and keep the black man down. When the Republicans saw what Johnson was doing they passed the1866 Civil Rights bill and in 1867 passed the Reconstruction Act. The Reconstruction Act divided the South, with the exception of Tennessee, into 5 military zones that would be ruled by Union troops. This was the end of presidential Reconstruction and the beginning of Congressional Reconstruction. The Black Codes were abolished and the disloyal Democrats were removed from office. Andrew Johnson would also be impeached during this period. After the Republican Congress took this action blacks would enjoy a degree of freedom unlike anything they had ever experienced before. Blacks were able to vote. and as a result were elected to local offices and state legislatures. They were also elected to both houses of the U.S. Congress.
Between the years 1868 and 1870 the Republicans passed the 14th Amendment granting the Freedmen their civil rights and the 15th Amendment granting them voting rights. General U.S. Grant would be elected president in 1868. He tried his best to fight the Southern Democrat resistance movement encouraged by Johnson's policies. Grant virtually destroyed the KKK but by the end of his term the Northern people were becoming weary of implementing Reconstruction by force. It was expensive and after four years of a bloody Civil War the North was becoming war weary. In 1876 Republican Rutherford B. Hayes ran against Democrat Samuel Tilden. Tilden was one vote short of the Electoral votes needed to beat Hayes. The electoral votes of three Southern states were up for grab and one electoral vote in Oregon was available. The Hayes campaign worked out a deal that if these states would give their votes to Hayes he would agree to remove Federal troops from the South ending Reconstruction. As a result Hayes won the presidency. This was called the Compromise of 1877. I call it the sellout of 1877 because black people were left to the mercy of the disloyal Confederate Democrats. Of course if Tilden had won that election, being a Democrat, he would have also ended Reconstruction in the South with the same results. I believe that the death of Lincoln, like the death of Kennedy, led to disastrous government policies. Although Lincoln wanted a soft policy toward the defeated Democrats I don't believe that he would have allowed the former Confederates to return to political power so quickly and I don't think he would have removed the Freedmen from the land that they had acquired. If anybody could have pulled off a successful Reconstruction it would have been Abraham Lincoln. He was a political genius. Johnson has to take the lions share of the blame for the failure of Reconstruction. The Democrats lost the Civil War but won the peace. The failure of Reconstruction is still being felt today in 2024. A different outcome during this period could have hastened a much quicker change for the good in in regards to racial progress in the South and the nation as a whole. If the former Democrat Confederates had been suppressed from the beginning blacks would have been well on their way to enjoying the same fundamental rights that the white man enjoyed and that females would eventually achieve later in the Twentieth century. Because of Johnson it wasn't until the passage of the 1964 and 65 Civil Rights Acts that real progress began toward racial healing in the South. Of course these two acts could not have happened without the support of the Republican party because most Democrats were opposed to them.
Fast forward to President Lyndon Baines Johnson. From childhood Lyndon Johnson always wanted to be president. His plan for becoming president was to be elected to Congress and over time become the most powerful member of that body. Upon achieving that goal he would then be elected to the U.S. Senate and become the most powerful senator. Johnson was able to achieve that goal. The Senate would then be a stepping stone to the presidency. Johnson was considered the sure bet to be nominated for president in 1960. Inexplicably he allowed a young mediocre Senator named John F. Kennedy to steal a march on him. Kennedy was able to acquire the delegates required for the nomination that Johnson could have have if he had put forth a more aggressive effort. Kennedy would go on to win the 1960 nomination and the presidency in one of the closest and most fraudulent elections in America history. Kennedy, at the urging of his father Joseph Kennedy asked Johnson to be his Vice Presidential candidate in order to unite the Southern and Northern wings of the Democrat party. Johnson was in what he considered a hopeless quandary. All he ever dreamed of was becoming President of the United States and short of Kennedy's death in office he saw no pathway to fulfilling his goal. The Johnson men had a history of short lifespans. Johnson had already suffered a major heart attack in 1955. John Kennedy, if he had lived, would probably have been reelected in 1964 and would not leave office until January 1969. By then his brother Robert Kennedy would probably be next in line to run for president and if he was elected twice Johnson might not be able to run until 1976. Johnson died of a heart attack at the age of 64 in 1973. Johnson's presidential ambitions have led conspiracy theorists to speculate that Johnson was behind the assassination of John Kennedy. He definitely had a motive and there is some compelling circumstantial evidence to that effect. You can also include the CIA, Fidel Castro and the Mafia to the list of people that wanted Kennedy gone but we will probably never know the full truth behind the death of John F. Kennedy.
