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Walking Courtney down the aisle |
Democrat Luis Mata is running against Republican Mike Sparks for a seat in the Tennessee House of Representatives. Mata seems to be a one issue candidate. He runs the same add over and over pushing for the so-called reproductive rights of women. Which is a politically correct way to avoid saying the word abortion. Mata is pro abortion. Who benefits from so-called reproductive freedom? The unborn baby that is being ripped apart in the womb? The only thing that is being reproduced is death. I see no difference in people like Mata using terms like reproductive freedom than Hitler calling the Holocaust the Final Solution of the Jewish Question. He couldn’t call it what it really was. The extermination of the Jewish race. Nor can the sociopaths pushing the abortion fetish call the mass murder of the unborn by it’s proper name. Hitler murdered ten million people. The majority were Jews but he also murdered the mentally challenged, physically handicapped, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Russian prisoners of war. Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 nearly 70 million unborn babies have been murdered. It is my understanding that since Roe vs. Wade was overturned there has been a spike in abortions.
The Democrats have to be a one issue party because they can’t run on anything else. They can’t run on the border, the economy, inflation, the Second Amendment, transgenderism or foreign policy. They sell the right of a mother to murder their baby as a noble right that must be protected at all costs. Even up to the point of birth and beyond. When a Democrat tells you that they want to close the border, fix the economy, they are pro gun, they want to protect women’s sports, they don’t want to sexually mutilate children, or groom them sexually, that they oppose China, Iran, and support Israel just know that they are lying because they think we are stupid. Unfortunately too many of us are. People who are vegans tell us that they don’t eat anything that has a face. It is a safe bet that many if not most vegans are pro abortion. In my view humans are superior to animals. The Word of God confirms this. Genesis 1:26-28
King James Version
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Human life is precious and the aborted also have a face.
I would like to share some personal stories in my family’s life that illustrate what the abortion issue is all about. It is about the lives of real people. Joseph Stalin said “A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” This is what abortion has become to many of us, a statistic. The political left, in it's vanity thinks it has the right to decide who lives or dies. It thinks that it can decide, because of the complexity and quality, or lack of quality, in a person's perceived environment what is best for that person. Only God is truly qualified to make that judgement. I have seen people born into less than desirable circumstances become hardened criminals and I have seen them become some of our greatest citizens. Dr. Ben Carson can be listed as a deprived person growing up in a less than desirable environment but he has become one of the top neuro-surgeons in the country. Adolph Hitler was born into a middle class family and became a monster.
When my daughter was 14 years old we found out that she was pregnant. After I recovered from the shock I felt obligated to remind my daughter that what she did was wrong. After stating the obvious I told her that I would never say another word about her mistake again and I never did. From that moment on I wanted our focus to be on her health and the healthy birth of our new grandchild. In our family abortion is not an option. We had a baby to raise. My daughter is a good person and I believe that a trauma that she suffered when she was 7 years old contributed to her becoming pregnant at such a young age. She had a boyfriend but we didn’t allow her to date. He was only allowed to come to our house when myself or my wife was at home. Apparently my daughter got pregnant when her school was on Christmas break and my wife and I were both at work. I told my daughter that she was going to finish school because she was only in the 9th grade. If she and her boyfriend were still together after she graduated I would give my blessing if they wanted to get married but she could not marry him until after graduation. In the meantime she was still our child and would live by our rules. My wife and I realized that her boyfriend wasn’t any good but we wanted her to find that out for herself. After the baby was born she finally realized what we already knew and broke up with him.
Our pediatrician was a man that I had much respect for. In my opinion he had saved my son Jon’s life by recommending a doctor that was able to treat a bladder condition connected to his brain function that was so rare that it was virtually unheard of. I called him on the phone and told him that I thought my daughter was pregnant. The first words out of his mouth was to bring her into the office and they would give her a pregnancy test. If is was positive he would arrange for her to have an abortion at Planned Parenthood. This was before the over the counter pregnancy tests were available. I was struck by the coldness and callousness of his words. Without hesitation I told him that there were no abortions in this family. His voice sounded angry as he told me to bring her in anyway and we would talk about it in his office. The next day the three of us drove to his office on Harding Place. I waited in the car while my wife and daughter went in to see the doctor. They told him what I had told him the previous day. There are no abortions in the Segroves family. He tried to strong arm them but it didn’t work. I was very proud of them both for standing up to him. Because of his attitude I decided to change our pediatrician on my insurance. It took a while before the change went into effect. I was forced to take my daughter in to his office for her first follow-up visit. He was so angry with me that he barely spoke. I learned later that his wife held a high position at Planned Parenthood in Nashville.
