Okay, let me get this straight. The Democrats come out with these 11th hour supposed blockbuster accusations in an Atlantic magazine article by Jeffrey Goldberg that Trump was disrespectful to the military two years ago and has made disparaging remarks over the years. Okay, so? What am I supposed to do? Vote for the communist party or stay home and not vote at all. Neither of these choices are viable options if I want to save my country, or at least buy our country a little time. 
 First, I don't believe these accusations but I will play your silly game. For the sake of argument lets pretend that every accusation in this article is the gospel truth. You want me to be so shocked and enraged that I will turn my country over to a party that is for the most part responsible for losing the war in Vietnam. We didn't lose that war on the battlefield but in the streets of America. The communist anti-war movement was led by the Democrat party. You want me to support a party that spit on those brave men returning from Vietnam. You know the same party that called them baby killers and they were accused of atrocities that Democrat John Kerry compared to those of Genghis Khan in his congressional testimony. Or I am supposed to support a party which defunded our military support of Vietnam in 1974 which led to the collapse of South Vietnam in 1975. I bet that made the loved ones of those 58,000 brave men and women who died in Vietnam feel good about their loved ones sacrifice.

The Democrats have a long history of defunding things that really matter. Not just the police. Thats a brilliant idea, isn't it?. They defunded the military during the 1970's. The military was having to recruit drug addicts, criminals and people with low IQ's because the Democrats had done so much to destroy morale of the military during that time. Our military was in a mess by the time Ronald Reagan was elected and he had to work overtime building it back up. Clinton came along and cut 8 combat divisions and was downgrading the military to the point that Bush had to build it back up after September 11th. Obama cut the military to the point that we were having to scrounge around for used parts just to keep our fighters and other military hardware functioning. Now Trump is having to build it back up. Isn't it amazing how easy it is to weaken our military and how hard it is to restore it?

 Then there was the Black Hawk Down fiasco in Somalia where our troops were begging the Clinton administration for armor repeatedly and it was repeatedly denied. Or that beautiful Benghazi operation where Hillary Clinton and Obama abandoned our men to their fate because they didn't want you knowing that Al qaeda was still capable of doing us much harm and made up that brilliant cover story that the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim film. They spread that lie for weeks and even looked the mourning relatives straight in the eyes and lied to them. Yup, the Democrats love the military. 

 Finally I am supposed to vote for a prop that will be the means of totally transforming the country I love into a communist state. As a 21 year veteran of the Air Force and Army I don't think so. NOT ON MY WATCH!!!


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