To begin with I was disappointed with President Trump's first debate performance the other night. I believe that he missed some golden opportunities to destroy Biden on some key issues as well as refute Chris Wallace on some of his biased questions. Anyone with half a brain knows that Biden is mentally and physically unfit to be president. This charade is about electing Kamala Harris and the fundamental transformation of this country. All of this aside I believe Trump's strategy was to go on a relentless attack that would cause Biden to stumble mentally and make some really stupid or incoherent statements. That would be the explanation for Trump's continual interruptions and talking over Biden. Trump's strategy didn't work because Biden was able to hold things together. Just that fact alone is a victory for Biden. Trump came across as a bully which could alienate many women and independent voters. There were several times when Biden squenched his eyes and I thought he was about to lose it but he was able to recoup and get back on track.

 From a knowledge level I don't think Trump was prepared. On the question about Obamacare he should have stressed the fact that Biden and the Democrat congress, which they controlled in 2009, forced Obamacare down our throats. Polls showed at the time that two thirds of the American people opposed Obamacare but the Democrats passed it over our objections.Not one Republican voted for it. Polls have consistently shown that the majority of Americans have never liked Obamacare, even to this day. The Democrats lost the House mainly over the twin issues of Obamacare and illegal immigration in 2010 and they lost the Senate in 2014 over the same issues. All that Obamacare has done is force a tremendous rise in health care costs for most American's and raised the costs of health insurance because we are paying for a minority of people who cannot afford health insurance due to pre-existing health issues. Rather than deal with that minority separately Obamacare hurt the majority of Americans by making them shoulder the costs of the few. On top of that many people just didn't want insurance or they couldn't afford it. Yet they were slapped with a fine which the Supreme Court illegally defined as a tax. American's have been forced to either pay for a product that they don't want or be fined for it. Rather than repeal Obamacare, which the Republican congress was elected to do, they took the cowards way out and merely abolished the individual mandate. In other words the monster is still alive and can be resurrected by any future Democrat congress. Or they can do away with private insurance altogether, which is what they have always wanted to do, and give us a single payer government run system that would be a disaster.

Trump missed another opportunity when he was asked why he stopped Critical Race Theory from being taught in Federal agencies. He adamantly defended his position by saying that it was a terrible thing but I don't think that he adequately explained why. Critical Race Theory is a terrible doctrine and extremely radical idea that has been around for about 40 years. It has been pushed by the Federal bureaucracy since around 2004. It is a Communist idea that is promoted regardless of what political party holds the office of the president. Critical Race Theory is promoted by Deep State unelected bureaucrats using money provided by the American taxpayer. The following is from an article in New Discourses and lists the 8 basic principles behind Critical Race Theory. This theory is being heavily promoted in our schools and corporations right now by the Communist organization Black Lives Matter. In essence it is calling for the total destruction of our government and the American way of life and starting all over from the ground up. This ideology is like a parasite or a cancer that must be removed from American society if we expect to survive.

1. Critical Race Theory believes racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship, and every interaction and therefore has its advocates look for it everywhere

2. It relies upon “interest convergence” (white people only give black people opportunities and freedoms when it is also in their own interests) and therefore doesn’t trust any attempt to make racism better

3. It is against free societies and wants to dismantle them and replace them with something its advocates control

4. It only treats race issues as “socially constructed groups,” so there are no individuals in Critical Race Theory

5. It believes science, reason, and evidence are a “white” way of knowing and that storytelling and lived experience is a “black” alternative, which hurts everyone, especially black people

6. It rejects all potential alternatives, like colorblindness, as forms of racism, making itself the only allowable game in town (which is totalitarian)

7. It acts like anyone who disagrees with it must do so for racist and white supremacist reasons, even if those people are black (which is also totalitarian)

8. It cannot be satisfied, so it becomes a kind of activist black hole that threatens to destroy everything it is introduced into.