When my granddaughter was born I sent him her picture and I wrote on the back, "This is what you wanted to destroy". I also wrote the verse from Jeremiah 1-5 which says "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." There are many other verses in the Bible that highlight the sanctity of life and of the unborn. When Elizabeth met Mary who was carrying John the Baptist the scriptures say that he leapt in the womb. (Luke 1:41 - And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost. Psalm 139:13-16 Verse 13 - For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 - I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16-Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Exodus 1:15-16 Then the king of Egypt told the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16 “When you help the Hebrew women in childbirth, look at the child when you deliver it. If it’s a boy, kill it, but if it’s a girl, let it live.” Satan tried to find Moses and kill him. This is why Pharoah ordered the murder of male children two years old and under. Then Herod did the same thing in the hopes of killing Jesus. Matthew 2:16-17-18 When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. 17 Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:
18 “A voice is heard in Ramah,
weeping and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children
and refusing to be comforted,
because they are no more.”
Satan is the father of death. John 10:10 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
My granddaughter Courtney was born on September 4, 1987. Because of my daughters young age we raised her to adulthood. My daughter was not ready to be a fully committed mother because she was still a child herself. She loved Courtney and Courtney loved her but they were more like siblings during that time than mother and daughter. It took my daughter a while to get her life straightened out. She married a man that had an alcohol and drug addiction. He was abusive to her but they had three children together before she was strong enough to leave him. Then she entered a second marriage that was childless but also abusive. My daughter is now in a strong marriage but during the years she was going through these problems we couldn’t allow Courtney to be a part of that. We had legal custody of her. Courtney needed a stable family environment and my wife and I tried to provide that for her. I tried to be a father to her rather than a grandfather and she still calls me daddy. She calls my wife granny which has led to some humorous situations. We tried to keep an open door attitude in the event that her biological father wanted to step up to the plate and be a father to her. Sadly he never included Courtney in his life to his detriment in my view. She will be 37 years old on her next birthday and is the mother of two beautiful children, Bailee and Maddux. I had the honor of walking her down the aisle when she was married in 2012.
Bailee and Maddox
Most women I have talked to who have had abortions cannot talk about it without weeping. Feminists try to make the subject of abortion into a male vs. female issue. It is funny that they were okay with males on the Supreme Court in 1973 having an opinion on abortion as long as it went their way. Roe vs. Wade took the issue of abortion from the states where the issue belonged constitutionally to being a Federal issue which is unconstitutional. The recent Dobb’s vs. Jackson ruling in 2022 simply brought the issue of abortion back to the states which is constitutional. The decision did not ban abortions. There are limitations on abortions in some states like Tennessee for example but polls have shown the majority of American’s are for some limitations on abortion. Most American’s are against abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Under Roe vs. Wade that was possible. Many slave or blue states as some call them allow unlimited abortion on demand. Because I am male I have no right to voice an opinion in the feminist view. If abortion was the same as removing a mole I could agree with them. Modern technology such as the ultrasound has proven beyond doubt that a baby is a completely separate person and is a living breathing human being very early in a pregnancy. A baby can even have a totally different blood type than the mother. The taking of life is an issue that should be of concern to everyone.
On February 3, 1996 my grandson Zachary Segroves was born. He was about two months premature and very fortunate to have been born at all. Early in my daughter-in-laws pregnancy an ultrasound revealed that my grandson had a large cyst pressing on his lung. The cyst was endangering the development of his lungs. I am told that on at least four occasions doctors wanted to abort Zach. My son and daughter-in-law, being Christian, and believing in the sanctity of life, refused to give up on him. When Zach's little body had developed sufficiently doctors operated on him while he was still in the womb, removing a portion of one lung. This was a revolutionary surgery performed at Vanderbilt University hospital. My daughter-in-law spent her last few weeks before his birth in the hospital so his and her vital signs could be monitored. Zach weighed just over three pounds when he was born and spent several weeks in neonatal intensive care before he could go home. Today Zachary is a healthy and handsome young man in his late 20’s. He is about six foot three inches tall and a very talented drummer.
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Zachary Segroves |
My grandson Russell Qualls was born with a hole in his spine on October 27, 2010. His condition is called Spinabifida. It was discovered when my daughter had her first ultrasound early in her pregnancy. Her doctor encouraged her to have an abortion but again she and her husband were believers and refused to end the pregnancy. She was on a thyroid medicine before she became pregnant and she asked her doctor if she should stop taking the medicine. He told her that she should be okay. As it turned out one of the side effects of this drug was that it could cause Spinabifida in an unborn baby. Russell was taken to surgery immediately after he was born. He was a miracle baby from the start. Ninety percent of children born with this condition need to have a shunt implanted in their head in order to drain off fluid from the brain. Russell did not require one.
