Democrat political conventions do not appeal to me  because I am not a masochist. I would use the worn cliche that I would rather watch paint dry but watching drying paint might be boring but at least I can believe what my eyes are seeing. And paint doesn't cause my blood pressure to spike. This morning I heard that Bill Clinton criticized President Trump last night in a speech for an 11% unemployment rate largely caused by the Democrat mayors, and governors in the blue cities and states. If not for them America would be in a dynamic recovery right now. I didn't hear Clinton's speech but I would bet a hamburger that he probably touted his own economic record during his two terms in the 1990's. Instead of telling you a story about a man named Jed I want to tell you a story about a man named Bill.

 In 1992 I planned to vote for Bush 41's re-election but the only thing that I knew about Bill Clinton is that he was the governor of Arkansas and he had given a very long and boring speech at the 1988 Democrat convention. I didn't hear the speech but I am simply repeating what fellow Democrats were saying about that speech at the time. Being a person that likes to have my ducks in a row when I criticize or praise someone I began to read everything pro and con that I could get my hands about Bill Clinton. I have extensively studied both Bill and his nightmare of a wife Hillary for the last 28 years and my findings have been pretty eye opening. Their brazenness never fails to amaze me. 

 George H. W. Bush sailed into office on the coattails of Ronald Reagan in 1988. That was because Reagan left office with a 65% approval rating that is unprecedented for a president after 8 years in office and had endured scrutiny from a major political scandal. People like myself voted for Bush in order to continue the progress and conservatism of the Reagan years. Like the Tim McGraw song says we liked it, we loved it and we wanted more of it. I never trusted Bush because he was an establishment Republican. He wasn't cut from the same cloth as Reagan but he was our only alternative. Kind of like if Trump serves 8 years and in 2024 we have to choose between Pence and someone like AOC. I mean what other choice will you have? In my view if the country voted for the left wing Dukakis he would return us to the economic and spiritual doldrums of the Carter era. 

 Bush came out of the box sounding like a true Reagan Conservative with "Read my lips, no new taxes". He said it over and over with such gusto and emphasis that you almost wanted to believe he meant what he said. My gut, however: told me we might be in trouble when he began saying that he wanted a kinder and gentler conservatism. In my view nothing can be kinder and gentler than upholding the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Reagan's conservatism was doing just that. To me Bush was buying into the leftist lie that Conservatives were mean and we should be more compassionate like the left. His boy Bush 43 would expand on this lie by pushing compassionate conservatism.

 Because of our military's incredible defeat of Iraq in the First Gulf War Bush's popularity rating peaked as high as 90% at that time. Then Bush began to self destruct. The Democrats wanted a tax increase. They came to him with the promise that if he would raise taxes they would cut spending. Cool story bro, a typical Democrat lie. Bush fell for it and reneged on his promise of "Read my lips, no new taxes". Like most establishment politicians Bush was thinking that because he was so high in the polls the electorate would overlook the fact that he broke a campaign promise. After all politicians do it all the time, right? Well, we didn't forget. In addition Bush was hit by a white collar recession in 1991 which did not affect the blue collar sector of the economy but of course the Democrat press made it sound like it was the worse thing since the great depression. Bill Clinton capitalized on this slight economic downturn by focusing on the economy in his 1992 presidential campaign. He posted "It's the economy stupid" signs in all of his campaign offices in order to drive home the point. By the time of the election we were already out of the recession and Clinton knew this but his focus on the economy was working as a campaign issue. Then Bush drove the final nail in his coffin by constantly looking at his watch during the debates. It didn't help that third party candidate Ross Perot diverted many much needed votes from Bush. Clinton only won the election with 42% of the vote.

 Bill Clinton also reneged on his own campaign promise right out of the gate. He had promised a middle class tax cut during his campaign but almost as soon as he took office he claimed that a tax cut would be too expensive. This is stupid because all tax cuts increase government revenue. This was proven by Kennedy, Reagan, Bush 43, and Donald Trump. Clinton wasn't held accountable for this broken campaign promise since the media blew it off. Clinton was also very likeable to the low information voter. I despised him and his wife because by the time they were elected I had discovered that they were probably the two most corrupt politicians that had ever been elected to the presidency. I say they because the Clinton's were a political tag team. You didn't get one without the other. 