Trump did okay defending his actions on Covid but I wished he had stressed the fact that it was the actions of state governors like Cuomo who placed Covid patients in nursing homes instead of using separate facilities like the hospital ship he provided or the tent cities. These actions produced at least a third of the Covid deaths, which cannot be blamed on Trump. When Trump was accused of not listening to the experts he should have reminded Biden and Wallace of the fact that he shut the economy down based on medical advice that stated we should only lock down the country for two weeks in order to flatten the curve. Trump followed that advice but has rightfully been trying to restart the economy since that time. He should have pointed out that the experts have been constantly moving the goal posts. Instead of flattening the curve blue state governors are using the virus to flatten Donald Trump. Trump should continue pressing the point that if we don't get our economy going again we are risking an economic collapse which will cause a death rate that will put the number of Covid deaths in the shade. By that time we will long for a return to the good ole Covid days.

I wanted to laugh when Wallace talked about the great economic growth of Obama's last three years in office. GDP never rose above 2% the entire time Obama was in office. It was the most anemic recovery after a recession in American history. Even if that was the case, it shouldn't take you five years to recover from a recession when the average is 2 to 3 years. Almost immediately after Trump was elected the economy took off like a rocket just in anticipation of a change in presidential economic policy. Economies prosper when the economic policies provide for certainty. Obama was the father of uncertainty because of his regulatory practices and relentless attacks on our energy production. I also wanted to laugh when Biden said that Obama inherited the worst recession since the great depression. This is blatantly not true. Ronald Reagan inherited the worst recession since the great depression and he had us out of it in two years after taking office by employing the same strategy that Trump employed to get us out of the Obama economic doldrums. 

Biden was dead wrong when he blamed the present racial division in our country on Trump. I lay that squarely at the feet of Obama. BLM and Antifa began on his watch contrary to what the fact checkers say. Antifa might have been around longer but their impact wasn't felt to any large degree until Obama came along. Polls have shown that American's thought we were on the right track regarding race before Obama took office. After Obama left office polls reflected that most American's no longer felt that way. Obama was responsible for the Ferguson effect. This is where police stand down rather than vigorously enforcing the law. The Ferguson effect impacts the Black community much more than any other community. Polls are showing that they want more aggressive policing and not less. It is Blacks who are being terrorized and killed by thugs in their neighborhoods. 

 Trump defended himself regarding how he has helped Blacks through higher employment numbers, shorter prison sentences, opportunity zones and help for inner cities. He also talked about how the police unions support him. Yet he needed to drive home the point that America is not a systemically racist country and the facts do not back it up. The Ferguson effect and the modern cause of racial justice is based on a lie perpetrated by the Democrat party and BLM. A Black person has a greater chance of being struck by lightning than to be killed by a White cop. Wallace knows that Trump specifically stated almost fifty times since Charlottesville that he has denounced the White supremacists there. He was not talking about them but the good people on both sides of the statue issue. Wallace tried to link Trump with Charlottesville and he knows that is a lie. He asked Trump to denounce White supremacy back in a 2016 debate and Trump adamantly denounced them then. Just a few days ago Trump officially listed the KKK as a terrorist group. 

 White supremacists are not causing riots and burning down our cities. Wallace should have made Biden denounce Antifa and BLM. Biden should have been challenged when he made the idiotic statement that Antifa is an idea and not a group. I would like someone to ask him why he once supported segregation and segregationists in Congress. When Biden brought up the Proud Boys I had no clue what he was talking about. I have researched it and found out that the Proud Boys were created as a joke by a satirist named Gavin McGinnis. The leader of the proud boys is a Cuban. They push the idea that western culture is superior to all cultures. I believe that and I am the farthest thing from a White supremacist. Saying White supremacists are part of the problem today is like saying that the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor. The charge has no basis in reality. 

I was in a funk after Trump's performance on Tuesday but I know from studying history that Trump is not the first president running for reelection that had a bad first debate and came back strong in the 2nd and third debates to win. If you remember Trump was weak in his first debate against Hillary but came back strong in the last two. Reagan messed up bad in his first debate in 1984. He sounded a lot like joe Biden usually sounds most of the time. Lost and confused. Reagan came back and destroyed Mondale in the last two debates, winning by a landslide in November. George W. Bush and Obama also had weak performances in their first debates but both won reelection by sizeable numbers. I am putting my money on Trump to do the same.


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