Upon becoming president Johnson did some good things from the start. He vowed to push forward Kennedy's legislative agenda before starting his own. Johnson was able to pass Kennedy's tax cut which spurred a long period of economic growth and Kennedy's Civil Rights Act of 1964 which was long overdue. Johnson used his experience in Congress and his influence there to get these laws passed. He was able to pass more legislation than any president in American history because of this experience. Many people believe that Kennedy would have never been able to pass a civil rights bill had he lived and I agree with that. Only someone as ruthless and experienced as Johnson was able to accomplish this. In my view Johnson did not pass this bill because he liked black people. He was a racist that routinely used the N word until the day that he died. Johnson sided with segregationists throughout his time in Congress because Texas was a state that practiced racial segregation. President Eisenhower, a Republican sponsored the 1957 Civil Rights Act. He wanted legislation that had real teeth. Johnson didn't want the 1957 bill to have teeth but he knew that the only way that a deep South Southerner could be elected president was if he had civil rights legislation on his resume. So Johnson worked hard to water down the bill but he wanted to pass something. The bill was passed with virtually everything stripped from it except voting rights. Eisenhower reluctantly signed the bill because he felt something was better than nothing. Speaker of the House Tom Rayburn, who was himself a segregationist, recalled that the House had "passed a civil rights bill that had practically all the bad features taken out of it and was simply limited to the right to vote". Bad features for him but good features for black people. When Johnson was trying to get the bill passed he asked Rayburn " Why don't you let this nigger bill pass?". Robert Parker, Johnson's black chauffeur said that " Whenever I was late, no matter the reason, Johnson called me a lazy, good for nothing nigger. He especially liked to call me nigger in front of Southerners and racists like Richard Russell. It was...LBJ's way of being one of the boys." These are just a few of the many racist things that Johnson said during his life. Johnson was a rude and crude person. As president he had meetings with his staff while sitting on the toilet emptying his bowels. Occasionally he would whip out his penis in front of others bragging about how well endowed he was. He even nicknamed his member "Jumbo". Johnson was a tall man and could be very intimidating. In order to get his way he would bully people or he could charm them. Whatever it took to accomplish his agenda and he was relentless eventually wearing people down on both sides of the political aisle.
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One of Johnson's many methods of intimidation |
After passing Kennedy's legislative goals Johnson began working on his own legacy. This is when things began to go wrong. Johnson was a protege of Franklin Roosevelt and greatly admired him. Although FDR's New Deal was an abject failure and lengthened the depression FDR came to be loved and admired by a large portion of the American people. It was during FDR's second run for the presidency in 1936 that blacks began moving in large numbers from the Republican party to the Democrat party because they felt that they benefitted from the New Deal. Roosevelt would reach mythical heights in the eyes of the American people for not only the New Deal but his handling of WW2 and his subsequent death while in office. I believe that Johnson wanted to be loved by the American people in the same way that Roosevelt had been loved. Even more so. This is why he initiated the "Great Society" or "War on Poverty" as it came to be called. The political left creates a crisis where none existed. Poverty had been dropping since the 1940's, even among blacks. Johnson's war on poverty was not needed. Americans were doing pretty good on their own without government help. Yet Johnson's aid to dependent children program damaged the nuclear family, especially black families. Women were paid to have children as long as a man wasn't present in the home. A woman no longer needed a man or husband in their life. The government replaced the father in the home. Before the war on poverty close to 90% of black homes had a father living at home. Today 7 out of 10 black homes do not have a father living at home. Crime has skyrocketed in the black community. It had been dropping in America until the war on poverty programs caused a spike that continues to this day. A fatherless home increases the chances for criminal activity by 80%. White families have also been affected negatively by the War on Poverty. Fatherless homes in the white community are as high as 30%. We are where black families were in 1966. There were more black fathers living under the same roof with their children during slavery than there are today.
The various entitlement programs created during that period have created a more dependent society. Besides the War On Poverty Johnson escalated the war in Vietnam but Kennedy was against an escalation. He felt that the war should be fought by the South Vietnamese and not by American troops. It was their war to win or lose. We would support them with war material but it would be their war. Kennedy had grown our conventional forces to the point that when he died Johnson had a ready made army at his disposal. He didn't even need to call up the National Guard and Reserves. Because of this Johnson gradually escalated the war while waging the war on poverty. Over time as the war intensified the anti-war movement intensified. It was driven by the cultural Marxist professors in our colleges. The Vietnam war and the chaotic way that Johnson handled the war was the catalyst for the counterculture movement and the Hippie movement. Our drug culture and the sexual revolution was a dark outgrowth of the counterculture movement. Many of these same Marxists cut their hair, took a bath and put on suits and dresses. They then infiltrated our colleges, taught their Marxism to our children, were elected to government offices and became journalists. These people have helped to undermine our American Constitutional Republic and our common sense traditions. Like the race baiting Democrats of Andrew Johnson's generation these modern Democrats are also race baiters. They use not only race but gender to divide us. As well as the homosexual movement and now the transgender movement. Lyndon Johnson's presidency, like Andrew Johnson's administration has negatively affected America for the last 160 years. Actually the Democrats have negatively affected America since Andrew Jackson. If America has any chance at survival the Democrat party must somehow be permanently vanquished. They are like a cancer that must be removed for our country to heal. For that reason the Kennedy assassination in my view was the worst disaster to befall America since the Lincoln assassination. It impacted us even worse than September 11th because it was the catalyst for creating a vile and insidiousness evil. An evil so demonic that we have almost reached a point of no return. Trump has created a counter revolutionary movement that can hopefully secure the future for generations of Americans.
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