 During the Clinton years I would challenge the Clintonista's, or Clinton supporters, to name one real accomplishment of Bill Clinton's. Invariably without fail, they would always point to the booming economy and surplus that we achieved under Clinton. It didn't matter if he and his wife stole the country blind or molested a five year old in public as long as the economy was roaring along he was the teflon man. This viewpoint drove me crazy. The only things that he did, that I agreed with was reestablishing relations with Vietnam and the fact that he signed NAFTA. At the time I agreed with NAFTA, since I am a believer in free trade. Since that time I have come to believe that NAFTA was a terrible mistake. As far as the economy goes Clinton was very lucky. He went into office when the economy was in an upsurge and he left office when the economy was going into recession. The economy that Clinton enjoyed was the result of Reagan's economic programs of the 1980's and his successful foreign policy. Reagan's economic policies were responsible for the longest economic boom in American history. The boom began in the early 1980's and ended in 2008 as a result of the housing collapse. 

 This is how it happened. Reagan's plan was to cut the marginal tax rate, cut spending, and the deregulation of business and industry. He was successful in 2 out of three areas. Reagan cut the marginal tax rate and deregulated business but he was never able to cut the deficit. This was for mainly two reasons. Modern day Democrat presidents so drastically cut and neglect our military in lieu of social programs that when a Republican gets into office they are forced to spend billions trying to rebuild it. This automatically adds to the deficit. Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump have had to do that after following Carter, Clinton and Obama. Kennedy was the last Democrat president that was good for the military. When he died Johnson inherited a military second to none. Bush 43 spurred the economy with his tax cuts but he had to build up the military in order to fight the Islamist terrorists. 

 Even though Reagan increased government revenue the Democrat Congress outspent what we were bringing in on social programs. Reagan was able to slow the growth of many of these programs but it was not enough to cut the deficit. He had a Republican senate at the very start of his first term but for most of his 8 years the Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate. 

 As we have seen Bill Clinton came into office when the economy was roaring. Early on Clinton met with Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and an agreement was reached where Greenspan agreed not to raise interest rates if Clinton would cut spending. Clinton was able to cut spending courtesy of Ronald Reagan. Reagan won the Cold War by forcing the Soviets to decide between feeding their people or building their military. They couldn't do both. The Soviets ran out of time because the people rose up in revolt and Communism in Russia and the eastern bloc nations was overthrown early in Bush 41's presidency. Even if Bush had won re-election he would have had to make some pretty drastic military cuts because we could no longer justify a Cold War era military with the Soviet Union out of business. Clinton on the other hand decimated our military. He cut us from the 16 combat divisions used to defeat Saddam Hussein down to 8. This is how Clinton got the promised spending cuts he promised Greenspan. It was done on the backs of the military.

 Clinton had campaigned as moderate but after the election he went hard left. There is nothing moderate about the Clinton's although Bill will sacrifice principle every time if it is done to hold and maintain political power. He allowed Hillary to design an early form of Obamacare that came to be called Hillarycare. As with Obamacare later the American people were overwhelmingly opposed to her plan. Hillary arrogantly went full steam ahead with it anyway because she is a nonstop train wreck. By the congressional midterm elections of 1994 the Republican's won an overwhelming victory taking control of both the House and the Senate. The Republican's won for two reasons. Clinton was way down in the polls because of his moving to the left politically. Also the leadership of Newt Gingrich and his Contract With America which proved to be very popular with the American electorate. 

 The 1994 Republican Congress began to cut social spending which lowered the deficit even more. They came up with a Welfare Reform Act that would eventually transform our welfare system saving billions. Another of Clinton's failed campaign promises was that he would cut welfare spending but he never go around to it. The Republicans forced his hand because Clinton was trying to bring his poll numbers up in order to win reelection in 1996. Clinton signed the Republican Welfare Reform Act getting much of the credit combined with benefiting from the good economy. The massive cuts in defense spending combined with the Republican cuts in social spending even created a surplus. 

 The Clinton's were embroiled in massive corruption the entire 8 years they were in office which includes Bill Clinton's many sexual assaults on women and his sordid affairs. The sexual shenanigans were the least of Bill Clinton's problems. It was maddening that all of this was ignored primarily because the economy was good. These were real scandals unlike the bogus charges leveled at Trump over the last 4 years but in my view it was the good economy and the fact that the Republican's ran boring Bob Dole for president against Clinton in 1996 that allowed him to be re-elected. When you objectively analyze the Clinton years he accomplished very little as president. The Clinton's took a lot more from us than they ever gave back to the American people because it has always been about them and their quest for power. Because of their years in the White House and Hillary's influence peddling during her failed attempt to become president the Clinton's are filthy rich and they are like the movie monsters that refuse to die.


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