When most children are at walking age Russell was still crawling because his legs could not support the weight of his body. He could not feel his feet and lower legs. Over time he was fitted with braces that enabled him to walk but he was constantly falling. Over the years he has had months of therapy but his condition never held him back. He loved any kind of sport. Baseball, football, hockey, basketball, you name it. My daughter signed him up in the Smyrna Little League when he was three. All of his coaches and assistants loved Russell and worked hard to help him develop. When Russell started playing he would have to bat while in his walker. It was coach pitch and he could not hit the ball until the coach put the ball on a tee. When he hit the ball he would run the entire length of the bases with a big grin on his face. It was very difficult for him because sweat would be pouring off of his head and face. I never watched him during this time without fighting back tears. During the 2015 season his coach taught him to hit without the walker. He would stand on his own and usually on the first pitch he would knock the stuffing out of the ball. Every time he swung the bat he would fall on his butt but would get right back up. When he ran the bases his coach would hold his hand but he managed to do it even though he fell many times but the smile never left his face. Because of his big heart and winning attitude he was chosen as the Academy Sports Smyrna Athlete of the year for 2015. I am confident that Russell will walk without problems one of these days. He will always need braces but he will walk.
I am convinced that if more people could see the human side of the abortion issue abortions would be greatly diminished in this country. Before you can justify killing someone you must dehumanize them first. The Nazi's dehumanized the Jews by comparing them sub humans, vermin and rodents. It is easier to kill a baby that is called a fetus than to kill it if it is thought of as a baby. I worry about the future of Conservatives in this country if Harris wins. Conservatives of all races, genders, and and sexual orientation. We are being dehumanized with labels like “deplorables” “Fascists” “weirdos” and MAGA supporters, as if we have a disease. These are just a few of the names that I have heard. The Democrat’s party’s obsession with death, race and who people sleep with is morbid and creepy. It has always been the party of death when you combine abortion with their being the party of slavery, the party of Indian removal called the Trail Of Tears, the party that started the American Civil War resulting in the deaths of over 750,000 American’s. It was the party of segregation, lynching, the Ku Klux Klan, Margaret Sanger, eugenics, sterilization of blacks and the mentally challenged. It was the party that interned American’s of Japanese descent during World War Two. The majority of Democrats opposed the 13th Amendment ending slavery, the 14th Amendment granting civil rights to black people and the 15th Amendment that gave black people the right to vote. The majority of Democrats opposed the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 which was designed to destroy the Klan and it’s terrorist activities aimed at black and white Republican’s during Reconstruction. They opposed the 1957 Civil Rights Act, the 1960 Civil Rights Act, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
The Democrats tells the lie that there was a big switch in the 1960’s. The Republican’s became the racists and the Democrats became the good guys. This is like saying that the police became the criminals and the criminals became the police overnight. The South, for the most part remained Democrat as late as 1994. As the South became less racist it became more Republican. Only one Democrat segregationist senator crossed over to the Republican party and one segregationist Congressman after the passage of the civil rights acts. All the rest of the segregationists remained in the Democrat Party. William Fullbright, Lester Maddox, George Wallace, Robert Byrd, who was a Klansman very well respected by Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. All the Democrat party did was change tactics in order to keep power. They once were obsessed with white people but now it is any person of color in their words, the radical homosexual lobby, transsexuals, and radical feminists. The Democrat party is a cancer in this country and always have been. Their goal is to destroy this country and they are the enemy within that must be removed from power once and for all. Even if Trump wins we will have to fight them not only in four years but every step of the way during a Trump presidency. I will leave you with this thought. If doctors had their way five of my grandchildren would not be with us today. They enrich our lives and everyone that they come in contact with.
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Russell |
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Russell with the Mayor of Smyrna after winning the Academy Sports Athlete of the Year Award in Smyrna Tennessee |
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Russell and Maddox |
Greg, I never knew all the difficulties that your children had to face .I knew Courtney was Misty's daughter, but nothing other than that. I didn't know she was so young when she got pregnant and that she had multiple abusive relationships. It touches my heart that she suffered through that. She's such an strong and amazing woman now! I've always held Courtney in high esteem as well. I love your whole family and am blessed to have you all In my life. Thank you for the information. I pray for Debbie often. I hope she is well these days.
ReplyDeleteThat was a great post and I appreciate you sharing all that about your family.
You are spot on about abortion and the Democratic Party. I miss our conversations and appreciate your blog post.
Take care friend.